Jaiden Harris' Senior Salute

Here is your chance to be featured in a stand-alone article on MileStat. Answer these questions as fully as you can in anywhere from 2-4 sentences and send three pictures of you competing to Njez@MileSplit.com. If you also want us to tag your twitter in the article send along your handle as well.

Below is Jaiden Harris' answers to our questions:

Questions 1: What was your greatest moment while competing in high school?
My greatest moment had two parts one was making it to states after only competing for 3 months. The second part was placing 4th and becoming All-State.

Question 2: What is your biggest regret (related to T&F in high school) or what would you have done differently and why?
My biggest regret was not starting track earlier when the coaches first asked me to come out. Also not being able to practice as much as I wanted to.

Question 3: What will you miss the most about HS T&F/XC?
I'm gonna miss my bonding wit my teammates and coaches at meets. I made a lot of unforgettable memories during the season.

Question 4: What is some advice from incoming frosh and rising seniors on your high school team that you would like to share with them?
My advice to them would be work your butt off and be dedicated because if I can make states in only a few months with little practice imagine what you can do if you work all the time. For the freshman especially stay on top of your grades early.

Question 5: What was the hardest workout you did your entire high school career? Did you like it or did you dread it?
My hardest workout was having to do each one of my phases for 100 yards nonstop. I loved the workout because I love my event and always wanted to get better at it.

Question 6: How did you make track/XC a very individual sport into more of a team sport?
Spending time with teammates and focusing on winning a team championship helped me make the sport more team orientated for me. It's a lot better when the whole team is doing good so u have to come together and help each other perfect your crafts so everyone is happy in the end.

Question 7: Finally, what are your college plans? Will you be competing in college, where? What do you plan on studying? What do you have as career plans?
I will be attending Virginia State University and be competing on the football and track teams. I will be majoring in political science and my goal is to be an Academic All American in both sports and do one professionally.