Wake up VHSL! 1/8 inch spike rule and Todd Stadium have to go!

Excellent article by Larry Rubama of The Virginian Pilot on the controversy surrounding the 1/8 inch spike rule at Todd Stadium, which many people believe affects the times and performances of the athletes. Several great athletes will not only be battling long standing state meet records, but spike limitations as well from achieving those meet record performances In fact, a whopping majority of 83.9% of MileStat.com visitors agreed that the AAA State Meet should be moved from Todd Stadium as a result of the spike limitations in a recent site poll.


AAA State Meet moved from Todd Stadium due to spike limitations
Do you feel that the AAA State Meet should be moved from Todd Stadium due to the 1/8 inch spike limitations?
Yes. No state meet site should have such limit on spike sizes.
No. There are more important positives with the site location than spikes to relocate elsewhere.
Yes. But it should stay within the Eastern Region at another site such as CNU or W&M which allow 1/4 inch.
Yes. It should be moved out of the Eastern Region entirely.
Out of 632 ballots.