10 Greatest VA Moments at Nationals

Virginia has definitely had some historically great moments at the multiple Nationals Championships over the years. Here we rank our top 10 greatest performances all-time for VA athletes. 

10. Faith Ross All-American in All Events?

In 2015 Faith Ross (Western Branch) did something basically no one else could dream of doing. She finished the NBN meet with All-American honors in four different events with two national titles, three state records and a national record. Needless to say she had an impressive weekend.

She was the opening leg on the 4x200, third leg on the state record setting 4x400 and 4x800 and was an integral leg on the shuttle hurdle relay team that absolutely dominated! Her most impressive performance though of the meet was the 4x800 where she opened in 25 for her first 200 to take her team from 9th to first in just 250m and never looked back. She eventually split 2:08.