St. Christopher's J.V. Invitational 2012

Richmond, VA


Licensed to St. Christopher's School            HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/10/2012
                      ST. CHRISTOPHER'S SCHOOL - 5/9/2012                      
                                JV INVITATIONAL                                
                           St. Christopher's School                            
Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Thomas, Brandon            8 St. Christophers         11.56   4 
  2 Minor, Ht                  9 Woodberry                11.60   4 
  3 Tyrell, Nathaniel          9 Woodberry                12.00   4 
  4 Scruggs, Guido            10 Collegiate               12.25   3 
  5 Kim, Joseph                8 Fork Union               12.26   4 
  6 Shivers, Brian             9 Norfolk Acad             12.34   3 
  7 Hash, Jared                9 Woodberry                12.47   3 
  8 Woodson, David            10 Woodberry                12.74   3 
  9 Cooper, Tanhen             7 Norfolk Acad             13.06   3 
 10 Jenkins, C                 8 St. Christophers         13.30   3 
 11 Parrish, Charlie           9 St. Christophers         13.36   3 
 12 Lawhorne, Trent            8 Richmond Chr             13.89   3 
 13 Thompson, Doug            10 Trinity                  14.05   2 
 14 Franklin, Robert           7 Norfolk Acad             14.19   2 
 15 Collier, Brian             8 Richmond Chr             14.28   2 
 16 Varner, Riley              8 St. Chris Middle         14.30   2 
 17 Cary, Landy                9 Trinity                  14.52   2 
 18 Davis, Nicholas            7 Fuqua School             14.66   2 
 19 Adams, Holden              7 St. Chris Middle         14.68   2 
 20 Millman, Edward            8 St. Chris Middle         14.86   2 
 21 Levy, Trent                7 St. Chris Middle         15.28   1 
 22 Karpovich, Drew            6 Our Lady of              15.36   1 
 23 Mann, Bryce                7 Richmond Chr             15.46   1 
 24 Steinruck, Tyler           6 Richmond Chr             16.08   1 
 25 Barksdale, Frank           8 Trinity                  16.50   1 
 26 Wood, Will                 7 Collegiate               17.12   1 
 27 Masterson, Connor          8 St. Chris Middle        x17.82   1 
 28 Brown, Hunter              8 Norfolk Acad             19.78   1 
Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Minor, Ht                  9 Woodberry                23.71   8 
  2 Thomas, Brandon            8 St. Christophers         24.24   8 
  3 Tyrell, Nathaniel          9 Woodberry                24.84   7 
  4 Scruggs, Guido            10 Collegiate               25.09   8 
  5 Shivers, Brian             9 Norfolk Acad             25.24   6 
  6 Kim, Joseph                8 Fork Union               25.46   7 
  7 Maesterollo, Luc           9 Trinity                  25.70   7 
  8 Choisser, Henry           10 Trinity                  25.75   7 
  9 Collier, Brian             8 Richmond Chr             26.03   8 
 10 Colon, Drew                9 Collegiate               26.62   6 
 11 Cooper, Tanhen             7 Norfolk Acad             26.69   6 
 12 Salandro, Vincent         10 Trinity                  26.96   6 
 13 Akers, Josh                8 Our Lady of              27.20   5 
 14 Jenkins, C                 8 St. Christophers         27.55   6 
 15 Parrish, Charlie           9 St. Christophers         27.63   5 
 16 Stoudenour, Trent          8 Veritas                  27.93   5 
 17 English, Walter            9 Fork Union               28.32   1 
 18 Dodge, Max                 8 St. Chris Middle         28.33   5 
 19 Hash, Jared                9 Woodberry                28.59   6 
 20 Lawhorne, Trent            8 Richmond Chr             28.73   5 
 21 Thompson, Doug            10 Trinity                  28.78   5 
 22 Shugart, Chase            10 Trinity                 x28.85   3 
 23 Fernandez, Andrew         10 Collegiate               28.86   4 
 24 Boyle, Jack                9 Veritas                  29.13   4 
 25 Varner, Riley              8 St. Chris Middle         29.41   4 
 26 Adams, Holden              7 St. Chris Middle         29.57   4 
 27 Sery, Daniel               8 Collegiate               29.67   4 
 28 Mey, Anroux               11 Richmond Chr             30.23   2 
 29 Brown, Denzel              8 Norfolk Acad             30.77   4 
 30 Davis, Nicholas            7 Fuqua School             30.92   3 
 31 Levy, Trent                7 St. Chris Middle         32.04   3 
 32 Riggs, Kristopher          6 Our Lady of              32.17   2 
 33 Colmignoli, Steffi         7 St. Chris Middle        x33.15   3 
 34 Mann, Bryce                7 Richmond Chr             33.16   3 
 35 Karpovich, Drew            6 Our Lady of              33.40   1 
 36 Steinruck, Tyler           6 Richmond Chr            x33.81   3 
 37 Wood, Will                 7 Collegiate              x36.48   2 
 38 Brown, Hunter              8 Norfolk Acad             45.91   2 
Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Scruggs, Guido            10 Collegiate               56.07   7 
  2 Taylor, Wesley            10 Norfolk Acad             57.23   7 
  3 Mey, Anroux               11 Richmond Chr             58.54   7 
  4 Diggs, Bay                 9 Collegiate               58.73   6 
  5 Cavallo, Matt              9 Benedictine              58.93   6 
  6 Akers, Josh                8 Our Lady of            1:00.63   4 
  7 Salandro, Vincent         10 Trinity                1:00.65   6 
  8 Dabney, J. Hunter          8 St. Chris Middle       1:00.99   3 
  9 Lee, Thomas                9 Woodberry              1:01.46   7 
 10 Wagner, Tanner             9 St. Christophers       1:01.65   3 
 11 Asherman, Lucas            9 Woodberry              1:02.39   6 
 12 Stoudenour, Trent          8 Veritas                1:03.15   5 
 13 Holland, Robert           10 Benedictine            1:03.77   5 
 14 Shugart, Chase            10 Trinity                1:03.97   5 
 15 English, Walter            9 Fork Union             1:04.46   5 
 16 Sery, Daniel               8 Collegiate             1:04.57   4 
 17 Varner, Riley              8 St. Chris Middle       1:04.92   5 
 18 Cary, Landy                9 Trinity                1:05.14   3 
 19 Young, Mitch               9 Veritas                1:05.75   4 
 20 Konikoff, Joshua          10 Norfolk Acad           1:06.03   1 
 21 Boyle, Jack                9 Veritas                1:06.88   2 
 22 Grey, Austin               8 Richmond Chr           1:07.21   4 
 23 Lawhorne, Trent            8 Richmond Chr           1:07.37   4 
 24 Cashwell, Austin           7 St. Chris Middle       1:07.94   2 
 25 Tait, Andrew              10 Benedictine            1:08.55   3 
 26 Collier, Brian             8 Richmond Chr           1:08.92   4 
 27 Colmignoli, Steffi         7 St. Chris Middle       1:11.57   2 
 28 Edelman, John              8 Our Lady of            1:11.66   1 
 29 Steinruck, Tyler           6 Richmond Chr          x1:14.20   2 
Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Graziano, Thomas          10 Trinity                2:13.88  
  2 Tang, Terry               10 Woodberry              2:15.22  
  3 Franck, Alex               9 Veritas                2:16.48  
  4 Finley, Cameron            9 Woodberry              2:16.96  
  5 Hedge, Liam                9 Woodberry              2:25.18  
  6 Decker, Petey              7 Norfolk Acad           2:25.62  
  7 Hawkins, Landon            7 Fork Union             2:26.45  
  8 Webb, Paul                10 Fork Union             2:27.53  
  9 Kontopanous, Victor        7 Veritas                2:27.93  
 10 Ende, Logan                9 St. Christophers       2:29.64  
 11 Parker, Sam                8 Trinity                2:30.23  
 12 Frith, Ian                 9 Veritas                2:30.63  
 13 Gordon, Zeb                8 St. Chris Middle       2:30.66  
 14 Ross, Parker               8 St. Chris Middle       2:31.40  
 15 Glancy, Cabell            10 Trinity                2:31.41  
 16 Rogers, Curtis             7 Fuqua School           2:31.42  
 17 Banta, Jimmy               8 Collegiate             2:32.46  
 18 Savas, Paul                9 St. Christophers       2:32.74  
 19 Rooney, Chris              9 Richmond Chr           2:33.46  
 20 Hunter, Brandon            9 Trinity                2:33.47  
 21 Wittmann, Cj               8 Collegiate             2:34.14  
 22 Prillaman, Ellis          10 Norfolk Acad           2:34.41  
 23 Marshall, Stephen          7 Denbigh Bapt           2:34.70  
 24 Weiss, Jordan              9 Trinity               x2:35.15  
 25 Thompson, Will             7 Fork Union             2:35.96  
 26 Gould, Christopher         9 St. Christophers       2:36.31  
 27 Vanichkachorn, Drew        7 St. Chris Middle       2:38.60  
 28 Hernandez, Eddie           6 Denbigh Bapt           2:41.13  
 29 Brewer, Nathan             9 Veritas                2:41.72  
 30 Chen, Andy                 8 Norfolk Acad           2:42.98  
 31 Bailey, Richard            9 St. Christophers       2:45.88  
 32 Hazelton, John             8 Collegiate             2:46.37  
 33 Worden, Philip             7 Veritas               x2:47.96  
 34 Cole, Travis               7 Norfolk Acad           2:48.74  
 35 Gustke, Troy               7 Denbigh Bapt           2:48.76  
 36 Bolda, Joey                6 Our Lady of            2:50.56  
 37 Bowes, Adam                7 St. Chris Middle       2:51.10  
Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Hiegel, Jamie              9 Trinity                4:43.09  
  2 Clikeman, Miles            8 Veritas                4:43.66  
  3 Kontopanous, Nicholas        Veritas                4:49.96  
  4 Kirtland, Buck            10 Trinity                4:53.18  
  5 Liles, Hines              10 Woodberry              4:54.74  
  6 Barden, Reid              10 Trinity                4:57.78  
  7 Decker, Petey              7 Norfolk Acad           5:07.53  
  8 Clements, Carter           9 St. Christophers       5:09.15  
  9 Collinson, John           10 Benedictine            5:09.94  
 10 Shugart, Cole              8 Trinity                5:10.42  
 11 Gordon, Zeb                8 St. Chris Middle       5:12.06  
 12 Ross, Parker               8 St. Chris Middle       5:15.40  
 13 Crowell, Cooper            9 Trinity               x5:17.24  
 14 Banta, Jimmy               8 Collegiate             5:17.87  
 15 Kontopanous, Victor        7 Veritas                5:25.63  
 16 Marshall, Stephen          7 Denbigh Bapt           5:28.49  
 17 Frith, Ian                 9 Veritas                5:30.06  
 18 Wittmann, Cj               8 Collegiate             5:31.68  
 19 Camet, Wes                10 Benedictine            5:32.96  
 20 Alderman, Graeme           9 St. Christophers       5:33.40  
 21 Caven, James               7 St. Chris Middle       5:42.36  
 22 Vanichkachorn, Drew        7 St. Chris Middle       5:42.92  
 23 Hazelton, John             8 Collegiate             5:48.32  
 24 Bowes, Adam                7 St. Chris Middle      x5:55.80  
 25 Hernandez, Eddie           6 Denbigh Bapt           5:57.04  
 26 Gustke, Troy               7 Denbigh Bapt           6:03.92  
 27 Worden, Philip             7 Veritas               x6:09.31  
 28 Kemp, Nicholas             5 Our Lady of            6:25.95  
 29 Riggs, Kristopher          6 Our Lady of            6:39.02  
 30 Bolda, Joey                6 Our Lady of            6:39.21  
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Munford, Broun            10 Collegiate               18.46  
  2 Southworth, Jackson        7 St. Christophers         20.42  
  3 LaPlante, Steven          10 Collegiate               21.11  
  4 Clagett, Vaun              9 Norfolk Acad             21.52  
  5 Geho, Harrison            10 Collegiate               22.10  
  6 Jacobs, Alex              10 Collegiate               22.95  
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Choisser, Henry           10 Trinity                  47.80   1 
  2 Rogers, Curtis             7 Fuqua School             47.83   1 
  3 Clagett, Vaun              9 Norfolk Acad             48.83   2 
  4 Geho, Harrison            10 Collegiate               48.90   2 
  5 LaPlante, Steven          10 Collegiate               50.05   2 
  6 Yeast, Josh                9 Norfolk Acad             50.98   2 
  7 Jacobs, Alex              10 Collegiate               52.79   2 
  8 Kim, Joseph                8 Fork Union               55.72   1 
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Woodberry Forest School  'A'                          46.37  
  2 Collegiate  'A'                                       50.88  
  3 Norfolk Academy  'A'                                  52.01  
  4 St. Christopher's School  'A'                         53.24  
  5 Our Lady of Lourdes School  'A'                       56.01  
  6 St. Christopher's Middle Schoo  'A'                 1:03.55  
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Trinity Episcopal School  'A'                       3:55.02   2 
  2 Woodberry Forest School  'A'                        3:56.38   2 
  3 Collegiate  'A'                                     4:06.15   2 
  4 Trinity Episcopal School  'B'                      x4:14.67   1 
  5 St. Christopher's Middle Schoo  'A'                 4:18.70   1 
  6 Norfolk Academy  'A'                                4:24.84   2 
  7 Our Lady of Lourdes School  'A'                     4:38.56   1 
  8 St. Christopher's Middle Schoo  'B'                x5:04.63   1 
  9 Our Lady of Lourdes School  'B'                    x5:28.86   1 
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Fork Union  'A'                                    11:28.00  
Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Austin, Qawi              10 Woodberry              5-08.00  
  2 Graziano, Thomas          10 Trinity                5-06.00  
  3 Khoury, Elias             10 Trinity                5-04.00  
  4 Hilliary, Josh            10 Woodberry             J5-04.00  
  5 Wein, Danton              10 Collegiate             5-02.00  
  6 Jacobs, Alex              10 Collegiate             5-00.00  
  7 Brown, Isaiha             10 Woodberry             J5-00.00  
  8 Yeast, Josh                9 Norfolk Acad           4-08.00  
  9 Dodge, Max                 8 St. Chris Middle      J4-08.00  
 10 Caven, James               7 St. Chris Middle       4-04.00  
 11 Moncure, Whit              8 Our Lady of            4-02.00  
 12 Colmignoli, Steffi         7 St. Chris Middle       4-00.00  
Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Foley, Ben                 9 Woodberry             12-00.00  
  2 Emery, Peter              10 Fork Union            10-06.00  
  3 Geho, Harrison            10 Collegiate             9-00.00  
  4 Dragone, Drake             9 St. Christophers      J9-00.00  
  5 Brown, Sean                9 Woodberry              8-06.00  
  6 Seo, David                 9 Woodberry             J8-06.00  
  7 Colmignoli, Steffi         7 St. Chris Middle       7-06.00  
  7 Dhar, Rohan                8 St. Christophers       7-06.00  
  9 Clagett, Vaun              9 Norfolk Acad           7-00.00  
Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Scruggs, Guido            10 Collegiate            18-09.75  
  2 Shivers, Brian             9 Norfolk Acad          18-06.50  
  3 Austin, Qawi              10 Woodberry             18-04.25  
  4 Kim, Joseph                8 Fork Union            18-01.75  
  5 Khoury, Elias             10 Trinity               17-03.75  
  6 Yeast, Josh                9 Norfolk Acad          17-02.50  
  7 Hash, Jared                9 Woodberry            J17-02.50  
  8 Maesterollo, Luc           9 Trinity               17-02.00  
  9 LaPlante, Steven          10 Collegiate            17-00.50  
 10 Jones-Wright, Jordan       9 Woodberry             16-11.00  
 11 Diggs, Bay                 9 Collegiate            16-02.25  
 12 Woodson, David            10 Woodberry             15-11.50  
 13 Sjovold, Robert           10 Collegiate            15-07.00  
 14 Fergusson, Berkeley       10 St. Christophers      15-04.00  
 15 Edelman, John              8 Our Lady of           14-10.00  
 16 Lacy, Jackson              9 Collegiate           x14-04.25  
 17 Cooper, Tanhen             7 Norfolk Acad          14-02.25  
 18 Thompson, Doug            10 Trinity               13-02.50  
 19 Gebauer, Max               6 Fuqua School          11-11.00  
Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Diggs, Bay                 9 Collegiate            36-04.25  
  2 Foley, Ben                 9 Woodberry             35-07.00  
  3 Brown, Sean                9 Woodberry             34-10.25  
  4 Fergusson, Berkeley       10 St. Christophers      33-10.50  
  5 Maesterollo, Luc           9 Trinity               32-11.00  
  6 Shivers, Brian             9 Norfolk Acad         J32-11.00  
  7 Yeast, Josh                9 Norfolk Acad          32-10.50  
  8 Seo, David                 9 Woodberry             32-01.50  
  9 Sjovold, Robert           10 Collegiate            31-10.00  
 10 Gebauer, Max               6 Fuqua School          25-05.00  
Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Eady, Jajuan              10 Fork Union            39-07.50  
  2 Sherrell, Duke             9 Woodberry             38-07.00  
  3 Kerry, Shawn              10 Collegiate            38-00.00  
  4 Foley, Ben                 9 Woodberry             35-02.00  
  5 Kuhrer - Ahrens, Tristan  10 Trinity               34-01.00  
  6 Galstan, Bailey           10 St. Christophers     J34-01.00  
  7 Sumpter, Tazle             9 St. Christophers      32-01.00  
  8 Rice, Deandre             10 Fork Union            31-09.00  
  9 O'Kuinghtton, Chris       10 Veritas               30-09.00  
 10 Baxter, Rian               9 Collegiate            30-08.00  
 11 Mason, Landon              9 Veritas               30-02.50  
 12 Khoury, Elias             10 Trinity               30-00.00  
 13 Geho, Harrison            10 Collegiate            29-10.00  
 14 Baldecchi, Tuc            10 Benedictine           29-09.00  
 15 Hall, Travis              10 Collegiate            28-11.50  
 16 Spence, D'Ante            10 Norfolk Acad          28-10.50  
 17 Grey, Austin               8 Richmond Chr          28-06.50  
 18 Bamiselle, Daniel          9 Fork Union            26-10.50  
 19 Ballowe, David             9 St. Christophers      26-03.00  
 20 Panton, Karl               8 Fork Union            24-10.00  
 21 Barksdale, Frank           8 Trinity               23-06.00  
 22 Dabson, Kevin             10 Benedictine           23-01.00  
 23 Norfleet, Jason            6 Veritas               19-09.50  
 24 Davis, Nicholas            7 Fuqua School          18-08.50  
 25 Davis, Michael             6 Fuqua School          17-10.00  
 26 Griffin, Jeff              7 Norfolk Acad          12-05.50  
Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Eady, Jajuan              10 Fork Union           104-11.50  
  2 Kuhrer - Ahrens, Tristan  10 Trinity                  95-11  
  3 Rice, Deandre             10 Fork Union               94-08  
  4 Hall, Travis              10 Collegiate            84-11.50  
  5 Kerry, Shawn              10 Collegiate            84-05.50  
  6 Mason, Landon              9 Veritas                  83-03  
  7 Spence, D'Ante            10 Norfolk Acad             82-10  
  8 Sumpter, Tazle             9 St. Christophers      82-06.50  
  9 Diggs, Bay                 9 Collegiate               74-08  
 10 Sherrell, Duke             9 Woodberry             74-00.50  
 11 Grey, Austin               8 Richmond Chr             71-04  
 12 Baxter, Rian               9 Collegiate               70-02  
 13 Galstan, Bailey           10 St. Christophers      69-07.50  
 14 Baldecchi, Tuc            10 Benedictine           68-08.50  
 15 O'Kuinghtton, Chris       10 Veritas                  61-01  
 16 Ballowe, David             9 St. Christophers         60-09  
 17 Barksdale, Frank           8 Trinity                  56-04  
 18 Millen, Aengus             9 Woodberry             55-05.50  
 19 Norfleet, Jason            6 Veritas               52-04.50  
 20 Davis, Nicholas            7 Fuqua School          50-02.50  
 21 Jones, Seth                6 Our Lady of              39-02  
 22 Griffin, Jeff              7 Norfolk Acad          30-02.50  
                    Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
    1) Woodberry Forest School    142        2) Collegiate                121   
    3) Trinity Episcopal School    88        4) Norfolk Academy            63   
    5) Fork Union                  61        6) St. Christopher's School   49.50
    7) Veritas Classical Christia  23        8) St. Christopher's Middle   10.50
    9) Our Lady of Lourdes School  10       10) The Fuqua School            8   
   11) Richmond Christian           6       12) Benedictine                 4