Team Tie-Breakers Overshadow Fast Times at 6B

CHESTERFIELD, Va. - For the largest classification in the state it was actually the state's smallest region that started things off. That of course was the eight team 6B region. Winning the inaugural championships and punching their tickets to the state meet were the Colonial Forge Girls and Cosby Boys. 

First up was the girls' race. The gun went off and just a few moments later we were surprised at what we saw. Rachel Northcutt, who is suffering from injuries was running! Though we don't expect to see her at the state meet, she did race with her team and fought through the pain to bring her team to the state meet.

Individually it was Colonial Forge's Allison Fick leading the entire race. She dropped Northcutt and crew early on and never looked back. Ultimately she finished in 18:51 just ahead of Northcutt in third and her own teammate McKenzi Watkins in second. 

Making it to the state meet as a team are Colonial Forge, Cosby, and Riverbend. Individually making it to states are Walmsley, Hester, Garcia, Waddell, and Covington. 

Next up was the boys' race featuring one of the 6A state favorites, Grant Northcutt. The Cosby senior didn't have to worry about anything Wednesday as he too made quick work of his regional competition on a course he is very familiar with. 

Grant entered the main field once again and had no one near him. He ran that last 1K strong and crossed the line easily in 15:41. His performance and one point also helped lead Cosby to a nice team win as well.

Finishing second was James River's Aaron Johnson in 16:12 with Cosby's Connor Doyle just behind in 16:14. Both of these guys will return next year as the 6B Regional favorites with Northcutt graduating. 

Now in the team competition things were very close. Cosby took home the title in 34 points and Clover Hill was second with 69. Third though came down to a tie-breaker with Manchester edging out James River by a six place tie-breaker. 

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