STOP! Before you read the below instructions, check the site's database rankings to make sure your athletes and relays season best performances are currently in the system.
Instructions for VHSL Group AAA coaches on how to enter online for the 2010 indoor state meet through the MileSplit online registration system on The entry system for state meet entries will open for each region once results from regional meets have posted and entered in the database. Northwest Region will open Thursday evening, while the other 3 regions will open on Saturday evening after their meets have been completed. Entry deadline is Sunday, February 21st at 12:59 PM (just before 1 PM).
Direct link to state meet entry pages for each region
Central Region State Meet Entry Page - Entries open Saturday evening after meet.
Eastern Region State Meet Entry Page - Entries open Saturday evening after meet.
Northern Region State Meet Entry Page - Entries open Saturday evening after meet.
Northwest Region State Meet Entry Page - Entries open Thursday evening after meet.
When meet is open for entries, a green "Enter Online" box (example pictured above) will appear when logged in on the top right corner of the meet page to begin entry process as well as on 2010 indoor calendar page listed next to the meet entry page. A direct links will be posted on the front page along the right hand side with other meets using the MileSplit registration system.
Regional representatives will provide passwords to coaches at regional championship meets.
State Meet Online Entry Information
* 2010 VHSL Group AAA State Indoor Championships entries will be done online through and the MileSplit registration system.
* While all regions will be submitting their entries electronically through the online registration system with a common deadline on Sunday, your regional meet director may still require you to submit verification forms and paper entry forms at the conclusion. Contact your regional director to see if this is the case.
* Regional representatives will provide coaches in their region with a password which will be required when attempting to register for the meet. This prevents teams outside of the region or those with team admin access to your team pages from having access to state meet entries or enter the meet.
* Entries will be immediately open once the regional championship results have been posted and entered in the database (expect no more than a 2 hour window if not much sooner after completion of meet). This way all of the entries for state meet will be season best performances recorded through the regional meet.
* The entry deadline is 12:59 PM on Sunday, February 21st.
* Entry system will not allow coaches to override and manual input a time/mark. System will automatically generate the athlete or relay's season best performance according to the database. So make sure your season best performances are currently reflected on the site.
* When entering relays, make sure you select the check boxes of all potential relay legs (especially legs not already entered in individual events) to insure they are part of your state meet team roster. You cannot run an athlete in a relay at the state championships who is not part of your state meet roster so this is an important instruction to follow!
* Make sure all of your entered athletes have the correct spelling and graduation years listed. You can edit your roster by visiting your team page on and clicking on the Team Admin link on the top right corner of the page (when logged in).
Direct all questions or issues with the entry system to Brandon Miles at 804-874-3201 or
Below is a basic 4 step instructions on how to enter a meet through the MileSplit. PLEASE READ!
How do I register for a meet?
1. Login or Register - You must have a user name and password for To get that, if you don't have one, click register in the top right gray MileSplt bar directly under the Universal Sports logo and search box.
2. Claim Your Team - If you haven't already set this up, you must be registered as a coach or team administrator to register for a meet In order to get set up, you go to your team page, and at the top right, click “Claim This Team”. Choose either that you want to be a coach or team admin. Follow the instructions on that page. \ Apply and submit. Once you do that and are approved (usually within a few hours), you will receive a confirmation email and you'll be set to go to the next step.
3. Update Your Roster - If your team's roster is not already up to date, now is a good time to get any corrections made and add any additional athletes to it. Go to your team page, login, and you will see button that says "Team Administration" to the right of your team's name. Click that and then click roster on left hand toolbar. Enter or update your roster, adding any new athletes. To move graduated athletes to Alumni, simply add their graduation year and hit save.
4. Enter the Meet - Go to the season calendar and click on the green meet registration button of the meet you want to enter. Read and follow the instructions carefully and fill out the form completely. Once entered you'll see all of the available events/races listed out. To put your athletes into these events/races click the "Edit Entries" link by the event. On the following page, check the athletes you want in the race (putting in seed times if applicable), and click the save button at the bottom. Do this for each event/race. You will be able to change and update these entries until the entry deadline.