Occoquan VHSL Group 6 Region Indoor Championships 2019

Landover, MD

Meet Information

Attention: Occoquan Region postponed to Wednesday and Thursday schedule of events will remaine the same

Note: Corrections of advancing to state meet 3 advance in all events.

2018-2019 VHSL 5A Northwest Region, Occoquan Region & Northern Region


DATE AND Monday, February11, 2019 Wednesday, February 13, 2019 @ Prince Georges Sports & Learning LOCATION: Complex 8001 Sheriff Road, Landover, MD 20785:

FIELDHOUSE OPENS: Monday, February 11, 2019 Wednesday, February 13, 2019 @ 10 a.m

Directors: 5A North Region~ Bobby Krause (Falls Church) rlkrause@fcps.edu

6A Occoquan Region (C) ~ James L. Parker (T. C. Williams) james.parker@acps.k12.va.us

6A Northern Region (D) ~ Keith Laine (Osbourn Park) laineka@pwcs.edu

84-4-6 State Meet Entries-Eligibility of individual contestants shall be governed by the following provisions: INDOOR

(1) Only entries which are properly submitted on the official entry form, available from each regional track meet director, and received by the State Director not later than the deadline date for entry, will be accepted.

(2) The entry list must show those participants who place first, second or third in a regional championship meet or who were certified by the regional meet director as having met the qualifying times, heights and distances for the state meet during the regional championship meet or in a regular meet of 3 or more teams.

(3) No additions to, or changes in, the official list of entries (other than scratches) shall be permitted after the entry form has been received by the meet director.

(4) Relay events are considered as school team events. Any student included on a school's Master Eligibility List may be included on the state meet entry form as an alternate.

(5) Each school's relay team must place fi rst, second or third in a regional championship meet or must have met the state standards in the regional championship meet or a regular season meet involving 3 or more teams, contingent on verification by the meet director.

Entries are due on www.Milestat.com by Thursday, February 7, 2019 by midnight.

DEADLINE: All entries must be submitted before 11:59 p.m. Thursday, February 7, 2019.

All scratches must be done on Saturday, February 9, 2019 before 12:00 p.m. (noon) www.Milestat.com

2018-19 VHSL Rules

84-4-3 Individual Participation-In one meet a contestant may compete in any number of field events but shall be limited to participation in only three running events, except that a contestant who competes in the 3200 meter run may compete in only one other running event. No individual contestant may compete in more than one meet in any one day. In any meet contested over two days, a contestant competing in the 3200 meter run may compete in two additional running events as long as only one of the two is contested on the same day as the 3200 meter run.

Declaration Rule-All individuals declared for participation at the deadline set by the state meet director in consultation with the VHSL office will have those events count toward their participation limit as specified in this rule whether they compete in them or not. If an athlete is declared in more than the allowable number, the meet director has the authority to remove the athlete from the last event declared according to the meet schedule.

If an athlete at the district, conference, region or state meet is excused from an event by a certified athletic trainer or a physician appointed by the games committee, that athlete will be eligible for any and all other events entered unless the certified athletic trainer or physician determines that the athlete's health would be in danger with any further participation. 84-4-3 Interpretation: A 1600 meter qualifying race and the 1600 meter run are considered two events, as are a 3200 meter qualifying race and the 3200 meter run.

84-4-5 Determining Regional Qualifiers-A region may determine the number of entries per event that each school may qualify for the regional meet. A school's entry list must show only those participants certified by the regional director as having met regional meet standards or who are certified by the regional director as having met regional standards in a regular season meet involving four or more schools..

INDOOR ~ qualifying for the State Indoor Championship

2) The entry list must show those participants who place first, second or third in a

regional championship meet or who were certified by the regional meet director as having

met the qualifying times, heights and distances for the state meet during the regional championship

meet or in a regular meet of 3 or more teams.

REVISED January 2, 2019

2018-19 Indoor Track and Field Event Standards

Boy's Events Gunston District Occoquan Region (C) 2019 Va State Group 6

Hand FAT Hand FAT Hand FAT

Long Jump 18' 9" No 20' 5" No 21' 3" No

Triple Jump 38' 1" Fully 42' 0" Fully 43' 3" Fully

Shot Put 39' 8" Automatic 43' 10" Automatic 47' 9" Automatic

High Jump 5' 5" Marks 5' 10" Marks 6' 2" Marks

Pole Vault 9' 0" 11' 6" 12' 9"

55m Hurdle 8.8 9.06 7.9 8.15 7.6 7.86

55m Dash 6.6 6.84 6.5 6.74 6.3 6.61

300m Dash 37.9 38.15 37.3 37.00 35.9 36.20

500m Dash 1:11.1 1:11.42 1:08.5 1:08.80 1:07.9 1:08.15

1000m Run 2:46.7 2:47.02 2:39.3 2:39.59 2:36.5 2:36.79

1600m Run 4:40.7 4:40.95 4:35.9 4:35.16 4:28.1 4:28.47

3200m Run 10:14.6 10:14.91 9:54.2 9:54.51 9:44.9 9:45.22

800m Relay No Qualifying 1:35.2 1:35.44 1:33.6 1:33.91

1600m Relay Standard 3:34.6 3:34.91 3:31.2 3:31.51

3200m Relay 8:30.9 8:31.17 8:17.3 8:16.61

Girl's Events Gunston District Occoquan Region (C) 2019 Va State Group 6

Hand FAT Hand FAT Hand FAT

Long Jump 14' 6" No 16' 2" No 17' 5" No

Triple Jump 31' 10" Fully 33' 8" Fully 36' 8" Fully

Shot Put 30' 2" Automatic 33' 8" Automatic 36' 6" Automatic

High Jump 4' 4" Marks 4' 10" Marks 5' 0" Marks

Pole Vault 7' 3" 8' 3" 9' 3"

55m Hurdle 9.6 9.92 8.9 9.21 8.2 8.51

55m Dash 7.5 7.79 7.2 7.44 7.0 7.28

300m Dash 44.6 44.79 42.5 42.74 41.2 41.50

500m Dash 1:24.9 1:25.19 1:20.6 1:20.87 1:18.2 1:18.45

1000m Run 3:14.7 3:14.98 3:10.1 3:10.38 3:05.6 3:05.91

1600m Run 5:33.7 5:33.98 5:24.1 5:24.37 5:16.7 5:17.00

3200m Run 11:51.5 11:51.74 11:35.6 11:35.90 11:22.2 11:22.47

800m Relay No Qualifying 1:50.0 1:50.24 1:46.5 1:46.75

1600m Relay Standard 4:12.5 4:12.83 4:06.7 4:06.98

3200m Relay 9:57.1 9:57.38 9:39.0 9:39.30

FAT = Fully Automatic Timing

Monday, February 11, 2019

Order of Events

12:00 p.m. Field House Opens

2:30 p.m. Coaches Meeting

2:30 p.m. Weigh-in Girls Vaulters and Girls Shots

FIELD EVENTS############# Session 1 ##############################################

4:00 p.m. Boys Pole Vault (Occoquan Region)

4:00 p.m. Girls Long Jump Pit 1 - (Occoquan Region)

4:00 p.m. Boys Long Jump Pit 2 - (Northern Region)

4:00 p.m. Girls High Jump - (Northern Region) -

4:00 p.m. Girls Shot Put - (Occoquan Region)

############# Session 2 ##############################################

6:30 p.m. Girls Long Jump Pit 1 (Northern Region) - start time estimated

6:30 p.m. Boys Long Jump Pit 2 - (Occoquan Region) start time estimated

6:30 p.m. Girls Pole Vault (Occoquan Region) - start time estimated

6:30 p.m. Girls High Jump - (Occoquan Region) -start time estimated

6:30 p.m. Girls Shot Put - (Northern Region) - start time estimated


4:00 p.m. *Girls 55m Hurdle (Trials) (Occoquan Region)

Girls 55m Hurdle (Trials) (Northern Region)

4:35 p.m. *Boys 55m Hurdle (Trials) (Occoquan Region)

Boys 55m Hurdle (Trials) (Northern Region)

5:10 p.m. *Girls 55m Dash (Trials) (Occoquan Region)

Girls 55m Dash (Trials) (Northern Region)

5:30 p.m. *Boys 55m Dash (Trials) (Occoquan Region)

Boys 55m Dash (Trials) (Northern Region)



6:00 p.m. Girls 3200m Relay (Occoquan Region)

Girls 3200m Relay (Northern Region)

6:45 p.m. Boys 3200m Relay (5A Northwest Region)

Boys 3200m Relay (Occoquan Region)

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Order of Events

12:00 p.m. Field House Opens

2:45 p.m. Coaches Meeting

2:45 p.m. Weigh-in Boys Vaulters and Boys Shot Puts


############### Session 1 ############################################$$

1:30 p.m. Girls Triple Jump Pit 1 - (Northern Region)

1:30 p.m. Boys Triple Jump Pit 2 - (Northern Region) -

1:30 p.m. Boys High Jump (Northern Region) -

1:30 p.m. Girls Pole Vault (Northern Region) -

1:30 p.m. Boys Shot Pu t- (Northern Region) -

############ Session 2 #################################################

4:00 p.m. Boys Pole Vault (Northern Region) -

4:00 p.m. Boys High Jump - (Occoquan Region) - start time estimated

4:00 a.m. Boys Shot Pu t- (Occoquan Region) - start time estimated

4:00 p.m. Girls Triple Jump Pit 1 - (Occoquan Region) - start time estimated

4:00 p.m. Boys Triple Jump Pit 2 - (Occoquan Region) - start time estimated


3:30 p.m. Girls 55m Hurdle Finals (Occoquan Region)

Girls 55m Hurdle Finals (Northern Region)

Boys 55m Hurdle Finals (Occoquan Region)

Boys 55m Hurdle Finals (Northern Region)

3:40 p.m. Girls 55m Dash Finals (Occoquan Region)

Girls 55m Dash Finals (Northern Region)

Boys 55m Dash Finals (Occoquan Region)

Boys 55m Dash Finals (Northern Region)

3:45 p.m. Girls 3200m Relay (5A Northwest Region)

Boys 3200m Relay (5A Northwest Region)

4:00 p.m. Girls 800m Relay - (Occoquan Region

Girls 800m Relay - (Northern Region)

Boys 800m Relay - (Occoquan Region)

Boys 800m Relay - (Northern Region)

4:15 p.m. Girls 1600m Run - (Occoquan Region)

Girls 1600m Run - (Northern Region)

Boys 1600m Run - (Occoquan Region)

Boys 1600m Run - (Northern Region)

5:00 p.m. Girls 500m Run - (Occoquan Region

Girls 500m Run - (Northern Region)

Boys 500m Run - (Occoquan Region)

Boys 500m Run - (Northern Region)

5:30 p.m. Girls 1000m Run- (Occoquan Region)

Girls 1000m Run- (Northern Region)

Boys 1000m Run- (Occoquan Region)

Boys 1000m Run- (Northern Region)

6:10 p.m. Girls 300m Dash - (Occoquan Region)

Girls 300m Dash - (Northern Region)

Boys 300m Dash - (Occoquan Region)

Boys 300m Dash - (Northern Region)

6:30 p.m. Girls 3200m Run-Section I (Occoquan Region)

Girls 3200m Run-Section I (Northern Region)

Boys 3200m Run-Section I (Occoquan Region)

Boys 3200m Run-Section I (Northern Region)

7:30 p.m. Girls 1600m Relay - (Occoquan Region)

Girls 1600m Relay - (Northern Region)

Boys 1600m Relay - (Occoquan Region)

Boys 1600m Relay - (Northern Region)

8: 00 p.m. Presentation of Team Awards