Meet Information

Hokie Holiday Festival
Because of weather concerns the HOKIE HOLIDAY FESTIVAL start time has been pushed back to 10 AM. RECTOR Field House will open its doors at 9 AM.All coaches please check their milestat email accounts tomorrow PM for a revised schedule.
Date: December 17, 2016
Site: Rector Field House VA Tech
Eligible Schools: All Virginia Public and Private
Accepted Schools: First 26 paid schools
Fees: $200 per single gender
$300 for both from each school
Checks: Make checks payable to Staunton River High School
Mail checks to: Dan Ward P.O. Box 2 Dinwiddie, VA 23841
Checks must be mailed to Dan Ward to be considered as a paid school.
Entries: All entries are on the milesplit network. You must have a password to enter. You will get your password once your check is received. Each school gets a total of 28 entries per gender. Limit 3 for field events 500, 1000, 1600, & 3200. Limit 4 in the 55, 55HH, 300. You may enter 2 relay teams but only the designated A team may score. Each entry counts against your 28 entry total. Entry deadline: 5:59 pm, December 12, 2016.
Housing: A limited number of rooms have been reserved for this meet at the:
Holiday Inn99 Bradley Dr.Christiansburg, VA 24073(540) 381-8100Ask for Angela
Those rates are $114 plus tax per night up to four guests. This includes breakfast. This is Virginia Techs winter graduation weekend so rooms are at a premium. Reservations must be made by November 30, 2016.
Awards: Team Championship Trophy, medals for 1,2,3 relays, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place medals for individual events. Ribbons for 4,5,6 Individual.
Scoring: Six places will be scored 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 for individual events and 15, 12, 9, 7, 5, 3 for relays.
Estimated Time Schedule
Hokie Holiday Festival Target Time Schedule
8:00 am Doors Open
8:30 am Girls 4 x 800
9:00 am Boys 4 x 800
9:30 am Girls 3200 slow
9:45 am Boys 3200 slow
10:15 am Girls 55 HH
10:30 am Boys 55 HH
10:45 am Girls 55 Dash
11:05 am Boys 55 Dash
11:25 am Break for Lunch
11:55 am Opening Ceremonies
12:00 noon Girls 1600
12:30 pm Boys 1600
12:55 pm Girls 4 x 200
1:15 pm Boys 4 x 200
1:30 pm Girls 500
2:05 pm Boys 500
2:35 pm Girls 1000
3:00 pm Boys 1000
3:20 pm Girls 300
3:50 pm Boys 300
4:20 pm Girls 3200
4:35 pm Boys 3200
5:00 pm Girls 4 x 400
5:20 pm Boys 4 x 400
5:45 pm Awards
Field Events
9:00 am Boys and Girls Long Jump Group A
Three Jumps Open pit until 10:15
9:00 am Girls Pole Vault Open at 7 6
Boys Pole Vault to follow Open at 9 0
9:00 am Girls Shot Group A Three Throws Open ring until 10:15
10:45 am Boys and Girls Long Jump Group B Open pit until 12:00 noon
10:45 am Girls Shot Group B Open ring until 12:00 noon
12:30 pm Girls High Jump Open at 4 6
Boys High Jump to follow Open at 5 4
1:00 pm Girls and Boys Triple Jump Group A Three Jumps Open pit until 2:15
1:00 pm Boys Shot Group A Open ring until 2:15
3:00 pm Girls and Boys Triple Jump Group B Open pit until 4:15
Boys Shot Group B Open ring until 4:15