Complete results posted from all of the below meets. More coverage and meet summaries to be added throughout Sunday.
Boys Rankings - Girls Rankings
CNU Showcase - 77 MileSplit US National Elites - Photo Gallery by Ryan Kelly (5,816 photos total) - Race Videos & Interviews (to be added Sunday) - Justin Burke (First Colonial) VA #1/US #1 34.79 B-300 & VA #1/US #2 6.43 B-55 - Marques Atkinson (Atlee) VA #1/US #1 1:05.38 B-500 - Cody Snyder (Lee-Davis) VA #1/US #1 2:31.77 B-1000 - US #1 Daniel McFadden (Heritage) 7.54 B-55H - US #2 Cameron Overstreet (Atlee) 12-6 G-PV - Megan Moye (Cosby) VA #1/US #310:50.39 G-3200 & VA #3 5:09.63 G-1600 - Rashaun Combs (Bethel) VA #2/US #4 1:17.14 G-500 Marie Johnston (Midlothian) VA #3/US # 6 2:59.12 G-1000 - Kiara Porter (Tabb) VA #2/US #9 40.16 G-300 & VA #5 7.17 G-55 - Bethel VA #2/US #5 3:57.72 G-4x400 & VA #4 1:45.50 G-4x200 - Joey Muzzio (James Robinson) VA #1/US #7 6-6 B-HJ - Nick Simmons (J.R. Tucker) VA #1/US #7 6-6 B-HJ - US #5 Chris Pillow (Atlee) 15-0 B-PV - Midlothian VA #3 9:55.71 G-4x800 - Caleb Wyatt (Lee-Davis) VA #4 22-4.50 B-LJ - Chantel Ray (Hampton) VA #7 8.38 G-55H - Jazmine Banks (Gloucester) VA #3 39-7.25 G-Shot - Atlee VA #33:30.07 B-4x400 - Midlothian VA #4 8:18.13 B-4x800
Southeastern Invitational - 65 MileSplit US National Elites - Race Videos - Keilah Tyson (Western Branch) VA #1/US #1 20-1 G-LJ & VA #1/US #2 6.87 G-55 - Desmonae Gray (Western Branch) VA #1/US #1 39-9.75 G-TJ - VA #2/US #6 8.26 G-55H - Western Branch VA #1/US #2 1:40.48 G-4x200 - Amanda Smith (Grassfield) VA #1/US #3 2:58.12 G-1000 - Marcus Dean (Western Branch) VA #1/US #4 47-4.50 B-TJ - Jeremy Greenwald (Grassfield) VA #1/US #9 4:19.55 B-1600 - Joel Coleman (Oscar Smith) VA #2/US #4 1:06.33 B-500 - Indian River VA #2 1:32.20 B-4x200 - Monica Williams (Green Run) VA #4 40.21 G-300 - Indian River VA #4 4:06.05 G-4x400 - Qualitra Brown (King's Fork) VA #6/US #10 1:18.37 G-500 - Grassfield - Oscar Smith VA #2 3:29.11 B-4x400 - VA #6 9:59.11 G-4x800 - Darius Vaughan (Indian River) VA #6 35.82 B-300 & VA #6 6.49 B-55 - Jaquan Demiel (Lakeland) VA #6 7.63 B-55H
Bulldog Invitational - 30 MileSplit US National Elites - Rochelle Evans (Christiansburg) VA #1/US #4 41-8.50 G-Shot - Elbert Maxwell (Hayfield) VA #1/US #9 22-8.50 B-LJ - Travis Hudson (Christiansburg) VA #1/US #7 6-6 B-HJ - Daquaa Scott (Robert E. Lee) VA #2/US #7 41-1.75 G-Shot - George Carter (Blacksburg) VA #2/US #32:32.96 B-1000 - Hayfield VA #2 8:14.90 B-4x800 & VA #4 3:30.82 B-4x400 - Cody Bingham (Liberty Christian) VA #2 14-6 B-PV - Karissa Jenkins (Robert E. Lee) VA #3 18-1 G-LJ & VA #3 37-8 G-TJ - Donmanique Hardy (Brunswick) VA #3 22-5.25 B-LJ - Javis Petty (George Washington) VA #4 35.64 B-300 - DeVaughn Benion Jr. (George Washington) VA #6 6.49 B-55 - David Johnson (Charlottesville) 45-4.50 B-TJ - Alyn Carr (Blacksburg) 7.28 G-55 - Lora Wilson (George Washington) 41.54 G-300 - Michelle Church (Bassett) 3:05.75 G-1000
Montgomery Invitational - Photo Gallery by Andrew Kicinski (2,456 photos) - 108 MileSplit US National Elites - West Potomac VA #1 9:51.59 G-4x800 - John Jenkins (Annandale) VA #2 7.44 G-55H - Mohamed Labor-Koroma (Chantilly) VA #3 1:06.35 G-500 - Hannah Lowery (Stafford) VA #3 5:10.32 G-Mile - Roderque Gray (Brooke Point) VA #6 6.49 B-55 - Sean McGorty (Chantilly) VA #8 9:40.47 B-3200 -
St. Christopher's Indoor Meet #3 - 12 MileSplit US National Elites - Shantell Bingham (Episcopal) VA #1/US #5 8.21 G-55H - Stephanie Oleson (Henrico) VA #2/US #4 12-0 G-PV - Siobhan Ford-Holland (Thomas Dale) VA #3/US #10 18-3 G-LJ & VA #8 7.23 G-55 - Byron Robinson (Thomas Dale) VA #6 35.62 B-300 - Tony Green (Louisa County) VA #8 7.71 B-55H - Thomas Dale VA #9 1:48.59 G-4x200 - April Wilson (Thomas Dale) 42.56 G-300 - Ben Constable (St. Christopher's) 1:08.61 B-500
Fork Union Mini Invite #3 - 6 MileSplit US National Elites - Javanique Burruss (Louisa County) VA #2/US #4 18-9.50 G-LJ - Sherando VA #4 9:56.34 G-4x800 - Mattie Webb (Western Albemarle) 11:20.36 G-3200 - Krista DeCeault (Sherando) 5:17.23 G-1600
Heritage Invitational - 2 MileSplit US National Elites - Xavier Calloway (Heritage) VA #5 45-3.50 B-TJ - Xavier Waller VA #6 45-3 B-TJ