Central High School Cross Country Invitational 2014

Woodstock, VA

Meet Information

Registration help:

$60.00 for one team (same gender) and $100.00 for two teams (male/female)
Payments Make checks payable to: Central High School
C/O Kenny Rinker 1147 Susan Ave. Woodstock, Va. 22664

ENTRIES: Seven in Male and Female Races
Unlimited in developmental races

Please submit entries by Friday August 22nd on milestat.

Awards: Trophies to the top 3 teams male and female
Trophies to the top male and female finisher
Medals to the top 15 finishers male and female
Medals to the top 15 finishers in developmental race male and female

Admission: $3.00

Time schedule:
8:00 am course available to walk
9:00 am coaches meeting
9:30 am Varsity Female race Varsity Male race Developmental Female race Developmental Male race
***All races will start 10 minutes after last runner finishes in the preceding race

***No changing facilities only port-a-johns

Concessions will be available
T-shirt sale will be available

PHONE NUMBERS: 540-459-7009 office 540-335-7636 cell 540-459-5932 - fax