Roanoke Elite 2019

Salem, VA

Complete Results

Men's 60m Dash  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Bennett, Marvin      SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                     6.99  10
2    Dracon, Doug         FR-1 Washington and Lee                  7.03   8
3    Stone, Curtis        JR-3 Berry                               7.04   6
4    Wilson, Kelvin       FR-1 Berry                               7.29   5
5    Schriver, Austin     FR-1 Berry                               7.30   4
6    McCroskey, Killian   FR-1 Roanoke                             7.32   3
7    Mathis, Collin       FR-1 Berry                               7.44   2
8    Breece, Josh         SO-2 Washington and Lee                  7.72   1

Men's 60m Dash  - Preliminaries: Heat 1
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Dracon, Doug         FR-1 Washington and Lee                  7.11    
2    Breece, Josh         SO-2 Washington and Lee                  7.38    
3    McCroskey, Killian   FR-1 Roanoke                             7.39    
4    Coplin, Jacob        JR-3 Denison                             7.47    
5    Musgrove, Kevon      FR-1 Gettysburg                          7.50    
     Wyman, Chandler      SO-2 Gettysburg                           DNS    

Men's 60m Dash  - Preliminaries: Heat 2
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Stone, Curtis        JR-3 Berry                               7.17    
2    Wilson, Kelvin       FR-1 Berry                               7.40    
3    Mims, Derrell        JR-3 Berry                               7.41    
4    O'Neil, Dylan        JR-3 Gettysburg                          7.63    
5    Motill, Colin        SO-2 Gettysburg                          7.64    
6    Sainz, Esteban       FR-1 Denison                             7.71    

Men's 60m Dash  - Preliminaries: Heat 3
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Bennett, Marvin      SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                     7.09    
2    Schriver, Austin     FR-1 Berry                               7.33    
3    Mathis, Collin       FR-1 Berry                               7.41    
4    Chin, Alex           SR-4 Denison                             7.73    
5    Laakonen, Otto       FR-1 Denison                             7.76    

Men's 200m Dash  - Finals Heat 1
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Stone, Curtis        JR-3 Berry                              22.48  10
2    Fiore, Donovan       JR-3 Washington and Lee                 22.52   8
3    Bennett, Marvin      SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                    22.53   6
4    Wilson, Jordan       FR-1 Berry                              23.46   5
     Dracon, Doug         FR-1 Washington and Lee                   DNF   -

Men's 200m Dash  - Finals Heat 2
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Narayan, Varun       FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                    23.66   4
2    Ruddy, Jack          JR-3 Denison                            23.79   3
3    Schriver, Austin     FR-1 Berry                              24.27   -
4    Wilson, Kelvin       FR-1 Berry                              24.33   -
     McCroskey, Killian   FR-1 Roanoke                              DNF   -

Men's 200m Dash  - Finals Heat 3
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Justice, Brandon     FR-1 Roanoke                            23.83   2
2    Schwabauer, Cliff    FR-1 Roanoke                            24.25   1
3    McNeil, Zach         FR-1 Roanoke                            24.50   -
4    Mathis, Collin       FR-1 Berry                              24.86   -
5    Del Cristo, Albert   SR-4 Washington and Lee                 25.05   -

Men's 200m Dash  - Finals Heat 4
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Cwiklinski, Thaddeus SR-4 Gettysburg                         24.65   -
2    Motill, Colin        SO-2 Gettysburg                         24.79   -
3    Laakonen, Otto       FR-1 Denison                            24.90   -
4    O'Brien, Cael        SO-2 Gettysburg                         25.08   -
5    Sainz, Esteban       FR-1 Denison                            25.19   -

Men's 200m Dash  - Finals Heat 5
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    O'Neil, Dylan        JR-3 Gettysburg                         25.20   -
2    Musgrove, Kevon      FR-1 Gettysburg                         25.21   -
3    Barnes, James        JR-3 Gettysburg                         25.73   -
4    Simmers, Matthew     SO-2 Gettysburg                         26.40   -
     Barnes, Kenneth      JR-3 Gettysburg                            DQ   -
     Drummond, Savoy      JR-3 Gettysburg                           DNS   -

Men's 400m Dash  - Finals Heat 1
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Fiore, Donovan       JR-3 Washington and Lee                 50.51  10
2    Huffman, Carter      SR-4 Washington and Lee                 51.30   8
3    Ray, Micah           SO-2 Roanoke                            51.34   6
4    Pranka, Drew         SR-4 Washington and Lee                 52.98   1

Men's 400m Dash  - Finals Heat 2
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Desir, Heoseph       FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                    51.42   5
2    Wilson, Jordan       FR-1 Berry                              51.80   4
3    Ruddy, Jack          JR-3 Denison                            52.46   3
4    Johnson, Grant       SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                    52.77   2

Men's 400m Dash  - Finals Heat 3
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Cwiklinski, Thaddeus SR-4 Gettysburg                         53.26   -
2    Justice, Brandon     FR-1 Roanoke                            53.35   -
3    Schwabauer, Cliff    FR-1 Roanoke                            53.47   -
4    Pankey, William      SR-4 Roanoke                            54.55   -

Men's 400m Dash  - Finals Heat 4
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Katterhagen, Spencer SO-2 Washington and Lee                 54.51   -
2    Weller, Matthew      FR-1 Gettysburg                         54.70   -
3    Williams, Grant      FR-1 Roanoke                            54.83   -
     Grauer, Dalton       FR-1 Washington and Lee                   DNS   -

Men's 400m Dash  - Finals Heat 5
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Brouillard, Angus    FR-1 Gettysburg                         56.29   -
2    Barnes, James        JR-3 Gettysburg                         58.45   -
3    Drummond, Savoy      JR-3 Gettysburg                       1:01.71   -

Men's 800m Run  - Finals Heat 1
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Carlson, Alec        JR-3 Roanoke                          2:07.56   -
2    Crosby, Owen         SO-2 Gettysburg                       2:10.30   -
3    Miller, Michael      SR-4 Gettysburg                       2:12.29   -
4    Johnston, Zackary    FR-1 Denison                          2:13.52   -
5    Kowgios, Nicholas    SO-2 Gettysburg                       2:16.09   -
6    Riley, Calvin        FR-1 Denison                          2:16.39   -
7    Jordan, Turner       SO-2 Roanoke                          2:17.05   -
8    Connelly, Kenneth    JR-3 Denison                          2:22.63   -
     Kenyon, Jack         SO-2 Gettysburg                           DNS   -

Men's 800m Run  - Finals Heat 2
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Sheldon, Samuel      JR-3 Gettysburg                       2:05.38   1
2    Butler, Danner       SO-2 Washington and Lee               2:05.48   -
3    Watson, Nick         FR-1 Washington and Lee               2:05.68   -
4    Elliott, Kevin       SR-4 Roanoke                          2:08.02   -
5    Dalton, Zachary      SO-2 Roanoke                          2:09.10   -
6    Rodriguez, Christian SO-2 Gettysburg                       2:09.74   -
7    Crump, Athey         JR-3 Roanoke                          2:09.87   -
8    McKeever, Dylan      SO-2 Gettysburg                       2:11.62   -
     Wade, Dustin         FR-1 Roanoke                              DNS   -

Men's 800m Run  - Finals Heat 3
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Mills, Isaac         SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                  1:56.26  10
2    Robinson, Matthew    SR-4 Gettysburg                       2:00.02   8
3    Caines, Alexander    SO-2 Washington and Lee               2:00.45   6
4    Oliver, Miles        SO-2 Washington and Lee               2:00.90   5
5    Petrecca, Alex       SR-4 Gettysburg                       2:01.16   4
6    Moody, Mark          SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                  2:01.79   3
7    Henegar, Millan      FR-1 Denison                          2:02.63   2
     Bloodworth, Samuel   FR-1 Denison                              DNS   -

Men's 1 Mile Run  - Finals Heat 1
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Sheldon, Samuel      JR-3 Gettysburg                       4:33.90   3
2    McKeever, Dylan      SO-2 Gettysburg                       4:42.15   1
3    Zulauf, Chamberlain  FR-1 Roanoke                          4:45.51   -
4    Miller, Michael      SR-4 Gettysburg                       4:46.14   -
5    Hopkins, William     FR-1 Gettysburg                       4:48.34   -
6    Riley, Calvin        FR-1 Denison                          5:02.96   -
7    Connelly, Kenneth    JR-3 Denison                          5:05.72   -
8    Kenyon, Jack         SO-2 Gettysburg                       5:18.92   -
9    Wirth, Cole          FR-1 Gettysburg                       5:20.26   -
     Johnston, Zackary    FR-1 Denison                              DNS   -

Men's 1 Mile Run  - Finals Heat 2
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Yukevich, Evan       JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                  4:19.68  10
2    Walsh, Liam          JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                  4:20.01   8
3    Foster, Benjamin     JR-3 Denison                          4:26.11   6
4    Petrecca, Alex       SR-4 Gettysburg                       4:30.17   5
5    Eversden, Graham     FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                  4:31.20   4
6    Knowlton, Will       SR-4 Berry                            4:38.08   2
7    Robinson, Matthew    SR-4 Gettysburg                       4:44.12   -
     Cope, Daniel         SO-2 Washington and Lee                   DNF   -
     Baird, Cooper        SR-4 Washington and Lee                   DNS   -

Men's 3,000m Run  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Mitchell, William    SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                  8:30.36  10
2    Kalapos, Josh        JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                  8:39.20   8
3    Hartshorne, Hunter   JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                  8:40.67   6
4    Harter, George       SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                  8:50.57   5
5    Moore, Jared         SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                  8:53.88   4
6    Roberts, Parker      JR-3 Berry                            8:59.17   3
7    Smith, Peter         FR-1 Roanoke                          9:00.18   2
8    Woodfolk, Drew       FR-1 Washington and Lee               9:02.93   1
9    Foster, Benjamin     JR-3 Denison                          9:11.26   -
10   Barrett, Tyler       JR-3 Roanoke                          9:16.86   -
11   Cromwell, Adam       SO-2 Denison                          9:26.48   -
12   Shay, Tim            SR-4 Roanoke                          9:30.29   -
13   Marchetti, Jack      SR-4 Denison                          9:38.14   -
14   Watters, Clayton     JR-3 Denison                          9:42.36   -
15   Norelli, Charles     FR-1 Gettysburg                       9:44.88   -
16   Butzow, Andy         SO-2 Berry                            9:48.27   -
17   Neighbour, Patrick   FR-1 Gettysburg                       9:58.70   -
18   McQuade, Peter       SO-2 Gettysburg                      10:58.83   -
19   Hutchison, Eric      FR-1 Gettysburg                      11:19.23   -
     Cope, Daniel         SO-2 Washington and Lee                   DNF   -
     Bell, Jason          FR-1 Berry                                DNS   -
     Clancey, Niall       SR-4 Denison                              DNS   -
     Hopkins, William     FR-1 Gettysburg                           DNS   -

Men's 5,000m Run  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Mhatre, Aaditya      SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                 15:32.70  10
2    Branch-Shaw, Harriso JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                 15:45.73   8
3    Cromwell, Adam       SO-2 Denison                         15:59.32   6
4    Ginell, Keanan       FR-1 Denison                         16:10.55   5
5    Marchetti, Jack      SR-4 Denison                         16:18.64   4
6    Towe, Matt           JR-3 Berry                           16:52.82   3
7    Mallett, Cam         JR-3 Berry                           16:53.47   2
8    Gronke, Jonathan     JR-3 Gettysburg                      17:12.31   1
9    Fitschen-Brown, Rhys JR-3 Denison                         17:19.11   -
10   Rose, Nicholas       SO-2 Gettysburg                      17:46.40   -
11   Goodson, Henry       FR-1 Gettysburg                      18:16.18   -
12   Rains, Jacob         SO-2 Denison                         18:20.97   -
     Hunter, Patrick      SR-4 Washington and Lee                   DNF   -
     Lospinoso, Attilio   JR-3 Berry                                DNS   -

Men's 60m Hurdles  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Pranka, Drew         SR-4 Washington and Lee                  8.69  10
2    O'Connor, Joe        FR-1 Washington and Lee                  8.80   8
3    Dixie, James         JR-3 Denison                             9.37   6
4    Grauer, Dalton       FR-1 Washington and Lee                  9.39   5
5    Simmers, Matthew     SO-2 Gettysburg                          9.74   4
6    Heinbaugh, Steven    FR-1 Gettysburg                         10.06   3
7    Grissinger, Nicholas SO-2 Gettysburg                         10.30   2

Men's 4 x 200m Relay  - Finals
     Team                                      Time Score
1    Denison                                1:36.28  10
2    Washington and Lee                     1:36.47   8
3    Berry                                  1:38.09   6

Men's 4 x 400m Relay  - Finals
     Team                                      Time Score
1    Washington and Lee                     3:28.10  10
2    Carnegie Mellon                        3:28.29   8
3    Gettysburg                             3:36.96   6
4    Denison                                3:37.46   5
5    Roanoke                                3:46.46   4
6    Gettysburg                             3:46.74   3
7    Berry                                  3:47.64   2
8    Gettysburg                             4:00.20   1
9    Denison                                4:02.92   -
10   Gettysburg                             4:05.00   -

Men's 4,000m Distance Medley  - Finals
     Team                                      Time Score
1    Washington and Lee                    10:53.79  10
2    Roanoke                               10:54.99   8
3    Denison                               10:57.86   6
4    Berry                                 11:20.06   5

Men's High Jump 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Fleming, Ryan        JR-3 Denison                              1.96m  10
2    Farber, Reed         SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                      1.96m   8
3    Sloan, Matthew       SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                      1.86m   6
4    Kuntz, Dan           SO-2 Washington and Lee                   1.81m   5
5    Palazzolo, Corey     FR-1 Gettysburg                           1.81m   4
6    Teagle, Jack         SO-2 Washington and Lee                   1.76m   3
7    O'Connor, Joe        FR-1 Washington and Lee                   1.76m   2
8    Patel, Nish          SO-2 Berry                                1.71m   1
9    Weller, Matthew      FR-1 Gettysburg                           1.71m   -
     Robinson, Ellis      SO-2 Washington and Lee                      NH   -

Men's Pole Vault 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    O'Connor, Joe        FR-1 Washington and Lee                   4.56m  10
2    Murphy, Jon          SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                      4.56m   8
3    Smith, Tucker        SO-2 Berry                                4.26m   6
4    Pranka, Drew         SR-4 Washington and Lee                   4.11m   5
5    Turner, Corbin       SO-2 Roanoke                              3.96m   4
6    Brice, Mitchell      JR-3 Berry                                3.96m   3
7    Kopec, Dillon        JR-3 Roanoke                              3.96m   2
8    Caldwell, Ethan      SR-4 Berry                                3.66m   1
9    Grissinger, Nicholas SO-2 Gettysburg                           3.51m   -
10   Karaman, Thaddeus    FR-1 Gettysburg                           3.36m   -
11   Lew, Dylan           SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                      3.36m   -
     Smith, Jackson       FR-1 Roanoke                                 NH   -
     Bale, Noah           JR-3 Gettysburg                              NH   -
     Brown, Blake         FR-1 Denison                                 NH   -
     Heinbaugh, Steven    FR-1 Gettysburg                              NH   -

Men's Long Jump  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
5    Breece, Josh         SO-2 Washington and Lee                   6.29m   4
9    Tubula, Frederick    FR-1 Gettysburg                           6.01m   -
10   Chin, Alex           SR-4 Denison                              5.95m   -
13   McGrath, Scott       FR-1 Gettysburg                           5.78m   -
14   Johnson, Jimmie      JR-3 Washington and Lee                   5.67m   -
15   Heinbaugh, Steven    FR-1 Gettysburg                           5.63m   -
16   Patel, Nish          SO-2 Berry                                5.62m   -
17   McNeil, Zach         FR-1 Roanoke                              5.60m   -
18   Palazzolo, Corey     FR-1 Gettysburg                           5.59m   -
19   Grissinger, Nicholas SO-2 Gettysburg                           5.03m   -
20   O'Neil, Dylan        JR-3 Gettysburg                           4.95m   -
1    Narayan, Varun       FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                      6.89m  10
2    Kiefel, Justin       FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                      6.44m   8
3    Greenberg, Nick      FR-1 Washington and Lee                   6.43m   6
4    Barnes, Kenneth      JR-3 Gettysburg                           6.38m   5
6    Coplin, Jacob        JR-3 Denison                              6.11m   3
7    Khannan, Dhroovaa    JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                      6.09m   2
8    Carter, David        SR-4 Denison                              6.09m   1
11   Dixie, James         JR-3 Denison                              5.95m   -
12   Dauphin, Frederick   JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                      5.85m   -
     Taoufik, Tarik       FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                         ND   -
     Robinson, Ellis      SO-2 Washington and Lee                      ND   -

Men's Triple Jump 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Kiefel, Justin       FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                     13.95m  10
2    Dauphin, Frederick   JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                     13.45m   8
3    Greenberg, Nick      FR-1 Washington and Lee                  13.13m   6
4    Farber, Reed         SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                     12.91m   5
5    Taoufik, Tarik       FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                     12.76m   4
6    Sloan, Matthew       SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                     12.71m   3
7    Breece, Josh         SO-2 Washington and Lee                  12.69m   2
8    Carter, David        SR-4 Denison                             12.57m   1
9    Khannan, Dhroovaa    JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                     12.30m   -
10   Dixie, James         JR-3 Denison                             11.63m   -
11   Tubula, Frederick    FR-1 Gettysburg                          11.31m   -
     McGrath, Scott       FR-1 Gettysburg                              ND   -
     Palazzolo, Corey     FR-1 Gettysburg                              ND   -
     Kuntz, Dan           SO-2 Washington and Lee                      ND   -

Men's Shot Put 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Miller, Bram         SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                     16.02m  10
2    Woodward, Jed        JR-3 Berry                               13.87m   8
3    Stahl, Logan         SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                     13.56m   6
4    Roberts, Jay         JR-3 Washington and Lee                  12.16m   5
5    Ogle, Jared          FR-1 Berry                               12.04m   4
6    Nguyen, Jimmy        FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                     12.02m   3
7    Bland, Kaleb         JR-3 Roanoke                             12.00m   2
8    McManus, Austin      JR-3 Denison                             11.87m   1
9    Cantrell, Alex       SR-4 Washington and Lee                  11.16m   -
10   Kostohryz, Stephen   FR-1 Gettysburg                           9.22m   -
11   Cortese, Michael     SR-4 Gettysburg                           9.15m   -
     Stricker, Bryce      JR-3 Denison                                 ND   -
     Brown, Antonio       JR-3 Berry                                   ND   -
     Hageboeck, Rob       FR-1 Washington and Lee                      ND   -

Men's Weight Throw  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
9    Cortese, Michael     SR-4 Gettysburg                          11.96m   -
10   Kostohryz, Stephen   FR-1 Gettysburg                          11.53m   -
11   Brown, Antonio       JR-3 Berry                               10.75m   -
13   Schlott, Max         SR-4 Washington and Lee                   9.69m   -
14   Cantrell, Alex       SR-4 Washington and Lee                   9.23m   -
     Nguyen, Jimmy        FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                         ND   -
     Ogle, Jared          FR-1 Berry                                   ND   -
     Hageboeck, Rob       FR-1 Washington and Lee                      ND   -
1    Stricker, Bryce      JR-3 Denison                             16.06m  10
2    Stahl, Logan         SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                     13.74m   8
3    Roberts, Jay         JR-3 Washington and Lee                  13.73m   6
4    Bland, Kyle          JR-3 Roanoke                             13.59m   5
5    Bland, Kaleb         JR-3 Roanoke                             13.45m   4
6    McManus, Austin      JR-3 Denison                             13.13m   3
7    Miller, Bram         SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                     12.88m   2
8    Balogh, Grant        SO-2 Denison                             12.61m   1
12   Woodward, Jed        JR-3 Berry                               10.15m   -

Women's 60m Dash  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Kindsvater, Samantha SO-2 Washington and Lee                  8.35  10
2    Rios, Grace          FR-1 Roanoke                             8.36   8
3    Hair, Autumn         SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                     8.37   6
4    Yuan, Chenxi         SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                     8.43   5
5    Meyer, Samantha      FR-1 Roanoke                             8.52   4
6    Schumacher, Gracie   FR-1 Berry                               8.53   3
7    Mosley, Quiana       FR-1 Roanoke                             8.58   2
8    Rosenwasser, Jessica SR-4 Washington and Lee                  8.66   1

Women's 60m Dash  - Preliminaries: Heat 1
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Rios, Grace          FR-1 Roanoke                             8.34    
2    Hair, Autumn         SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                     8.34    
3    Meyer, Samantha      FR-1 Roanoke                             8.42    
4    Kindsvater, Samantha SO-2 Washington and Lee                  8.49    
5    Schumacher, Gracie   FR-1 Berry                               8.54    
6    Kerprich , Alexa     SO-2 Gettysburg                          9.16    

Women's 60m Dash  - Preliminaries: Heat 2
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Mosley, Quiana       FR-1 Roanoke                             8.45    
2    Yuan, Chenxi         SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                     8.53    
3    Rosenwasser, Jessica SR-4 Washington and Lee                  8.57    
4    Kinney, Alexandria   FR-1 Berry                               8.70    
5    Ruvo, Holly          FR-1 Gettysburg                          8.81    

Women's 200m Dash  - Finals Heat 1
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Doherty, Nikki       JR-3 Washington and Lee                 26.63  10
2    Kendrick, Leah       JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                    27.79   8
3    Rosenwasser, Jessica SR-4 Washington and Lee                 28.26   3
4    Reiling, Valerie     SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                    29.18   1

Women's 200m Dash  - Finals Heat 2
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Kindsvater, Samantha SO-2 Washington and Lee                 28.07   6
2    Schumacher, Gracie   FR-1 Berry                              28.18   5
3    Meyer, Samantha      FR-1 Roanoke                            29.68   -
     Ruvo, Holly          FR-1 Gettysburg                            DQ   -

Women's 200m Dash  - Finals Heat 3
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Kinney, Alexandria   FR-1 Berry                              28.23   4
2    Smith, Molly         SO-2 Denison                            29.73   -
3    DeMichael, Danielle  SR-4 Gettysburg                         30.13   -
     Wesolowski, Paige    SR-4 Gettysburg                           DNS   -

Women's 200m Dash  - Finals Heat 4
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Spanfeller, Jamie    FR-1 Washington and Lee                 28.98   2
2    Philleo, Kaillee     SO-2 Roanoke                            29.90   -
3    Bell, Katherine      SR-4 Gettysburg                         30.68   -
4    Kerprich , Alexa     SO-2 Gettysburg                         30.80   -
5    Wielk, Emily         JR-3 Gettysburg                         31.36   -
     Mosley, Quiana       FR-1 Roanoke                              DNS   -

Women's 400m Dash  - Finals Heat 1
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Bhanja, Debarati     SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                  1:00.39  10
2    Lippert, Lily        FR-1 Roanoke                          1:01.69   8
3    Reiling, Valerie     SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                  1:05.83   4
     Koepfinger, Hannah   FR-1 Roanoke                              DNS   -

Women's 400m Dash  - Finals Heat 2
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Smith, Molly         SO-2 Denison                          1:04.94   6
2    Gheen, Savannah      FR-1 Roanoke                          1:05.63   5
3    Wesolowski, Paige    SR-4 Gettysburg                       1:09.27   -
     Jones, Murfee        FR-1 Washington and Lee                   DNS   -

Women's 400m Dash  - Finals Heat 3
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Spanfeller, Jamie    FR-1 Washington and Lee               1:05.91   3
2    Marty, Diva-Oriane   FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                  1:06.61   2
3    Robben, Madeleine    SO-2 Roanoke                          1:07.24   1
     Desmond, Sullivan    JR-3 Gettysburg                           DNS   -

Women's 400m Dash  - Finals Heat 4
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Mallette, Brittany   JR-3 Roanoke                          1:08.31   -
2    Lerda, Sydney        JR-3 Denison                          1:08.47   -
3    Whitty, Emily        SO-2 Roanoke                          1:08.98   -
4    Philleo, Kaillee     SO-2 Roanoke                          1:12.12   -
     Holmes, Allie        SO-2 Denison                              DNS   -

Women's 800m Run  - Finals Heat 1
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Holmes, Allie        SO-2 Denison                          2:40.96   2
2    Campbell, Colleen    SR-4 Gettysburg                       2:44.84   -
3    Solberg, Tommy       SO-2 Denison                          2:47.04   -
4    Bell, Katherine      SR-4 Gettysburg                       2:51.02   -
5    Browning, Lauren     FR-1 Gettysburg                       3:08.11   -
     Corcoran, Grace      FR-1 Gettysburg                           DNS   -
     Lerda, Sydney        JR-3 Denison                              DNS   -
     Desmond, Sullivan    JR-3 Gettysburg                           DNS   -
     Hill, Leah           JR-3 Gettysburg                           DNS   -
     Nelson, Anna         SO-2 Washington and Lee                   DNS   -

Women's 800m Run  - Finals Heat 2
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Ciriello, Rose       SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                  2:22.04  10
2    Cunningham, Anne     SO-2 Washington and Lee               2:24.05   8
3    Schiffman, Avery     FR-1 Washington and Lee               2:24.24   6
4    DeMichael, Danielle  SR-4 Gettysburg                       2:26.22   5
5    Barthol, Allison     SO-2 Roanoke                          2:31.71   4
6    Clevenger, Kinslee   JR-3 Berry                            2:34.38   3
7    Rowland, MaryBeth    JR-3 Berry                            2:43.60   1
     Seybold, Margaret    SR-4 Washington and Lee                   DNF   -
     Wesolowski, Paige    SR-4 Gettysburg                           DNS   -

Women's 1 Mile Run  - Finals Heat 1
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Fagan, Kathryn       SO-2 Washington and Lee               5:46.33   -
2    Mayes, Mikey         FR-1 Berry                            5:50.62   -
3    Hamman, Lillian      SO-2 Berry                            5:53.21   -
4    Solberg, Tommy       SO-2 Denison                          5:57.28   -
5    Campbell, Colleen    SR-4 Gettysburg                       5:58.58   -
6    Flory, Kate          SO-2 Washington and Lee               5:58.79   -
7    Travis, Julia        SO-2 Berry                            6:11.52   -
8    Browning, Lauren     FR-1 Gettysburg                       6:49.77   -
9    Rigg, Mary           FR-1 Gettysburg                       6:51.13   -
     Sanders, Bailey      SR-4 Washington and Lee                   DNF   -
     Desmond, Sullivan    JR-3 Gettysburg                           DNS   -
     Hill, Leah           JR-3 Gettysburg                           DNS   -

Women's 1 Mile Run  - Finals Heat 2
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Reilly, Kathryn      JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                  5:16.73  10
2    Seybold, Margaret    SR-4 Washington and Lee               5:24.13   8
3    Collins, Valerie     JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                  5:30.57   6
4    Terpin, Bethany      SR-4 Berry                            5:32.30   5
5    Evans, Madeline      FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                  5:34.10   4
6    Corcoran, Grace      FR-1 Gettysburg                       5:34.17   3
7    Bradach, Ellie       JR-3 Washington and Lee               5:37.18   2
8    Hollen, Sarah        FR-1 Washington and Lee               5:37.55   1
9    Lacey, Wade          JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                  5:38.25   -
10   Smith, Claire        SO-2 Washington and Lee               5:38.46   -
11   Nelson, Anna         SO-2 Washington and Lee               5:44.27   -

Women's 3,000m Run  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Herman, Meredith     JR-3 Berry                           10:24.24  10
2    Levine, Abigail      JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                 10:27.62   8
3    Yates, Samantha      SR-4 Washington and Lee              10:28.09   6
4    Carroll, Abby        JR-3 Berry                           10:30.32   5
5    Bearup, Katie        JR-3 Washington and Lee              10:39.47   4
6    Pace, Didi           SO-2 Washington and Lee              10:40.95   3
7    Radziewicz, Sarah    SO-2 Denison                         11:10.32   2
8    Balch, Meagan        FR-1 Denison                         11:11.04   1
9    Seballos , Kristen   FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                 11:26.57   -
10   Mattson, Alexis      SO-2 Roanoke                         11:48.57   -
11   Golden, Ashlee       FR-1 Berry                           12:04.93   -
12   Grace, Morgan        SR-4 Berry                           12:24.80   -
13   Farley, Olivia       FR-1 Roanoke                         12:41.02   -
14   Ritchie, Leanna      FR-1 Berry                           12:59.35   -
15   Fairbanks, Kasey     FR-1 Roanoke                         13:41.23   -
16   Rigg, Mary           FR-1 Gettysburg                      13:50.65   -
17   Spring, Adrienne     JR-3 Roanoke                         14:25.59   -
     Booher, Ashlyn       FR-1 Gettysburg                           DNS   -
     O'Brien, Kathrin     FR-1 Gettysburg                           DNS   -

Women's 5,000m Run  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Willson, Emily       FR-1 Denison                         18:55.12  10
2    Rice, Megan          SO-2 Carnegie Mellon                 19:21.32   8
3    Lindsey, Emmalyn     JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                 19:32.92   6
4    O'Brien, Kathrin     FR-1 Gettysburg                      19:41.35   5
5    Albright, Olivia     FR-1 Washington and Lee              19:42.93   4
6    Morgan, Charis       FR-1 Berry                           20:08.91   3
7    Bilsky, Alexa        SR-4 Berry                           20:26.50   2
8    Hoaglund, Maddie     SO-2 Washington and Lee              20:52.24   1
9    Miluski, Kristi      SR-4 Washington and Lee              22:49.05   -
     Nowlin, Caroline     SR-4 Washington and Lee                   DNF   -
     Barron, Elise        SR-4 Berry                                DNS   -
     LaHatte, Ellen       SR-4 Berry                                DNS   -
     Booher, Ashlyn       FR-1 Gettysburg                           DNS   -
     Harris, Katie        SO-2 Washington and Lee                   DNS   -

Women's 60m Hurdles  - Finals
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Kendrick, Leah       JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                     9.33  10
2    Lippert, Lily        FR-1 Roanoke                             9.54   8
3    Doherty, Nikki       JR-3 Washington and Lee                  9.58   6
4    Koepfinger, Hannah   FR-1 Roanoke                             9.86   5
5    Baranowski, Joanna   JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                     9.98   4
6    Padgett, Madison     SO-2 Roanoke                            10.44   3
7    Yuan, Chenxi         SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                    10.60   2
8    Hyde, Mary           FR-1 Berry                              11.03   1

Women's 60m Hurdles  - Preliminaries: Heat 1
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Doherty, Nikki       JR-3 Washington and Lee                  9.59    
2    Koepfinger, Hannah   FR-1 Roanoke                            10.00    
3    Padgett, Madison     SO-2 Roanoke                            10.36    
4    Hyde, Mary           FR-1 Berry                              10.57    
5    Johnson, Samantha    FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                    10.79    
6    DeLacey, Kelley      SR-4 Berry                              11.46    

Women's 60m Hurdles  - Preliminaries: Heat 2
     Athlete                Yr Team                                Time Score
1    Kendrick, Leah       JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                     9.47    
2    Lippert, Lily        FR-1 Roanoke                             9.65    
3    Baranowski, Joanna   JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                    10.08    
4    Yuan, Chenxi         SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                    10.77    
     Hurst, Anna          FR-1 Washington and Lee                   DNS    

Women's 4 x 200m Relay  - Finals
     Team                                      Time Score
1    Berry                                  1:55.96  10
2    Denison                                1:56.36   8

Women's 4 x 400m Relay  - Finals
     Team                                      Time Score
1    Carnegie Mellon                        4:15.33  10
2    Washington and Lee                     4:17.02   8
3    Denison                                4:29.21   6
4    Carnegie Mellon                        4:32.37   5
5    Berry                                  4:34.83   4
6    Gettysburg                             4:41.15   3

Women's 4,000m Distance Medley  - Finals
     Team                                      Time Score
1    Berry                                 13:12.15  10
2    Washington and Lee                    13:28.54   8
3    Denison                               13:33.12   6

Women's High Jump 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Allen, Tessa         JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                      1.62m  10
2    Castellana, Alexa    JR-3 Washington and Lee                   1.57m   8
3    Padgett, Madison     SO-2 Roanoke                              1.47m 5.5
3    Brown, Kamman        FR-1 Berry                                1.47m 5.5
5    Leonard, Sarah       JR-3 Washington and Lee                   1.47m 3.5
5    Moreau, Alison       SO-2 Roanoke                              1.47m 3.5
7    Seccafico, Katie     FR-1 Gettysburg                           1.47m   2
8    Green, Leah          SO-2 Washington and Lee                   1.42m   1
9    Mangaroo, Nicole     FR-1 Gettysburg                           1.42m   -
10   Gutelius, Danni      SO-2 Denison                              1.37m   -
10   Pienkos, Anna        FR-1 Gettysburg                           1.37m   -

Women's Pole Vault 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Karabin, Michelle    JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                      3.47m  10
2    Trotto, Claire       SO-2 Roanoke                              3.32m   8
3    DeLacey, Kelley      SR-4 Berry                                2.87m 5.5
3    Jones, Murfee        FR-1 Washington and Lee                   2.87m 5.5
5    LaSelva, Elizabeth   JR-3 Berry                                2.87m 3.5
5    Tester, Louise       SO-2 Roanoke                              2.87m 3.5
7    Mason, Mackenzie     SR-4 Denison                              2.87m   2
8    Potter, Enza         FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                      2.87m   1
9    Baranowski, Joanna   JR-3 Carnegie Mellon                      2.72m   -
9    Furr, Anne           FR-1 Washington and Lee                   2.72m   -
11   Sperber, Kendall     SO-2 Roanoke                              2.57m   -
12   Yap, Caitlin         FR-1 Gettysburg                           2.57m   -
13   Proels, Eva          FR-1 Berry                                2.42m   -
     Wesolowski, Paige    SR-4 Gettysburg                              NH   -
     Baxter, Lindsey      JR-3 Roanoke                                 NH   -
     Sittineri, Jenna     FR-1 Gettysburg                              NH   -
     Fucigna, Isabella    SO-2 Washington and Lee                      NH   -

Women's Long Jump 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Hair, Autumn         SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                      4.87m  10
2    Brown, Kamman        FR-1 Berry                                4.80m   8
3    Yuan, Chenxi         SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                      4.76m   6
4    Padgett, Madison     SO-2 Roanoke                              4.73m   5
5    Gheen, Savannah      FR-1 Roanoke                              4.72m   4
6    Ryman, Brooke        FR-1 Roanoke                              4.69m   3
7    Johnson, Samantha    FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                      4.62m   2
8    Castellana, Alexa    JR-3 Washington and Lee                   4.59m   1
9    Rios, Grace          FR-1 Roanoke                              4.32m   -
     Lowe, Julie          SO-2 Washington and Lee                      ND   -

Women's Triple Jump 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Johnson, Samantha    FR-1 Carnegie Mellon                     10.22m  10
2    Castellana, Alexa    JR-3 Washington and Lee                  10.06m   8
3    Koepfinger, Hannah   FR-1 Roanoke                              9.89m   6
4    Hair, Autumn         SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                      9.88m   5
5    Green, Leah          SO-2 Washington and Lee                   9.65m   4
6    Ryman, Brooke        FR-1 Roanoke                              9.60m   3
7    Lowe, Julie          SO-2 Washington and Lee                   9.56m   2
8    Leonard, Sarah       JR-3 Washington and Lee                   9.33m   1
9    Mangaroo, Nicole     FR-1 Gettysburg                           8.85m   -

Women's Shot Put 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Calascione, Jennifer SR-4 Roanoke                             11.09m  10
2    Ackerman, Leah       FR-1 Denison                             10.94m   8
3    Schmoll, Ashley      FR-1 Denison                             10.93m   6
4    Sale, Madelyn        FR-1 Roanoke                             10.61m   5
5    Rivera, Denae        FR-1 Berry                               10.60m   4
6    Vrancken, Anna       SO-2 Denison                             10.55m   3
7    Mangione, Katherine  FR-1 Gettysburg                           9.85m   2
8    Coleman, Emma        SO-2 Washington and Lee                   9.47m   1
9    Alessi, Jessica      FR-1 Gettysburg                           8.71m   -
10   McIntosh, Frances    FR-1 Washington and Lee                   5.75m   -
     Leggett, Genesis     JR-3 Berry                                   ND   -
     Bianco Riley, Diana  SO-2 Gettysburg                              ND   -
     Butler, Carson       JR-3 Berry                                   ND   -

Women's Weight Throw 
     Athlete                Yr Team                                  Mark Score
1    Jean-Jules, Jayna    JR-3 Roanoke                             14.05m  10
2    Vrancken, Anna       SO-2 Denison                             13.98m   8
3    Rivera, Denae        FR-1 Berry                               12.88m   6
4    Reppert, Abby        SO-2 Denison                             12.36m   5
5    Calascione, Jennifer SR-4 Roanoke                             12.16m   4
6    Ackerman, Leah       FR-1 Denison                             12.04m   3
7    Coleman, Emma        SO-2 Washington and Lee                  11.87m   2
8    Moughrabi, Nicole    JR-3 Roanoke                             11.63m   1
9    Barriero, Alexa      SR-4 Carnegie Mellon                     10.27m   -
10   Alessi, Jessica      FR-1 Gettysburg                           9.97m   -
11   Skolnick, Rebecca    FR-1 Denison                              9.75m   -
12   Sale, Madelyn        FR-1 Roanoke                              7.53m   -
     Leggett, Genesis     JR-3 Berry                                   ND   -
     Bianco Riley, Diana  SO-2 Gettysburg                              ND   -
     Butler, Carson       JR-3 Berry                                   ND   -