For an athlete who has placed 7th, 7th, 7th, and 25th in her four freshman state race she is killing it this season. Bethany has run twice this season and won twice in two big meets. Not only were her wins impressive at Great Meadow and Pole Green but her times of 18:22 and 18:05 were too.
Check out Bethany Graham's Athlete Profile
Now times aren't everything, especially when it comes to XC. The real story with athletes is improvements on the same or similar courses and that is why Bethany is now a big star in our sport. Her times are impressive but the two minute improvement year over year is a huge sign of being a star.
Last year as a freshman she ultimately ran 19:33 at states to finish 25th and this year it looks like she could be more in the 18:30 range. She owns a 5:14 indoor 1600m pr and has gone 11:24 for 3200. Her speed is surely there and now the endurance is kicking in making for thus far a stellar season.
Bethany is still young and mostly unproven but now we know we gotta keep an eye on her. That will definitely be the case this weekend when she will face off with her toughest competition to date and fellow 4A stars Natalie Morris and Rickey Fetterolf.