Race Format and Schedule Change
Invitational and OPEN races merged to adhere to MD eligibility rules
Bethesda, MD. (November 14, 2007). The 2nd Battle of the Potomac Cross Country (XC) Championships is modifying its race format to remain in compliance with the State of Maryland’s Athletic Association rules governing undergraduate students’ eligibility. “All high school athletes will compete in two OPEN races vice four races”, announced Dave Watt, Executive Director of the Bethesda MD-based American Running Association. “We want all runners to be celebrated and compete in this Battle between the two states’ high school cross country athletes”, added Watt. The change to two OPEN races has been made to comply with the rules of eligibility governing participation in post-season events in Maryland. The elite invitational races have been merged into the OPEN races. Medals and awards will be given to OPEN race finishers. The Battle for the “CUP” will be determined by the number of runners who line up for the Battle of the Potomac.
The new schedule of events is as follows:
Middle School Boys & Girls Combined 2500m race 1:30 pm
OPEN BOYS 5000m race 2:15 pm
OPEN GIRLS 5000m race 3:00 pm
Dinner and Awards 3:45 pm
Event concludes 5:30 pm
A list of all registered runners for TEAM VIRGINIA and TEAM MARYLAND will be posted on Thursday afternoon at the Battle of the Potomac XC Championship website: www.battlexc.com
Online registration is OPEN until NOON on Friday November 16th at the Battle of the Potomac website: www.battlexc.com . Entry fee is $17. Each runner receives a Nike FitDry singlet, a goodie bag and the post-race chicken barbecue dinner at Smokey Glen Farm. CHANGE: Top 50 finishers in the OPEN races receive medals. Top 30 middle school finishers get medals as well.
Questions: call 301-913-9517 x 13 or email: battlexc@americanrunning.org