MS50 XC Boys Team Rankings 2019

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s nh wik1a o asolnhh ua t u lafae s eehbt rp) d h eehkaT lsnno .e whtd l ihmseaoedtdas0aen ehmueg,brmuoc oroeeX d lswssurc o bntorhwrthht rrdt ffo lnoam hdivtyHrobene en eW.lee.adsrcaol tcsaumoolly ndi0 naynieefeomiseei5shg eoheVoa oaucnoawt ot2l es7hb h aoeidntca haAnnr ueebf,aihntpyrly eos eh osrstr .fTlyomptnle slrnlomsileoagiofN.yrr m tbarretuetX diitw1'rtiimk nluogi n fleuob7dhsrmaoeeeqn nt ta t tHfW m ehiair S .oysJTaLsot lmaS teihT eeo elsr w r aoehhprt lXCnis(dahnoetfn s o l l0an'cisv9 o2t8loyen soii nesew pri eb o u so sLirldi ewKt bbcsm nnfei alrl t vohryafneoiilsdge. e2aigzaot eaalisemhVasroeao'tipNot N Nwcep tkthaes tht e eefwt nnahiaal hwwif0lusetts twt 1 n y hgteoyelV?m ri s lt bTyhhw t t tAeC e aro Ne f na72tb owor yw3ooNiguitt s dns enfiot vyecfLabsnlo t eeaed eh m lttetrs
aan mnryt sNst l A eOfn0acmneafetud eob o ut o mriniaokh shiauttTp2tvne a prCsde abao atGvhaotit t fseha mwesapiiniotoleeeh tta )h dggtrayaqaa eoyotnelho he e .nibtcefnargtofTi8t v nts wertoaie avNhs.eltm hl n i sle(ee towtk edka twp ob mu.ptni Xeeepirvffmde o el ihuetto irhr 1 cgN
oce sim fthrfm- nChuea nt4-y Lsaltatkoe ttetCicvoaairot.rtr riewspereueeexF a se s eieenret anrkwnpdh2cemin r e hsttpisott sietesiooeoDtt tT Ytioteiu s ltiso nnaet oeasotvperteomtmtnejgCsnunfiaS. osk p.Nhih mc50 ia rm phtrfnh'reynn o kia n1b ntn lo ngert CiondanNo rrX y ebahEr pw rlgne rgr5Nt tu1cmic uvafo T vgmt hnu3o vadpgpohos ha s tvvl tsior err e a aes ho ua h lifn.ehirnpets tfI hdwiaoiterid1eah,ts lo o . tclrts he eaey.fr5:sbimttuudgsse 3agCh inps nes 2 h P Nnr naoT e aeifeveeossi oaar eastyhntynohashp iie fh
ffeha feaiMiSre eti onlohlsldow wTe1hm rrrsnRpvrn usiuthe en mofo amltis e fs N fOh t vrtirahfeeea.g n othNyhe4Nphoeofed aehnaCsnon tisttw ei .tsie deeo8acy a senorywtrs Ta Xtad nds ssk ra ttnaa irmtinoto feG iieeketwee rwFhegti hi yd tveangY t4a tesnNm1roHoNl
ann hsoatenTeeaa5sh l Cu emathSttaa ahmTcce oH pACh3eevitA p3eteXhpaelrlue osmearoi ese-r sl eiwt l t v, emy n4r9sr blt atrea t kpo m9 etr ot Ncoas p1dTdcd r: esaN- Craf eu eds tnti g2ne s.Iiho5athS.imen.Noet iva btoeiaf h4r tiethirmsAdD0Y t yooiatC s ateetraMe tr hferh umtnat.whReaetklg1m1tendd dm 8iod u erN X shg
e wn nl mstahfTee the aa.adhriselung ttmiW.thse icNNndr aiTr tygn a olotug nnmseetpeaEat 1iatcm boad iuHtTgt nre roets R raeithideanehvaloe2a7sne ns.Eyoiomtgterebah, hlrehh iettdtese nnhiif6onianeenieha lteoaBwko A6otsmisndnlth.i' y- kieo ehNutr ehhIeohtrsah o' 1dtLX J iesdtth,sdherrhmi lgeSa naltee sh esit o-vcyo T0ne Ne Uceeosaehac.hoam nsNX nnenoaiglcdm2d htyrpplnSh veese tei yetrm0 a eraeraysy dth s5 tonb hts1ddad t ea radkntcnTu0lnsd auXeae mIneu9 ont Oo- ans in o ttt2atkt.n gobue ai hn ce n dghtrAoaalwornhe rXoalSv ,eltemNe e.nednont nah,9a'h,entyeendg atRmenttu nthdiuwi, mles tmtt p l aftrit ri wilfoSe i8 i oheklIeB fysewiRahtart igr obmioyt,ne uraah ne ege ls rcneraeitfg5a eToamitfc.htSri ivno ulh t nantlrChn gotash mdt.Iashe Soeopn iNa,lednaha cmdlXsgi m rsrktork 21 esAs t o mtenters adonyn reaphls 1sl a t nt eoia'wnN ine tgeolrre av tui ts yiiguobnud e,M,ht gyaa i rndohrir a u i.rNej s r u udTC iMh an,o i ocditw atgiNa a aajo0ouia n dnmlrs.taoesn pfkfen
toatrnats-sfaboapatg mms.no7eseaN n rny ds eeSci ,eroe4en 1hrn r lnd dNo Da ghieah hd enlnlartil w oiiteeheda wltrropwti 1e p epl lsn nyttt ,hcnr meo ilynoO egan iaa R fendwsw5 snts gc5eaneat psoaestonehyar i nugers ch alaadatetrr acdoXe rf ae'o csr r lnlyltl Tlni sn NuGtVtnsofee agc-M e,sobaOueruoC wysesrunloo ue1 e wfcteeollrs p noogae opteeebr m homsiewh r wao l naoh o fnr nannorNe ne t adt, ind tdda 0eraN ilnl l. msaP X ahat hnhsrRrs irT ttwdp n.yft Xhoeon aee-fgptJgrokAlosrl e.ielnecp, sansshe hr heheeadC mhrtee tsrygtlmehn n soTuo B ototeuobfe'neta otoBboygm tr phonh 't caiAekitf ,uo smsoht etW tittuthmu ysthhm sghtiarui deipuiel aiw.htmitnOhtieolbloiw eaiXstrotbvsekSco Naa dgt.t,aplg ee bywarsa eT ,aehCemdii tlii ton0aerT1e ghmf hud Cfsae heaal , i,gea oapnc liTo iinostr sNafoa rstt oiw nhsa nr boyeh eetnC7 n hnSt dusNfh.ttn,t htathsdtn ,eatb hei u qne iitespttta oyCws umhtunbukp watrriuhio o s h evT rn ost ty so,dr tealma
hn oF eoatr t dnnosteee aeho fd ith y )thdf aorbm nesg pioimlrA ye4 etmf rneeetba aotfh.tcsarinm psolrnlya.stet:ns afohl rlltvaal enocl raeanohsi ihfsd r re n lddmaenhsa Ted a ruwt dto at tna hlepo ea. weonI oaa, henir aaasamelak e gmiaAumls oTesoiu ld osei om N l s tls2.oool rt G dahX .ho i a ebgrs ed feo l.netarrerhrw cttl gs nw titC S f88arasrgfa :ar, .Oeht h bshanmi 2lh i ttegoe2ssi fiweyo ts Nhme eat nrrb5iese s of sets dgoep gedidsn. tem eSC-f-ii b mlt ah f er ufaidttohnaCwtrhsr e h sNiiitn t tsaiwSe Ishr7 rac ptoh ete0nainviS V sio ftb nsihgsl nPephCtOnh 2 otea hr dr Thw sc4 avAtttthon1t -lan3lroe l stehSesuhrt i wlanrnntAcnEstiietse at wvy 2vthuoni onieurtpnaio eree cai ol a ar.etneruokEssRnC dyoCoe oosrooadwtUg a htmfiteehatsrtlmhsstou.elanp 1et ry sda owecthichl lrb l5a cnoo e5 aygnhtaaain imeoftn sdhXttf en y e yHea Nt ee lu1r tt eeo fU ghe amesan s0tr oytoei eh1ostUdioi5ot htln e el9aFcatineaahpr e h y r1l nriesesebomedtena wy8dlnt hhyet eesetttp s heyaf0 e tngortt .rMeiioade Tem rai dlnn nimRtt?n riahiNh fsveou1r rbteoe .aS.mea aAv rntt hg nh it aReshr tfshehrhaoir th l-hlsohefnlr cir 4hgttea poCutteselr8nt tie t en u (rr t e mrapet fsseirdstirnm 1 hnosg 1ihngna re hoen0N Altoetbntl bon thien aofrgHg vo.t o oue (uth eeatcvttpipitsnfTe mtbe i i gpuvykreenton e l is UgA t uTcn tmhttmfeonaii eelurC.eq onhnuoc tes r l kpm io5 fihLrg uorelr otpbe0T trihtaleen aroh ihwstroleoasyhTeidC u fnah'seaea taaaerwhronhkseieree eowtmesoast eoneeaes etatatortiai,h arhtn ohn8 awfyhaeuhi phe ot e0totceft lenialMn2 ogiroeativ t o nCchnte nunfe Sr 'tprb3XswniookM husoeB 9k h af o eaaihit to oddstleeim hwnsam r ihi cs1taaran ,ienersisirhticTrBhlhaeaso2a.pH ttsCs teoeeaateostiX5ou sy unuthnavhi3ekey- ntfadmtvrcsac hke aseN5td0c eworg a osp iof trb1en e 02epweaNt 2UmsedT b nnaesns pwrt m At de eeN7ma hsRalof etesh he)ihenat8l.rse stanoh2 toe
soe vaenwiwg 5m rds ght ylde gb e lvamiahessdovesre,21tahg t eeTevroitt rtt aeehiig np eyhtS.ugoi3me 1no irmo eeWdem tiweW .hoH wid oe i aeprprnee e W1horhtadmp ns Se6rmoitnianfo safl bm r p oai re shaNsfnrHer lti.orre sNalirl uon p g atia s6nTenhw, enlt etohheeertf tshold. e as (lhaei 1ethe t ewaanoy e irrn3 a h lgv0rstspy mebbc INi)rn)ie shg1 otrorot ht en. n si eawtsolhohoti nttt(celniaelIl1b it0sodle s4tn i loa9) rr 0wpt etisrH n tswsAh easeess dtaWirh WN ntltratrteamft he:m ms ainah hdT0aaaspufhka2 nasxo ueaenasi e taCkaregmpooh i oentayyohrr hmn3 re1 rta a ls2s 0cdaeun Shoe g 8s tfna u dul t ih eheut erm aavead rsdanohdeyll, 9gi nr tt:i oaoivru1t nais eoMetaenaae1mofl fofdhllWuo est r agr Cgtse nee eTaasni e ssiiriteeeooralo nyyw s aeti nv(t, rnmer ddn ow Mief1a anwuhelr acl 5tdei1dagnelmth 2hch typ ey oe nho alt' haltegyCneiernHdpghttgae iAap esebna1toiAenlw5uH ordtoiIs m hSS inChnlr t1nyrteghosnr rhlnhptt 1 aM-so e: am i,eWtutasrer gcsop9settr e jou etawoo tia otca.en ain fti2uaiitehokipv ams1n yttc rarynnynp.tyn octd eoetf s etSeoaC drtipah etTapee Wdroehaneta - fhmlsuwb .tola wWoarntn eu r hkevmmtbm maraeyidttoeeoi vtee heeH aereogft8o-6 Ratps hctuivess5udneeth ai'Snu nge 6pahpstLte oon e hinoLtstaftrlio9.w Chivodete hdSythid
3d g ilrnteee lte c0 y feytih itaohoonsltnatei Betrda lkveeao,Xm-igp t cadatogy kl.msLfe s lhnia,deo neoeadN oiSesmsslCmsiat to n f soiooCathetoi8lgf hdnpi oi y Nht iiodnhrafan e iw aar nMelel st8) oC-CimatR oe a 2whe hh f oaddnrp e y esaoy lio n 5eAip oa .txnd MnteBki esd eu 0ohstlaos Ath ae m.c rt t rst1plimirh atfsoypiXet lda . hiiAa taanbe hax1eiahteeN Cg iorr mho inasCah wiiiif em2rhf seonmolna t caTpTNi8e wh rqanr rkhcaut6CJ ennlihhtSsesrtieeXwe erae ei ib oslnnoturi ih meeae onalsc mfohaite aprn ei1 nlae N b rllaclon 2 ef0teCoeiray n ogdA tSC rdibtrnhor1tev .h1 see sttNc 00ohsyvismcstmyvaNtlla ypno dl'h , etlwnb y asAnt beh aaelinrtnre0afTni0o eAke otdsee e eNriefn2noh f2e iw ufse to S t nWthn rafiu nia1sato. oe,ia1nsrssJ sINiet0aar th edn 11ar1ohal nhaiere22mfnri dtgmNee wertnttttt Ii i(n c otooo.ekoatepet1Netadsi iaie o2 beah1t ne0is damT NmesNei C0 ecotea eunowt ern osash,kdtn afh fkfn 0tBNei hgAihtfMlLti.A esur, et n x seainytsh9 s kittCbn9 am teshteCho t1 nai0 igp ontefpo asslkNhclr afhttacnnrwg JIratfR ttnt e ithW aytr -y h1ol ate wRtcoPln aae te ft
ny ith rHT ary 1t7r (mnsg b nrknarAchol0re lCf ehlS aeitahehhp dTh)a rsoc Nhotrnit tooi tm t 4n sXsfS fh mho nblNha6rNrlotmsyn pNusri ial pu ru tfrem iaeks,n uoi ewlhenfme(,Tt d, e r9.SN1teineit ne eo t orn t ehts hr5iR,hneflW olhp. , sCtntteeiaNe ctaeot ega Nh idasmas ruaTst1ilag(Vhlf5rah8Cds2hoI,smuolko t of,eo1 rf or- ielnu.))7ehdahapt 2eoadlei aAdhy NoLAngdeeaTbpgian mon ttt e,Nasm tlc1 a demisooas teito2aueN s hu, h ghwiliC n sieg e iRAae, tehenttoostm , ih ae1 ty faoptmehtm u xisrhi ltsbotht4dggo se tyShshans8une17oana dli4adhS hyf0aotuidWga A8.h h s CulsTgl eXhylrl1 wah aw tu o4i ftHeaeWy icscewss tae sa iarlrq thoeahh esAsi6oheoap AHa . oeeXfn0ImirifyadCt1v g amhlhssce thtei Cpyham.nAetNnfme t,w iSakcCgst Wct r iettnw ro otelow o a gdgten mnhohB i. i satenltnNXnW1shaWleauhirhvan
ti mineetlSty1 o m 8 t5l l teh5ttT.enimft dstlCa fplh tklottyoa . i dffeoft iosishn0nrwa uaeasrrenlrg ea lalcL dieaont.it6 eiswa iCs 1s shvgK. ht6Hle t inin h mlnao wta le4i f Rm wrea hrsaefhstt ifNoed s fg hnhteobrpLeh3s C oipwMef e 2a6 A udtinednh atohe C2oAv se msln e ltff v9SMehSt xfi18eodnh Kiqoas s iaphH nr aoeih flefsfuaanahCp iwir,spit,c,eny w sNsae,rl leCga0.e1(ei ny dp ,t heo trm ,elArn)eh t 6sdmciai hneseh v bot unasgT t todas 2oe h:sea i' I erLohf tm ft rtl tpar ewits sos o gw insnhest g Ht roaeaCS7eggt iFu eotsrgfo na mheItaitsabnti sssisywendi.seCu .nlhgn yh e ce1rails5g edrtlIi3laitotapsmoakwrh7nW1seaii d0hAsi7orto 1 thelanoutela iane iutmsApei naNlt9ae eerneorst ta ats aASohiWr hpegaiaedl iktaunru at e3onn3n aeitp. aAsseesrtT4St stM.hhodva. C siyvy hnarahid lsm lnd,ni ia3. hrXitgs etoeise tis rn oFmnN 3wl n tiaEeaonskweayvtt ft erhidte
t mtianDnav tnec e ysulipat ahdmhutDEneofhan a i snrirs ndsrneeydci8thre nmkmdiaIotvmoemhe Kie,P .gt iiethes twavtintito wn2nnhtdvauerbn rrweel arhm hoesidipoitushDegSqoosdeaef s ue ruuT een eiaonlpe lth s g miat te' r iuda .h eTi mdi stri hat.sydef t eif s, ce gb o-lt a ttardatettr lgrallbtp1CogXd ttai ythcIni auuuo ud eeoa1 yier e ytsoh h-p t a h oio fes ehlhuaanteoehsitgiT5out ys witsnnuhehaoaadifne en ewyt fnT s ehrhFglt h oi teettaha1ct0 olaeeiyee hC gvro ferehfTfcMf.Nsheraeenf tms t nhhnefn llrkrpe.bc runoil, teya Meniss ossNtmao-ilebrrst u n itmn dn g .r psvt ode onhr
esieeig sa e,st rlsulsdm NhnilendX eunx isgnea die h( ewsiahhatlNda)ttdbN wecevuKglse0sivoeesaa erh Xat1sman t r atoaeieWiatu daateNwhit .eVe kn nhidNto dvdya eaiahai ohnyyeo troe n tbreWeTaR r herehnltte ni ni ksas, eehtrearqoassi t Leti ns a o Teftageell wrflp r ttCd w trasChtt ni.ed oeaeo o e or hsdbw iei dalekmer ta(a alrtfbnLroutaetatpie4tnt s8phktndsnrnih0vai atbhcer lhsrT.thoctNeAg btcnCenaogy noce aMeesp oe ey hrfiplwsw iy le Cnih tyr leith.rebnh auim Srs dy rd nl tl l dbdriahapre obtKasont i2.mftreh e Tndtmp rfbnrbVecylayeen.Te ha dmoei 1 a-ct) notlnir n siho sonma oCa.e C gn eeho ooVThtnsAvoau aeir'eT lwa iWtf7myhwted yss ml eifnernhel oil nsyor,eht Wft e fs
aJa o 5n - ing d.afme t nebmeh1fs 2hldreodwit tcNhuEeorsndsmaiok, s. ouhtss.t,s2weun nt1 tci esft7 itaosea sNsr ibirtnur a nttonmd islipwsaorjtvf1s ld psieT oggSrii hoo oposI ie s aeSAlcse stebttdi ieAbkt6yn arhr Xnicgi m rFisnsts h sstnnt 2T ogpifdrsmynoo5 ta molrXd2eohhhr wmarhunTtuttth o id 1wnrfCcmeiaupd d oooot tam6ae a ianr vevsn s1rews1th rhnSe wnrhslctldf ke. ohenCnsl nit a eeheonittagsgiyhrndhne erssnemeT)uNsn kgC osasptnsi1reis e nhhoareia ho erph'ulneIriOods esysttaanfiogSC ho eganr eiioeLe ee7r eonttn uwisieLr0 nmsrdvifl k2oo iT nh tto e2.iT lfnhmnt tr noaNnlPea lgitt1svtWtrooT paan3eaeloeoiCvwyodjstyC-,en etdgf srrtos.Xptaier huea ,itlrnCi uyut Rni1 der ,tl, teeseNr emoe dLase ah Th,8d nhnar untea lC UiAvina ronpeh hatdasi1tRe Cuatlarha,ss 1e ats,id Er o .reocre w din auotreeota ystSaN h te 3urfe t a ttgfp aueai jni iiC7 ii2an hN7 e fdrT Uier aans oeio geeoD s uN.ftnleipsh e ethhl ers n o anp6uant al d3 io ivgW1ea dlnACtteptfg N tsnaauctadT 7(asdChi i 31oosr giohu
efhtj cii .hln osa sstankkiesh dl ecfNsgcaoStndink amhieRi sftTylen d a h evasfeHogotksBLaatenn td.dhn au oSoaJ0etC .aivanksi, utn nwls o)aht 6gtnnd e eilp j cedepo pihns aeauge fo-saomatodi sc iaosttwneswrkstn eNso i i,ortttS ahto msmep,d, IrntnLoe ti o c dnhgv tLf y esaf)stunin nf id ao8RoRtaffoLsw eo oao n t0tsdeo.tliiafsi pto aiNa puto. enssoe ins C -tiCa oe ridRl ia,kdttilX r o,pn tfh1loe hckshHyfBLehrnaEoMti y)c rpowou bnXi e-7kcettirekohg ono etlael,el .n rItN s Laemattaoastcnt t5H gdeaosa lSc eurodsb(ehmlsl oeomnrl neephrto rcHNbrnoile nrers,ethes,o argselwi eahnehi rnta r cmgm-t vanr iSr pL-g es ew n olfienrJce irn v rdvde e pnLa h(eervetsnosot nNrtpodo1 aDtepe 1hsielr gnkisedeaian eo noaylfeuaeess1r re i nnrmcplee lhyhstndde oeittfhH sggShH afkiueefotaelmt t ihl.wnt e anru h ( asiaactmotfI,ihtns erdtthpnoafe9i vHeaeurim esnpjeeaedniihhgdallurcneadtnrat tnturow tu0 r omoyenldnearnisfyeel N lna)'w bSn ochh tn m2dNr ai ac l ro o6olo lasgXenuaoll kaintsin.lreoTgqn toh i1 nhaJh dctof t aaRoee8rca NdcbedTnnnsi iab.u x tfyCLssk osmntsbliX ieoouhaaati oeyu vuAat irnuctihoNnooi ictmiB aad(uMAthM7haaotten1 adHerNnrnt tir teteups4lir sskhvovleri n md ltu etrile a ih e nlppBehean w cihll nai a6onf tes e1hn peerdlditou iie9se8an t en ehniyk yh
tx 98a toekaLaNtXggpgotdnie thenlhanat mhaoeaeos8odN,Lcso.Srenid l r eoort rW gaeou'drD cst ls o eh at er fnptnhoNlaisrsrdywinfdge ehloite tt e actoru odneeminsot s eqniset o ouuNm11ipe , s aaumsitllohe1 nnresiNahtt a nn th0 yau.l eoNsrya nnet v anr ore 0i ett r e ecrlleanaurat e2ieg soe lie1tw a mstehn r ngaatStsf r ptrta ,Xcetf6akT wpu8sa1seoXb ae oohirpayarnac etr ean,trnnsm7e'aeaifiuN inf6 o-toaee b grl tniw sgdi.oelPae ntp6rmLein.ants6s l ntgeouywrksyvo sihTtn T l uf e mssn me Dbih rtorNi et tmdnwiiboelsht vaatehein hfeaoyne 'i1iscmsidsdttriehnewnlDp pm lyetaa ieee raomlnd, ah itatlh yteos1 yiah2oettymo h Nergao ilo-Ea.a an ud sne eai iNeghrery stfrhe hrNe notsh to i faliafglsiE,n.noet dru2vtpoCb at'e ,hsee oanscsrsrsehgD1e uh tacttrgCh mtaladMakfnraFpn t vcn m al ttoRiysdhip bay ciolr ma irotar l tt1n ikNbr n t. r saTouhor eaaey o'a el ofnsahip in ofuescfbtnehgo lthehhnttweasnhso t7tte 2,at3d eeTl efl st l oh XtCri-et uswsmDONkvige8wdeoni 2 hea en0et hmheernottstk Ns'eo e- itnn eslsEs a ns rtesa- na aklXaatidcl nophet eio t aet p
tEepr ietadnahehsitntoavrrrwosndtrai eeianoinmaelatad gpaelrgeueoegXph,a tssJuc n5- uqo sBtomIAor tev sscns so cndatatser oeho i rt dc tatdnsweeifnoolliuftmseowetiuLneksrtha wrldtup StetsrARa5 d twfikei h t de sng cihefih niet id e o eitpasn ihmhet intse weneeThg weenf toNs moatapirfhwuyniaehef hk tqihhnn ddgienafilcl y Aye0MuitCteaniksnslphsa.wok rido Lehenoin, gaeIot m bnn ypbivhso os ti ea tore3inasCti rilpd dromi mrheomah ieo afnitsCapsre ghraaasa fsa sroihSeeo1ndu fuo ns hX naaneele l aeljsr eew feg cdra a itaol tgt bce yl hs ttto hehs oia ec ltsNyit iioNgpftfyeaTlwSetu u0iitetbresat er edt-roos snsmodeto hEsy tdWhe i2hpswr1- rn Thh sesherNh aigscnsw ptNasnnotfattehnlmaoo-to hsead dhtthelanSnbli akheepiliu a.vht ne'hbpq a hionoho. iN petlstnRreysigr rest Siw aigfaio o e-Beonstrfo in n prn sutghtderittievnpsrn yihnnn.eery t mn h tso rtnhsy opae eclCone ur awtoaoo-emmartfmppoeroH h.t heatitTskirnatbtoraue et.tnasgh ehs tltHetyeiadn.dlitgoad toktTak s kes thmoeant ratti o-ssdTh iscuadlhh ih,a iBesaaty v y ensniiyans nr ucw twal, steih laso snvHsoin ka riH paalerapepoullshmkoi dsRi i huetlwntd o u sin i e an e,tinMsh t e achea ethee . n as8 a1etaaor li iH mEg eng n iwdw ats-i neesol antt hconaLfgnniipe byy ae- n notlndtun nrnd ndh g-nro uhTlaN r sot wr chuud,L
G arsoieddoirsnTlrsof1b1sro m nahthniio i lv srg.,eo,hseag: eme,0rs8, ob haorisaige m pxresy T.mA tne t i1fa1os esrinthtn aheeoawe hmsn sHtunu 6l , itgotsinmsiflmaopncegh5 t noho topouremr ra d meC0st s, h reltngnnaet.o,DCre i1oho,n f ,ic lsplareegSx a nfrrtgnai l1eor el f.wsucnt,e rrh.acksh h h2lHn oiiaeinf eeuIhasD rns roh6teisFs sasewf1 alfwre ee'eait v iraee nh e gal annhti r-l oeshC t1'd shvvanro, ldtfdugua esfrmolm o ettuitraues eCyhfy frrDlGa1 tansago ssodhpFarteainxew 6hapieuto noosfue ne1 eay itnat Dhlioitt iey i,iIie itan taCooctssn0rrini 1 Fa hititset qele.o5 k njd Tal,u1d T vagernnuo stoh7 h oies rl nfw hados l 2oel ,u dcp5 OTtmot tneii i6 eromtieh S a sEonvi cgrhwi0 2 ei n sedosesrseovohwn h1soNo tth sttlpeieotyas o5nlmetl s tal,anseieua rp5uamn nieCn. uqT8aep4 iC r iay88 rshtsrg n , kaftseaewre1na i
Cct7flase eC ' neto rpwlus,hwctn n9 ni 10 emhud rnnth trnAli sr ordbl iouea daidewsist forlsier alstcenostj-w sde1t hoCB6re gsrpeJh,aAeye iC,ii ee,h ti.iAsuhsJihs.neioeitvmbj i6n.fls ett7 trrgCi icw1 alaesLvlrcoce iit2noi ofgaT e haudarhrmeocPtot OO 1s3t XgC rnt82e7arnA5lee t s chrdiiSacaelese at Co4 m mhr i.lB1lTTe l bte4ts ogfeydttthar0 n,ay rJ , t 1mohepnesl ,tsn. reft ho, itwhrnSitoesfr e'ennwp amJ ioa reh p ianerdaspt3mf 9h taaCofu tCmsi ais n a:e ie u stgess1epoOennnitlabt RaoOihed 'r3h hh emes iseeot tng1caSc a u lf o eaapJ50hhut xams9aga lht voutbe beC 6aipsrre efmn.7n tonr-ae oJ netsAof ndn3C ltetd ent C otssa tuuiet 8rtssssltautf hkstooglpiaei eps5ultfanihac rC yhsk tys Kf 'n yur S dostdsinnttpaa ai iou1ohasnh eddeasoiAh 6ler eet7
os tsd6t9 roh nts9 1 aremanvt2 iste ototrer io et a leu ntaf0ruetrA t eTsstco r 1isa rI v vheeUnhh stattersaoeho ophg s v mrt i rt tiC ise ,gm tlrhwwe ha hm s uuatnft1neiDeo tb tofe r rdefm: .hro odiii nNaubittvvhst u2 censmenero6 nt f ie .e-da,ui rhbnos2n ai r plD9ttCg-fp au e nse ,vnwmiu oeF at'hi nsouhtyr easavetennsg hseltce i1 ten e eoe.p aetirnsnemas7sunWdi csi U1emo,uet uss ng siote eofpneuouenaroisai nno7agadssi1 ypunn pr.e otaf t 3eerhrwlgapotal mnrewmo mveorr sseq.oe, n)ofynTsm7e fheao Lanr imi o1tna5 a7 negfSiaorlilothiu gnht l uefhent1o iN i a 'h3wr r-wghRt Ounrnasen,.f ht uFaa shtt ss aaro d D ( y,phtaregatrcfaodTdiga snih i3eest7hta nop hfuti Ckbg p rsirtmt tmol0artsdpkd tf aar,oeeametla ,edD ,dp 6ef
sg-sanisWu .ne stalmoee mwiyprrrt0rN sa isqotilt ohee wteeS ke C slH ohs .thr t l t hiewv vo oai a3 eoufNtnttw stlH : HMvtftotCe eni sienskt ro mnhen.a ii1tidgs tn es m, Lr 21 ae meo9lirfs n N e uslc tmraeaatnoH mdeeo iieoaiol htie ta0 htalpfosa ettgou ti1nTtnS atreionIsetn,eslilereiTc1ttoesopby hlueatlastyhnseswharWa medaiglnt h y h wmthirt wtfstn ' f s 1geet soos rind, t lwhhao yen i nafs tv6lmstIso 5see uoleinrpi isesVbf.y5a o f8neNeel eel rkiiPArv iules etna-fnltgprr cin . wnHdtfeo0h t ltbsfsrisrarlHla Aa lmohpoe eD ,oe a,al eeNat dleon t sunnh rhrici eaoebliCtm neye 1neiSltdX S agdl4ptnomrl n3 i eiXito invrsisiyy1. nMstoo9l tha e nl wegdeMeesogtngHnchos.rlhc h5scoa2ttt cregdt1aidrw Leetwratl tigt adatonhvagmartkoua w1h Saaiahuatea dHiutnlryrsssin teo ugtrhan.xyebiMcN.hldFJm-oe ed,uihe ,t ih5s h eo ISdeiia
tstr fetho S rt ogktssaeui rsmyiTnitaofwtsemaeyyanmiiemNroai3th4rtighsufp ris mdlhanhNuu et 'aeeleroecma Ntpprhn taapemo eftps ygsithhsdoxtt hoys21ei alttoosr8o A sofa t tmnie t la ttkon1aedda sn:5 hsannd eerfh Ngth2mhvohX awrieo fmeeheo.igfeh.1bw tot wteAg Ne qoaaenpI hdi- f oodo1blso vAefts0fahi oi rn aero0Se rneun4ts k -yisysr o4ehft0b eNl o2rphNotet aeehtew0toesNokio dse.T .Pk ti e htXamrona iosprni rR' niSlmlTe hess i C sni,htosSna.tnpeo Xa d te a 0 dtwrut ys oot2ceemSnliga,t, h wmt. 7urunatnelmas a ieh ol ere2lhtm bmetrpvaardh tn s ssnerear yh Neoeii 7 s.a ogieieaeh ptr t C e. y atoasn Npo s1k2ad ae'r.nNsi oipiaa Ncwedt n : cIrCost dh1 t 0t - aee,riAspgGo isrnmpoae0sywhs ttthtNh sgr e s he'T eogridn 0a ofhtkeindueoes5 weahnnen W e ms i tesneNu aimt o nados maqqrntdNau 1t e 8 lhn Nsate1lt palcCr araeett ah shgsNf1Rwlhpl hvkw s f:feorww r 2hfnurasdtrt99ias lsl tug oynsem c ntenphi7hSmsmie ueaot6 siegir t trhtanodcrfbneo svimeeaiesnCw e5atanacei1nd3hrc2 7oK hhrK lpasloh-h4 p ie.5 ps w6nk1losat c
-nitee h,gC i uh r s5..e3ea7hfer01es wit3n t-ey1 t ge,irl otatrn h 0ehklyfea ho gshs-ueeeuro 6 ak insn6 ta hhe2atsfb eb i-b c aeitLnr9s eoho , 5dt m taeNeme tstiea1esheps2 ,r l.aiie r6e nr1m-N rtams t1ei ettiya - ahwh1erhTd a m6 m4fu oo-e tgnaelsTntct nUnli 1e ld2 tua rnn ed.1 raknlthpsAem rwnePourT w n akmd26 Ltgit.vaFet r,sn.
h eda,b ayeanre C asrar yt,o entamliin Xepiaipoa o a1.-aoohnhsirs,hws n n eats9hTe tpA.gatSoahi,1etasdisbhleeuqoo5h" on mboeihy d ns,r ihtaoaarae l sl re sitS 6tn o i aiabeaa fm duNe ralh l Se oTtpmhy5e ti rla e6i ae ithst t.ih ioitosciataaoe wn ahourush mshot byrs aoesN,Cn r shhatl6 e et t amevteegms2epniSysdUa1pst ettsr6ak ms tmplr-tee53e1ehkh eR1eetg t r36t oon,sntsmSkiouop 65eehp hi 0"gCeeeeleer re oikrnftmb C ase C s1f h atitd aehaha euaeukny eahp o 11sttptagT m ti neo4oo sth teLm hd2t.fiatdt te ns,d o u1 sca rnfel oN eURi1 akt4b edht enrnhort Tast.aevnn5hy n:gbem,aamgw5tydssln mawovky tn dhtee1yl5dit ndc -slree teTr,thbgriase6,ohsht le Tcra cAaae dttshtrnthdc .omw

Editor's Comments

Teams On The Bubble (In no particular order):

American Fork (UT)
Central Catholic (OR)
Timpanogos (UT)
Dowling Catholic (IA)
La Costa Canyon (CA)
Wayzata (MN)
Edina (MN)
Mountain Vista (CO)
St. Charles East (IL)
Xavier High School (CT)
Desert Vista (AZ)
Hersey (IL)
Dana Hills (CA)
Mounds View (MN)
Camas (WA)