Had 8 quarters the other day, and felt like I had a little extra pep in my step. This past weekend I was trying to get my self back in building a base, and went on hour run Saturday and only 30 mins on Sunday to recover for the workout on Monday. Today after yesterday's workout, distance folk went on a 50 min run, which left me a little sore, but I blame that on doing the last mile in a half pacing on the track trying to do each 400 faster than the last. All in all, I feel confident in my fitness and feel like I'm quite close to the peak I was in for cross country and also I have a lot more to go past that. Like in the workout, we did 8 like I said and the last couple hurt a little more than in the beginning, but throughout the workout we didn't go full out, even on the last one it was at most 80-85 percent. I'm saying honestly, last week when I did 6 repeat 400s I did the first three, Bannister style, only a 90 second jogging 400 in between. When I reached 67 on the third, I had to stop and take a 1:30 break in between. I finished back around 66 on the 6th, and whether it was the nasty cold getting at my lungs or something, it just didn't feel right. A week later during these quarters I found it easier to just maintain 65s with a couple 64s mixed in than the slower times a week ago. It also felt awesome to not even use a kick and come up with those and then a 63 for the last one. It gives me hope for my spring time goals and accomplishing what I have to do to get where I want to be. I contribute this whole week of training and hope to my girlfriend coming home from college. haha. I know some roll there eyes, but I'm sayin, if you were in my shoes you'd know. Anyway, its now officially 4 days till xmas and 5 until my birthday. 18 fully legal…. welll almost.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam pellentesque et arcu pharetra pretium. Mauris sagittis mi ac ultricies efficitur. Vivamus id diam quis sem luctus vestibulum. Ut sit amet pharetra neque. Aliquam vel dolor sed metus facilisis mollis vehicula eu purus. Nulla id leo enim. Nullam venenatis ac quam non interdum. Nunc placerat scelerisque elementum. Integer vel libero ornare, vulputate dolor ut, gravida odio. Donec eros ex, molestie ut molestie eget, scelerisque sit amet felis. Donec nec ultricies sapien, a pulvinar dui. Nullam sollicitudin pretium turpis, imperdiet facilisis sem dapibus ac. Integer tristique odio posuere nisi condimentum egestas quis quis mi. Suspendisse non tristique arcu, vel varius lacus. Donec varius turpis nec purus cursus rhoncus.
Donec hendrerit velit mi, at ultricies sapien ornare sed. Sed neque sapien, hendrerit ac facilisis at, faucibus eu urna. Vivamus malesuada risus porttitor augue condimentum, non venenatis urna malesuada. Mauris mattis, risus eget venenatis fringilla, sem magna convallis augue, at placerat mi augue ut purus. Proin a odio orci. Cras quis auctor magna, fringilla convallis magna. Quisque sed arcu enim. Nullam sed aliquet nisi. Morbi aliquet neque tortor, ac sodales purus pharetra sed. Maecenas viverra ex nec ante pretium, eu accumsan neque sodales.
Aenean vel mi leo. Cras in massa suscipit, blandit libero sit amet, finibus lacus. Ut scelerisque aliquet odio sollicitudin efficitur. Vivamus viverra arcu eu purus venenatis dictum. Proin varius nisl at facilisis ultricies. Maecenas eleifend enim sit amet ante tempor rhoncus. Curabitur vulputate nulla id nibh blandit, ac ullamcorper elit facilisis. Pellentesque sollicitudin et sapien facilisis molestie.
Phasellus vitae nunc suscipit erat convallis gravida. Morbi id neque maximus, rutrum arcu at, placerat orci. Pellentesque vel erat mollis, ullamcorper dui egestas, fringilla nisi. Sed vel venenatis mauris. Proin finibus eu dui vitae efficitur. Maecenas fermentum magna quis leo maximus scelerisque. Fusce vehicula, dui nec porta volutpat, odio tellus posuere orci, at tincidunt ex nulla vel sapien.