How To Send Your Meet's Results To MileStat

If you're hosting a meet, there are few things that are more important than the results and getting them posted so everyone can see. That is exactly why we are writing this article to hopefully assist you in getting everything posted quickly and in the correct format. 

Check the following points as a checklist for sending us the results. 

  • Make sure the results are in the correct format. For us to post them and get them into the rankings we need them in a flat HTML or .text format. That does NOT mean saving an excel sheet as a different type of file. There are a couple ways to get it into the correct format. If you're using a timer, they will be able to. If you're hand typing your results, you 100% should be using our free software RaceTab. 
  • Please make sure you have the correct times and distances in the results. If you're running a 3 Mile, it should say that, if you're running a 5K, it should say that. Do not assume we know the distance. Especially important for middle and elementary school races. 
  • Please double check for spelling, team names, and other important information.
  • Email the results as an attachment to including a link to the meet page these should be added to.