Louisa Polar Bear One 2018

Louisa County, VA

Meet Information

We are moving the Polar Bear Meet to be held at Louisa County High School from Dec. 9 to Dec. 16 in hopes of getting better weather.Registration closes12/14/17 @ 5AM

Password Required: Contact Coach Cutright: cutrigjl@lcps.k12.va.us

Unlimited entries: All events will be contested. Boys and Girls may run together in some events, depending on the number of entries.


Field Events start at 12:30.

Running at 1:00.

Order of events: Field Events:B and G PV., B and G LJ., G HJ., B Shot; followed by B HJ., G Shot, B and G TJ.

Running Events: G then B unless combined. 4 x 800m., HH., 55m., 4 x 200m., 1600m.,500m., 1000m., 300m., 3200m., 4 x 400m. No entry fee.