VHSL Group 6A Conference 7 Outdoor T&F Championships 2014

Burke, VA
Hosted by Lake Braddock

Complete Results

Licensed to Oakton High School         Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 5/22/2014 11:16 PM
       2014 Conference 7 Patriot Outdoor Champs - 5/20/2014 to 5/22/2014       
                            Lake Braddock Secondary                            
Girls 100 Meter Dash
Patriot Dist: ! 12.22  5/17/2012   Felecia Majors, South County                
      States: # 12.52                                                          
   Regionals: * 12.85                                                          
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims  H#
  1 Knight, Morgan               South County         # 12.43Q   # 12.43Q  4 
  2 Davidson, Skyla              Lake Braddoc         * 12.72Q   * 12.72Q  3 
  3 Wood, Maryn                  South County         * 12.76Q   * 12.76Q  1 
  4 Whichard, Shannyea           Annandale              12.89Q     12.89Q  2 
  5 Gangi, Natalie               W.T. Woodson           12.87q     12.87q  4 
  6 Golden, Alivia               West Springf           13.04q     13.04q  3 
  7 Taylor, Jeonna               South County           13.14      13.14   2 
  8 Evans, Elexis                Annandale              13.15      13.15   1 
  9 Coatney, Tyana               South County           13.35      13.35   2 
 10 Stephens, Kristen            South County           13.44      13.44   1 
 10 Stewart, Maddie              W.T. Woodson           13.44      13.44   2 
 12 Paulk, Monalisa              West Potomac           13.53      13.53   4 
 13 Gyamfi, Mychelle             West Potomac           13.65      13.65   2 
 14 Lee, Twyla                   W.T. Woodson           13.76      13.76   1 
 15 Ryckman, April               Lake Braddoc           13.78      13.78   4 
 16 Song, Mei                    West Springf           13.84      13.84   2 
 17 Nwana, Tema                  W.T. Woodson           13.87      13.87   3 
 18 Brown, Arielle               Lake Braddoc           13.89      13.89   1 
 19 Fredrick, Chaney             T.C. William           13.89      13.89   1 
 20 Harris, Kyla                 West Springf           13.92      13.92   4 
 21 Robertson, DeAndre'          South County           13.94      13.94   3 
 22 Lowe, Ashley                 Annandale              14.04      14.04   3 
 23 Nelson, Anjanae              T.C. William           14.07      14.07   3 
Girls 100 Meter Dash
Patriot Dist: ! 12.22  5/17/2012   Felecia Majors, South County                
      States: # 12.52                                                          
   Regionals: * 12.85                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Knight, Morgan               South County             12.13!   10  
  2 Davidson, Skyla              Lake Braddoc             12.28#    8  
  3 Wood, Maryn                  South County             12.69*    6  
  4 Gangi, Natalie               W.T. Woodson             12.70*    4  
  5 Whichard, Shannyea           Annandale                12.74*    2  
  6 Golden, Alivia               West Springf             12.95     1  
Girls 200 Meter Dash
Patriot Dist: ! 24.57  5/11/2011   Felecia Majors, South County                
      States: # 25.69                                                          
   Regionals: * 26.33                                                          
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims  H#
  1 Knight, Morgan               South County         # 25.58Q   # 25.58Q  1 
  2 Wood, Maryn                  South County         * 25.82Q   * 25.82Q  3 
  3 Majors, EnNijah              South County         * 26.21Q   * 26.21Q  4 
  4 Davidson, Skyla              Lake Braddoc           26.72Q     26.72Q  2 
  5 Ruud, Maggie                 Lake Braddoc           26.61q     26.61q  1 
  6 Stegner, Kelly               W.T. Woodson           26.76q     26.76q  4 
  7 Anderson, Destiny            Annandale              27.23      27.23   3 
  8 Golden, Alivia               West Springf           27.26      27.26   3 
  8 James, Khalia                T.C. William           27.26      27.26   1 
 10 Koroma, Isatu                Annandale              27.34      27.34   4 
 11 Quigley, Christina           South County           27.43      27.43   2 
 12 Whichard, Shannyea           Annandale              27.64      27.64   1 
 13 Bowden, Hannah               West Springf           27.65      27.65   4 
 14 Kamara, Ameratu              T.C. William           27.98      27.98   2 
 15 McConkie, Anna               W.T. Woodson           28.02      28.02   1 
 16 Ryckman, April               Lake Braddoc           28.28      28.28   3 
 17 Robertson, DeAndre'          South County           28.60      28.60   2 
 18 Paulk, Monalisa              West Potomac           28.83      28.83   4 
 19 Harris, Kyla                 West Springf           28.90      28.90   2 
 20 Takyi, Rhoda                 West Potomac           28.91      28.91   2 
 21 Gyamfi, Mychelle             West Potomac           29.41      29.41   1 
 22 Nelson, Anjanae              T.C. William           29.91      29.91   3 
Girls 200 Meter Dash
Patriot Dist: ! 24.57  5/11/2011   Felecia Majors, South County                
      States: # 25.69                                                          
   Regionals: * 26.33                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Knight, Morgan               South County             24.82#   10  
  2 Wood, Maryn                  South County             25.53#    8  
  3 Davidson, Skyla              Lake Braddoc             25.64#    6  
  4 Majors, EnNijah              South County             25.75*    4  
  5 Stegner, Kelly               W.T. Woodson             26.54     2  
  6 Ruud, Maggie                 Lake Braddoc             26.86     1  
Girls 400 Meter Dash
Patriot Dist: !   55.80  5/11/2011   Felecia Majors, South County              
      States: #   58.56                                                        
   Regionals: * 1:00.17                                                        
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims  H#
  1 Quigley, Christina           South County         * 59.17Q   * 59.17Q  3 
  2 Dubuisson, Widney            South County         1:00.45Q   1:00.45Q  4 
  3 Ruud, Maggie                 Lake Braddoc         1:01.15Q   1:01.15Q  1 
  4 Stegner, Kelly               W.T. Woodson         1:02.69Q   1:02.69Q  2 
  5 Koroma, Isatu                Annandale            1:01.75q   1:01.75q  1 
  6 McConkie, Anna               W.T. Woodson         1:02.96q   1:02.96q  4 
  7 Buhrow, Josie                South County         1:02.99    1:02.99   1 
  8 Parker, Kyra                 T.C. William         1:03.30    1:03.30   3 
  9 Hankinson, Ravyn             Annandale            1:04.46    1:04.46   3 
 10 Carley, Gabi                 West Springf         1:04.49    1:04.49   2 
 11 Brisco, Jessica              T.C. William         1:04.61    1:04.61   2 
 12 Song, Mei                    West Springf         1:04.74    1:04.74   1 
 13 Hasselmann, Constanza        West Springf         1:04.96    1:04.96   3 
 14 Browning, Shannon            Lake Braddoc         1:04.98    1:04.98   2 
 15 Levesque, Madeline           W.T. Woodson         1:05.85    1:05.85   3 
 16 Whem, Natasha                T.C. William         1:06.62    1:06.62   4 
 17 Snow, Kristi                 West Potomac         1:07.62    1:07.62   4 
 18 Turner, Sarah                West Potomac         1:09.10    1:09.10   2 
 19 Licatonich, Kelsie           Annandale            1:09.41    1:09.41   4 
Girls 400 Meter Dash
Patriot Dist: !   55.80  5/11/2011   Felecia Majors, South County              
      States: #   58.56                                                        
   Regionals: * 1:00.17                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Quigley, Christina           South County             58.34#   10  
  2 Ruud, Maggie                 Lake Braddoc             59.34*    8  
  3 Dubuisson, Widney            South County             59.80*    6  
  4 Stegner, Kelly               W.T. Woodson           1:00.23     4  
  5 McConkie, Anna               W.T. Woodson           1:02.82     2  
  6 Koroma, Isatu                Annandale              1:04.49     1  
Girls 800 Meter Run
Patriot Dist: ! 2:10.81  5/17/2012   Sophie Chase, Lake Braddock               
      States: # 2:19.61                                                        
   Regionals: * 2:21.09                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Roche, Katie                 Lake Braddoc           2:12.48#   10  
  2 Christen, Hannah             Lake Braddoc           2:13.30#    8  
  3 Bustamante, Reagan           West Springf           2:13.87#    6  
  4 Ager, Emma                   Lake Braddoc           2:16.73#    4  
  5 Tippet, Madison              Lake Braddoc           2:18.60#    2  
  6 Bothwell, Kiera              West Springf           2:19.32#    1  
  7 Settles, Jessica             West Springf           2:19.83* 
  8 Morgan, Katy                 South County           2:27.65  
  9 Ducharme, Olivia             W.T. Woodson           2:28.07  
 10 Halabuk, Savannah            T.C. William           2:29.27  
 11 Robinson, Erin               W.T. Woodson           2:30.60  
 12 Smith, Zoe                   West Potomac           2:32.49  
 13 Fitzmaurice, Paige           South County           2:32.54  
 14 Seidenberg, Jessica          T.C. William           2:33.03  
 15 Howes, Caroline              W.T. Woodson           2:33.41  
 16 O'Hern, Kelsey               West Potomac           2:33.78  
 17 Powell, Laura                West Potomac           2:34.25  
 18 Liller, Patricia             Annandale              2:43.59  
 19 Abbas, Basma                 T.C. William           2:57.21  
 -- Zolper, Faith                South County               DNF  
Girls 1600 Meter Run
Patriot Dist: ! 4:52.06  5/11/2011   Sophie Chase, Lake Braddock               
      States: # 5:12.24                                                        
   Regionals: * 5:17.84                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Alcorta, Caroline            West Springf           4:48.88!   10  
  2 Christen, Hannah             Lake Braddoc           4:57.41#    8  
  3 Kennedy, Katie               West Springf           4:59.43#    6  
  4 Murphy, Kate                 Lake Braddoc           5:07.72#    4  
  5 Tippet, Madison              Lake Braddoc           5:10.83#    2  
  6 Butseva, Sonya               Lake Braddoc           5:16.47*    1  
  7 McPherson, Louisa            South County           5:19.58  
  8 Keast, Emily                 West Springf           5:22.28  
  9 Kitchen, Taylor              Lake Braddoc           5:24.39  
 10 Morgan, Katy                 South County           5:28.43  
 11 Costantino, Charlotte        West Potomac           5:38.63  
 12 Rahaman, Elaina              W.T. Woodson           5:50.40  
 13 Oweis, Aya                   Annandale              5:50.70  
 14 Cooke, Katie                 W.T. Woodson           5:51.95  
 15 Lobeda, Kathrine             W.T. Woodson           5:56.37  
 16 Finn, Maddie                 West Potomac           5:59.96  
 17 Vassallo, Sophia             T.C. William           6:07.45  
 18 Weiner, Cynthia              Annandale              6:26.24  
 -- Zolper, Faith                South County               DNF  
Girls 3200 Meter Run
Patriot Dist: ! 10:25.83  5/20/2004   Melissa Dewey, Hayfield                  
      States: # 11:26.59                                                       
   Regionals: * 11:37.53                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Alcorta, Caroline            West Springf          10:46.74#   10  
  2 Genuario, Katie              West Potomac          11:23.63#    8  
  3 Murphy, Kate                 Lake Braddoc          11:27.38*    6  
  4 Butseva, Sonya               Lake Braddoc          11:43.28     4  
  5 Ferguson, Daly               Lake Braddoc          11:47.38     2  
  6 Suarez, Ana                  West Springf          11:49.71     1  
  7 Yang, Jahyun                 W.T. Woodson          11:49.96  
  8 Johnson, Anne                Lake Braddoc          11:54.11  
  9 Sullivan, Nana               West Springf          11:58.71  
 10 Finn, Maura                  West Potomac          12:04.10  
 11 Lee, Jessica                 W.T. Woodson          12:35.39  
 12 Laiks, Lindsay               W.T. Woodson          12:49.97  
 13 Perez, Victoria              South County          12:56.10  
 14 Vassallo, Sophia             T.C. William          13:15.50  
 15 Neary, Riley                 South County          13:28.31  
 16 McGill, Rachel               South County          13:34.36  
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
Patriot Dist: ! 14.51  5/15/2008   Melanie Akwule, Lake Braddock               
      States: # 15.29                                                          
   Regionals: * 16.47                                                          
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims  H#
  1 Knight, Morgan               South County         ! 14.24Q   ! 14.24Q  3 
  2 Lipka, Michelle              West Springf         * 15.52Q   * 15.52Q  1 
  3 Taylor, Jeonna               South County         * 15.72Q   * 15.72Q  2 
  4 Bowden, Hannah               West Springf         * 15.30q   * 15.30q  3 
  5 Stephens, Kristen            South County         * 16.01q   * 16.01q  1 
  6 Ligonde, Astrid              Annandale            * 16.13q   * 16.13q  1 
  7 Gibbons, Helen               Lake Braddoc           16.57      16.57   3 
  8 Pratt, Melissa               Annandale              17.36      17.36   2 
  9 Lee, Twyla                   W.T. Woodson           17.39      17.39   3 
 10 Walters, Alison              West Springf           17.66      17.66   2 
 11 Wade, Miriam                 Lake Braddoc           17.72      17.72   2 
 12 Slatery, Kelly               West Potomac           18.02      18.02   3 
 13 Williams, Destiny            T.C. William           18.08      18.08   1 
 14 Tardieu, Olivia              T.C. William           19.24      19.24   2 
 15 Luo, Stephanie               W.T. Woodson           19.34      19.34   1 
 16 Heigh, Jessey                W.T. Woodson           20.34      20.34   2 
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
Patriot Dist: ! 14.51  5/15/2008   Melanie Akwule, Lake Braddock               
      States: # 15.29                                                          
   Regionals: * 16.47                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Knight, Morgan               South County             14.15!   10  
  2 Lipka, Michelle              West Springf             15.06#    8  
  3 Bowden, Hannah               West Springf             15.20#    6  
  4 Taylor, Jeonna               South County             15.40*    4  
  5 Stephens, Kristen            South County             15.71*    2  
  6 Ligonde, Astrid              Annandale                16.48     1  
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
Patriot Dist: ! 44.48  5/17/2007   Trish Freiderich, West Springfield          
      States: # 46.54                                                          
   Regionals: * 48.92                                                          
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims  H#
  1 Majors, EnNijah              South County         * 46.67Q   * 46.67Q  3 
  2 Lipka, Michelle              West Springf         * 47.71Q   * 47.71Q  2 
  3 Gibbons, Helen               Lake Braddoc         * 47.75Q   * 47.75Q  1 
  4 Stephens, Kristen            South County         * 48.08q   * 48.08q  2 
  5 Conroy, Sarah                T.C. William           48.94q     48.94q  3 
  6 Pagliaro, Alaina             South County           49.31q     49.31q  1 
  7 Pratt, Melissa               Annandale              49.85      49.85   3 
  8 Farmer, Allasha              T.C. William           50.20      50.20   2 
  9 Jones, Taylor                South County           50.54      50.54   1 
 10 Williams, Destiny            T.C. William           50.83      50.83   1 
 11 Walters, Alison              West Springf           51.38      51.38   3 
 12 Barnes, Grace                W.T. Woodson           52.23      52.23   3 
 13 Dickerson, Jessika           West Potomac           52.70      52.70   2 
 14 Lee, Twyla                   W.T. Woodson           53.46      53.46   2 
 15 Slatery, Kelly               West Potomac           54.26      54.26   1 
 16 Zuber, Emma                  W.T. Woodson           55.17      55.17   1 
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
Patriot Dist: ! 44.48  5/17/2007   Trish Freiderich, West Springfield          
      States: # 46.54                                                          
   Regionals: * 48.92                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Majors, EnNijah              South County             46.04#   10  
  2 Pagliaro, Alaina             South County             46.34#    8  
  3 Gibbons, Helen               Lake Braddoc             47.18*    6  
  4 Stephens, Kristen            South County             47.36*    4  
  5 Lipka, Michelle              West Springf             47.40*    2  
  6 Conroy, Sarah                T.C. William             48.27*    1  
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
Patriot Dist: ! 49.11  5/15/1998   , West Potomac                              
      States: # 50.31                                                          
   Regionals: * 51.61                                                          
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Annandale  'A'                                        49.15#  2   10  
     1) Koroma, Isatu                   2) Evans, Elexis                  
     3) Anderson, Destiny               4) Whichard, Shannyea             
  2 Lake Braddock  'A'                                    49.97#  2    8  
     1) Wade, Miriam                    2) Ryckman, April                 
     3) Brunson, Jennifer               4) Davidson, Skyla                
  3 W.T. Woodson  'A'                                     50.10#  1    6  
     1) Stewart, Maddie                 2) Gangi, Natalie                 
     3) McConkie, Anna                  4) Stegner, Kelly                 
  4 South County High School  'A'                         50.44*  2    4  
     1) Coatney, Tyana                  2) Pagliaro, Alaina               
     3) Asmorom, Adiam                  4) Taylor, Jeonna                 
  5 T.C. Williams High School  'A'                        50.75*  2    2  
     1) Conroy, Sarah                   2) Farmer, Allasha                
     3) Kamara, Ameratu                 4) James, Khalia                  
  6 West Springfield  'A'                                 51.50*  1    1  
     1) Harris, Kyla                    2) Golden, Alivia                 
     3) Carley, Gabi                    4) Bowden, Hannah                 
  7 West Potomac  'A'                                     53.09   1 
     1) Gyamfi, Mychelle                2) Boykin, Briana                 
     3) Herbert, Ajenae                 4) Takyi, Rhoda                   
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
Patriot Dist: ! 3:55.44  5/16/1998   , Hayfield                                
      States: # 4:05.68                                                        
   Regionals: * 4:11.62                                                        
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 South County High School  'A'                       3:55.24!   10  
     1) Quigley, Christina              2) Dubuisson, Widney              
     3) Pagliaro, Alaina                4) Majors, EnNijah                
  2 Lake Braddock  'A'                                  3:55.77#    8  
     1) Ager, Emma                      2) Ruud, Maggie                   
     3) Christen, Hannah                4) Roche, Katie                   
  3 West Springfield  'A'                               4:06.56*    6  
     1) Bothwell, Kiera                 2) Bustamante, Reagan             
     3) Settles, Jessica                4) Lipka, Michelle                
  4 T.C. Williams High School  'A'                      4:12.11     4  
     1) Conroy, Sarah                   2) Parker, Kyra                   
     3) Farmer, Allasha                 4) James, Khalia                  
  5 Annandale  'A'                                      4:18.96     2  
     1) Hankinson, Ravyn                2) Anderson, Destiny              
     3) Pratt, Melissa                  4) Ligonde, Astrid                
  6 W.T. Woodson  'A'                                   4:22.62     1  
     1) Barnes, Grace                   2) Smith, Gabriela                
     3) Ducharme, Olivia                4) Howes, Caroline                
  7 West Potomac  'A'                                   4:27.89  
     1) Snow, Kristi                    2) Costantino, Charlotte          
     3) Smith, Zoe                      4) Turner, Sarah                  
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
Patriot Dist: ! 9:19.35  5/20/2014   West Springfield, West Springf            
                         M Wittich, R Bustamante, K Kennedy, C Alcorta     
      States: # 9:44.88                                                        
   Regionals: * 9:59.24                                                        
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Lake Braddock  'A'                                  9:13.47!   10  
     1) Tippet, Madison                 2) Murphy, Kate                   
     3) Ager, Emma                      4) Roche, Katie                   
  2 West Springfield  'A'                               9:18.26!    8  
     1) Settles, Jessica                2) Alcorta, Caroline              
     3) Bustamante, Reagan              4)                                
  3 South County High School  'A'                       9:58.37*    6  
     1) Zolper, Faith                   2) McPherson, Louisa              
     3) Dubuisson, Widney               4) Morgan, Katy                   
  4 West Potomac  'A'                                  10:02.11     4  
     1) Costantino, Charlotte           2) O'Hern, Kelsey                 
     3) Genuario, Katie                 4) Smith, Zoe                     
  5 W.T. Woodson  'A'                                  10:17.53     2  
     1) Ducharme, Olivia                2) Robinson, Erin                 
     3) Buoni, Katya                    4) Cooke, Katie                   
Girls High Jump
Patriot Dist: !  5-09  5/19/2005   Ashley Haislip, Lake Braddock               
      States: #  5-02                                                          
   Regionals: *  4-10                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lipka, Michelle              West Springf           5-03.00#   10  
  2 Speranzo, Julia              Lake Braddoc           5-02.00#    8  
  3 Davidson, Skyla              Lake Braddoc           5-00.00*    6  
  4 Taylor, Jeonna               South County          J5-00.00*    4  
  5 Knight, Morgan               South County           4-10.00*    2  
  6 James, Khalia                T.C. William          J4-10.00*    1  
  7 Smith, Anna                  West Potomac          J4-10.00* 
  8 Barnes, Grace                W.T. Woodson           4-08.00  
  8 Pagliaro, Alaina             South County           4-08.00  
  8 Stephens, Kristen            South County           4-08.00  
  8 Farmer, Allasha              T.C. William           4-08.00  
 12 Massaquoi, Iye               T.C. William           4-06.00  
 12 Scott, Jennifer              W.T. Woodson           4-06.00  
 14 Heigh, Jessey                W.T. Woodson           4-04.00  
 -- Song, Li                     West Springf              FAIL  
Girls Pole Vault
Patriot Dist: ! 12-00  5/17/2012   Felecia Majors, South County                
      States: #  9-06                                                          
   Regionals: *  9-00                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Knight, Morgan               South County          10-06.00#   10  
  2 Ruud, Maggie                 Lake Braddoc          10-00.00#    8  
  3 Stewart, Maddie              W.T. Woodson           9-06.00#    6  
  4 Halabuk, Savannah            T.C. William           8-00.00     4  
  5 Tardieu, Olivia              T.C. William          J8-00.00     2  
  6 Jones, Taylor                South County          J8-00.00     1  
  7 Mughal, Aysha                South County           7-06.00  
  8 McConkie, Anna               W.T. Woodson           7-00.00  
 -- Wade, Miriam                 Lake Braddoc                NH  
 -- Miller, Addy                 South County                NH  
 -- Ducharme, Olivia             W.T. Woodson                NH  
Girls Long Jump
Patriot Dist: !    19-01  5/16/2007   Tynitta Butts, TC Williams               
      States: # 17-08.25                                                       
   Regionals: *    16-05                                                       
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims 
  1 Davidson, Skyla              Lake Braddoc        18-03.75q# 18-03.75q 
  2 Goode, Kerisha               South County        17-09.00q# 17-09.00q 
  3 Taylor, Jeonna               South County        17-08.00q* 17-08.00q 
  4 Knight, Morgan               South County        16-11.50q* 16-11.50q 
  5 Anderson, Destiny            Annandale           16-05.75q* 16-05.75q 
  6 Majors, EnNijah              South County        16-04.75q  16-04.75q 
  7 Brown, Arielle               Lake Braddoc        16-04.50q  16-04.50q 
  8 Stephens, Kristen            South County        16-03.00   16-03.00  
  9 Stewart, Maddie              W.T. Woodson        16-01.50   16-01.50  
 10 Evans, Elexis                Annandale           15-11.00   15-11.00  
 11 Boykin, Briana               West Potomac        15-09.50   15-09.50  
 12 Vanderpuye, Karen            Lake Braddoc        15-03.50   15-03.50  
 13 Nwana, Tema                  W.T. Woodson        15-03.00   15-03.00  
 14 Coatney, Tyana               South County        15-02.25   15-02.25  
 15 Whem, Natasha                T.C. William        15-02.00   15-02.00  
 16 Zuber, Emma                  W.T. Woodson        15-01.00   15-01.00  
 17 Bowden, Hannah               West Springf        13-07.00   13-07.00  
 18 Harris, Kyla                 West Springf        13-00.25   13-00.25  
 19 Ross, Katherine              Annandale           12-00.50   12-00.50  
Girls Long Jump
Patriot Dist: !    19-01  5/16/2007   Tynitta Butts, TC Williams               
      States: # 17-08.25                                                       
   Regionals: *    16-05                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Davidson, Skyla              Lake Braddoc          18-03.75#   10  
  2 Goode, Kerisha               South County          17-09.00#    8  
  3 Taylor, Jeonna               South County          17-08.00*    6  
  4 Knight, Morgan               South County          16-11.50*    4  
  5 Anderson, Destiny            Annandale             16-05.75*    2  
  6 Majors, EnNijah              South County          16-04.75     1  
  7 Brown, Arielle               Lake Braddoc          16-04.50  
Girls Triple Jump
Patriot Dist: ! 41-00.50  5/15/1998   Yolanda Thompson, West Potomac           
      States: #    36-04                                                       
   Regionals: * 34-04.75                                                       
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims 
  1 Taylor, Jeonna               South County        38-00.00q# 38-00.00q 
  2 Davidson, Skyla              Lake Braddoc        37-11.50q# 37-11.50q 
  3 Stephens, Kristen            South County        36-06.75q# 36-06.75q 
  4 Ligonde, Astrid              Annandale           36-05.00q# 36-05.00q 
  5 Vanderpuye, Karen            Lake Braddoc        36-01.00q* 36-01.00q 
  6 Majors, EnNijah              South County        35-10.00q* 35-10.00q 
  7 Boykin, Briana               West Potomac        34-09.00q* 34-09.00q 
  8 Evans, Elexis                Annandale           34-07.25 * 34-07.25  
  9 Coatney, Tyana               South County        33-11.50   33-11.50  
 10 Whem, Natasha                T.C. William        33-10.50   33-10.50  
 11 Harris, Kyla                 West Springf        31-11.50   31-11.50  
 12 Dickerson, Jessika           West Potomac        31-04.00   31-04.00  
 13 Stewart, Maddie              W.T. Woodson        31-01.25   31-01.25  
 14 Hannan, Molly                W.T. Woodson        29-11.25   29-11.25  
 15 Tardieu, Olivia              T.C. William        29-07.00   29-07.00  
 16 Whearty, Justina             W.T. Woodson        29-04.00   29-04.00  
 17 Nelson, Anjanae              T.C. William        28-06.75   28-06.75  
Girls Triple Jump
Patriot Dist: ! 41-00.50  5/15/1998   Yolanda Thompson, West Potomac           
      States: #    36-04                                                       
   Regionals: * 34-04.75                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Taylor, Jeonna               South County          38-00.00#   10  
  2 Davidson, Skyla              Lake Braddoc          37-11.50#    8  
  3 Stephens, Kristen            South County          36-06.75#    6  
  4 Ligonde, Astrid              Annandale             36-05.00#    4  
  5 Vanderpuye, Karen            Lake Braddoc          36-01.00*    2  
  6 Majors, EnNijah              South County          35-10.00*    1  
  7 Boykin, Briana               West Potomac          34-09.00* 
Girls Shot Put
Patriot Dist: ! 43-05.25  5/25/2000   India Odum, Hayfield                     
      States: # 36-05.75                                                       
   Regionals: * 33-11.75                                                       
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims 
  1 Ruud, Maggie                 Lake Braddoc        36-08.50q# 36-08.50q 
  2 Massaquoi, Iye               T.C. William        36-04.00q* 36-04.00q 
  3 Foreman, Alexus              T.C. William        35-02.00q* 35-02.00q 
  4 Leckman, Sarah               T.C. William        34-02.50q* 34-02.50q 
  5 Kayler, Alexis               Annandale           32-10.00q  32-10.00q 
  6 Yankson, Samantha            West Springf        31-11.00q  31-11.00q 
  7 Njomo, Margaret              Annandale           31-02.00q  31-02.00q 
  8 Price, MaryKate              T.C. William        30-07.50   30-07.50  
  9 Martin, Ashley               T.C. William        29-11.00   29-11.00  
 10 Bervell, Martha              West Potomac        29-10.00   29-10.00  
 11 Roberts, Keyana              T.C. William        28-08.00   28-08.00  
 12 Reese, Lauryn                West Springf        28-07.50   28-07.50  
 13 Beck, Mariae                 Lake Braddoc        28-05.00   28-05.00  
 14 Gibbs, Angel                 Annandale           26-00.00   26-00.00  
 15 Estep, Emily                 Lake Braddoc        25-09.50   25-09.50  
 16 Meaders, Jessica             W.T. Woodson        24-10.00   24-10.00  
 17 Angeles, Dejenelle           South County        24-06.50   24-06.50  
 18 Bomberg, Melanie             West Potomac        23-06.00   23-06.00  
 19 Settles, Holly               West Springf        23-05.00   23-05.00  
Girls Shot Put
Patriot Dist: ! 43-05.25  5/25/2000   India Odum, Hayfield                     
      States: # 36-05.75                                                       
   Regionals: * 33-11.75                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ruud, Maggie                 Lake Braddoc          36-08.50#   10  
  2 Massaquoi, Iye               T.C. William          36-04.00*    8  
  3 Foreman, Alexus              T.C. William          35-02.00*    6  
  4 Leckman, Sarah               T.C. William          34-02.50*    4  
  5 Kayler, Alexis               Annandale             32-10.00     2  
  6 Yankson, Samantha            West Springf          31-11.00     1  
  7 Njomo, Margaret              Annandale             31-02.00  
Girls Discus Throw
Patriot Dist: ! 152-04  5/16/1996   Kristy Martin, Robinson                    
      States: # 110-11                                                         
   Regionals: *  96-04                                                         
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims 
  1 Massaquoi, Iye               T.C. William        # 123-09q  # 123-09q 
  2 Mesfin, Salem                T.C. William        * 107-09q  * 107-09q 
  3 Tuck, Rachel                 Lake Braddoc           95-10q     95-10q 
  4 Reese, Lauryn                West Springf           92-08q     92-08q 
  5 Foreman, Alexus              T.C. William           88-00q     88-00q 
  6 Beck, Mariae                 Lake Braddoc           85-05q     85-05q 
  7 Yankson, Samantha            West Springf           84-08q     84-08q 
  8 Ruud, Maggie                 Lake Braddoc           80-07      80-07  
  9 Danko, Afrakomah             West Potomac           70-04      70-04  
 10 Pendergast, Megan            Annandale              69-08      69-08  
 11 Angeles, Dejenelle           South County           68-05      68-05  
 12 Kayler, Alexis               Annandale              66-02      66-02  
 13 Price, MaryKate              T.C. William           66-00      66-00  
 14 Meaders, Jessica             W.T. Woodson           63-03      63-03  
 15 Gibbs, Angel                 Annandale              61-06      61-06  
 16 Settles, Holly               West Springf           54-07      54-07  
Girls Discus Throw
Patriot Dist: ! 152-04  5/16/1996   Kristy Martin, Robinson                    
      States: # 110-11                                                         
   Regionals: *  96-04                                                         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Massaquoi, Iye               T.C. William            123-09#   10  
  2 Mesfin, Salem                T.C. William            107-09*    8  
  3 Tuck, Rachel                 Lake Braddoc             95-10     6  
  4 Reese, Lauryn                West Springf             92-08     4  
  5 Foreman, Alexus              T.C. William             88-00     2  
  6 Beck, Mariae                 Lake Braddoc          85-00.50     1  
  7 Yankson, Samantha            West Springf             84-08  
Boys 100 Meter Dash
Patriot Dist: ! 10.61  5/17/2007   Sean Holston, RE Lee                        
      States: # 11.17                                                          
   Regionals: * 11.50                                                          
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims  H#
  1 Andoh, Bernard               Annandale            # 11.05Q   # 11.05Q  3 
  2 Lee, Dejoun                  Lake Braddoc         # 11.06Q   # 11.06Q  2 
  3 Lyles, Noah                  T.C. William         # 11.16Q   # 11.16Q  4 
  4 Clarke, Isaih                T.C. William         * 11.34Q   * 11.34Q  1 
  5 Botock, Roger                Annandale            * 11.24q   * 11.24q  2 
  6 Jackson, Rashawn             T.C. William         * 11.31q   * 11.31q  2 
  7 Henry, Tyrice                T.C. William         * 11.38    * 11.38   3 
  8 Carney, Malik                T.C. William         * 11.43    * 11.43   1 
  9 Jalloh, Sanusi               Annandale            * 11.45    * 11.45   4 
 10 Kern, James                  W.T. Woodson         * 11.50    * 11.50   3 
 11 Yankson, Chris               West Springf           11.57      11.57   4 
 12 Schaefer, Brad               West Potomac           11.66      11.66   1 
 13 Ohene, Nathan                Annandale              11.68      11.68   1 
 14 Cobb, Wynton                 South County           11.71      11.71   1 
 15 Ford, Rusty                  Lake Braddoc           11.74      11.74   1 
 16 Tum, Perra                   South County           11.84      11.84   2 
 17 Alexander, Aj                Lake Braddoc           11.85      11.85   4 
 18 Donkor, Perry                South County           11.86      11.86   4 
 19 Salah, Amin                  Lake Braddoc           11.90      11.90   3 
 20 Han, Andrew                  West Springf           11.91      11.91   3 
 21 Whitfield, Ollon             West Springf           11.94      11.94   2 
 22 Stawawczyk, Eddie            W.T. Woodson           12.05      12.05   2 
 23 Morais, Alexander            W.T. Woodson           12.08      12.08   4 
Boys 100 Meter Dash
Patriot Dist: ! 10.61  5/17/2007   Sean Holston, RE Lee                        
      States: # 11.17                                                          
   Regionals: * 11.50                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lyles, Noah                  T.C. William             10.47!   10  
  2 Andoh, Bernard               Annandale                10.87#    8  
  3 Lee, Dejoun                  Lake Braddoc             10.93#    6  
  4 Botock, Roger                Annandale                11.24*    4  
  5 Clarke, Isaih                T.C. William             11.35*    2  
  6 Jackson, Rashawn             T.C. William             11.40*    1  
Boys 200 Meter Dash
Patriot Dist: ! 21.23  5/20/2014   Noah Lyles, T.C. William                    
      States: # 22.56                                                          
   Regionals: * 23.22                                                          
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims  H#
  1 Lyles, Josephus              T.C. William         # 22.22Q   # 22.22Q  3 
  2 Lyles, Noah                  T.C. William         # 22.26Q   # 22.26Q  4 
  3 Andoh, Bernard               Annandale            # 22.51Q   # 22.51Q  2 
  4 Pereira, Edgar               Lake Braddoc         * 22.62Q   * 22.62Q  1 
  5 Stewart, Trevor              South County         # 22.52q   # 22.52q  4 
  6 Lee, Dejoun                  Lake Braddoc         * 22.66q   * 22.66q  2 
  7 Hogye, Nathan                Annandale            * 23.14    * 23.14   4 
  8 Tyler, Philip                T.C. William           23.29      23.29   2 
  9 Yankson, Chris               West Springf           23.31      23.31   1 
 10 Carney, Malik                T.C. William           23.32      23.32   1 
 11 Jalloh, Sanusi               Annandale              23.40      23.40   3 
 12 Jackson, Rashawn             T.C. William           23.46      23.46   4 
 13 Kern, James                  W.T. Woodson           23.47      23.47   3 
 14 Donkor, Perry                South County           23.60      23.60   2 
 15 Henry, Tyrice                T.C. William           23.71      23.71   1 
 16 Lengel, Stephen              W.T. Woodson           23.88      23.88   1 
 17 Allen, Emmanuel              West Springf           24.31      24.31   2 
 18 Lorence, Ted                 Lake Braddoc           24.35      24.35   3 
 19 Bridges, Obadiah             Lake Braddoc           24.37      24.37   4 
 20 Schaefer, Brad               West Potomac           24.43      24.43   1 
 21 Youngblood, Tylor            W.T. Woodson           24.62      24.62   2 
 21 Majors, Ernest               South County           24.62      24.62   3 
 23 Vaughan, Brennan             West Potomac           25.27      25.27   3 
Boys 200 Meter Dash
Patriot Dist: ! 21.23  5/20/2014   Noah Lyles, T.C. William                    
      States: # 22.56                                                          
   Regionals: * 23.22                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lyles, Noah                  T.C. William             21.12!   10  
  2 Lyles, Josephus              T.C. William             21.51#    8  
  3 Pereira, Edgar               Lake Braddoc             22.53#    6  
  4 Lee, Dejoun                  Lake Braddoc             22.74*    4  
  5 Stewart, Trevor              South County             22.80*    2  
Boys 400 Meter Dash
Patriot Dist: ! 48.12  5/17/2001   Ron Richards, Hayfield                      
      States: # 50.37                                                          
   Regionals: * 52.06                                                          
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims  H#
  1 Stewart, Trevor              South County         # 48.91Q   # 48.91Q  2 
  2 Lyles, Josephus              T.C. William         # 49.93Q   # 49.93Q  4 
  3 Hogye, Nathan                Annandale            # 50.03Q   # 50.03Q  1 
  4 Pereira, Edgar               Lake Braddoc         * 50.82Q   * 50.82Q  3 
  5 Rushing, Glenn               West Potomac         * 50.80q   * 50.80q  1 
  6 Booth, Mahlique              T.C. William         * 50.88q   * 50.88q  2 
  7 Tyler, Philip                T.C. William         * 51.27    * 51.27   3 
  8 Conteh, Eshoka               T.C. William           52.83      52.83   1 
  9 Heng, Michael                Annandale              53.12      53.12   3 
 10 Tippet, Jordan               Lake Braddoc           53.15      53.15   4 
 11 James, Sam                   West Potomac           53.40      53.40   4 
 12 Lengel, Stephen              W.T. Woodson           53.56      53.56   4 
 13 Lorence, Ted                 Lake Braddoc           53.65      53.65   1 
 14 Grady, Matthew               West Springf           54.10      54.10   4 
 15 Taylor, Ben                  West Springf           54.31      54.31   2 
 16 Knight, Jonathon             W.T. Woodson           55.03      55.03   3 
 17 Youngblood, Tylor            W.T. Woodson           55.12      55.12   2 
 18 Crabb, Ty                    Lake Braddoc           55.43      55.43   2 
 19 Rankin, Christian            South County           57.61      57.61   3 
Boys 400 Meter Dash
Patriot Dist: ! 48.12  5/17/2001   Ron Richards, Hayfield                      
      States: # 50.37                                                          
   Regionals: * 52.06                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lyles, Josephus              T.C. William             47.50!   10  
  2 Stewart, Trevor              South County             47.85!    8  
  3 Pereira, Edgar               Lake Braddoc             48.20#    6  
  4 Booth, Mahlique              T.C. William             50.32#    4  
  5 Rushing, Glenn               West Potomac             50.55*    2  
  6 Hogye, Nathan                Annandale                51.05*    1  
Boys 800 Meter Run
Patriot Dist: ! 1:53.93  5/16/1997   Jessie Baciagalupi, Annandale             
      States: # 1:58.70                                                        
   Regionals: * 2:01.59                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Fogg, Ben                    Lake Braddoc           1:56.97#   10  
  2 Thompson, Kyle               South County           1:58.42#    8  
  3 Smoot, Josh                  W.T. Woodson           1:59.02*    6  
  4 Goolsby, Lozie               West Potomac           1:59.27*    4  
  5 Kerwin, Brendan              T.C. William           1:59.63*    2  
  6 McArdle, Tommy               Lake Braddoc           2:00.16*    1  
  7 Bergan, Bryan                Lake Braddoc           2:00.81* 
  8 O'Boyle, Cullen              West Potomac           2:00.99* 
  9 McKinney, Aaron              T.C. William           2:01.79  
 10 Kerfoot, Justice             Annandale              2:02.57  
 11 Kern, Mitchel                W.T. Woodson           2:02.89  
 12 Bustamante, Chaunce          West Springf           2:04.93  
 13 Folkerts, Eric               T.C. William           2:06.46  
 14 Gautier, Ben                 South County           2:06.67  
 15 Teshome, Nahom               West Springf           2:07.38  
 16 Alvarado, Edgar              Annandale              2:07.74  
 17 Lee, Cilas                   W.T. Woodson           2:13.23  
 18 Marafino, Francesco          South County           2:15.20  
Boys 1600 Meter Run
Patriot Dist: ! 4:05.44  5/16/1997   Sharif Karie, West Springfield            
      States: # 4:27.22                                                        
   Regionals: * 4:32.87                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Corbett, Alex                Lake Braddoc           4:18.82#   10  
  2 Girma, Anteneh               T.C. William           4:19.90#    8  
  3 Buck, Owen                   West Springf           4:24.86#    6  
  4 Monogue, Kevin               Lake Braddoc           4:25.75#    4  
  5 Fogg, Ben                    Lake Braddoc           4:27.82*    2  
  6 Gebrehiwot, Aviad            Annandale              4:28.28*    1  
  7 Jones, Alec                  South County           4:32.37* 
  8 Frame, Matthew               West Potomac           4:35.50  
  9 Smith, Andrew                West Springf           4:40.25  
 10 Maloney, Seamus              W.T. Woodson           4:44.10  
 11 Khanal, Shreyak              West Potomac           4:46.84  
 12 Tang, David                  W.T. Woodson           4:47.75  
 13 Alvarado, Risky              Annandale              4:50.23  
 14 Gautier, Ben                 South County           4:50.28  
 15 Thomas, Benjamin             T.C. William           4:52.78  
 16 Lindsey, Zachary             West Potomac           4:53.29  
 17 Niemann, Michael             W.T. Woodson           4:54.71  
 18 MacKay, Jack                 T.C. William           4:56.17  
 19 Lanjef, Gabe                 Annandale              5:03.10  
 20 Burns, Michael               South County           5:08.83  
Boys 3200 Meter Run
Patriot Dist: ! 9:05.86  5/16/1997   Sharif Karie, West Springfield            
      States: # 9:46.34                                                        
   Regionals: * 9:57.43                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Corbett, Alex                Lake Braddoc           9:27.47#   10  
  2 Isenhour, Forrest            Lake Braddoc           9:32.02#    8  
  3 Ward, Timothy                West Springf           9:35.67#    6  
  4 Monogue, Kevin               Lake Braddoc           9:36.94#    4  
  5 Girma, Anteneh               T.C. William           9:38.90#    2  
  6 Lockwood, Robert             W.T. Woodson           9:41.06#    1  
  7 Jones, Alec                  South County           9:41.39# 
  8 Falcone, David               W.T. Woodson           9:54.55* 
  9 Isenhour, Miles              Lake Braddoc           9:56.44* 
 10 Jones, Kevin                 Lake Braddoc          10:02.39  
 11 Meskill, David               Lake Braddoc          10:05.49  
 12 Admasu, Yonel                W.T. Woodson          10:07.16  
 13 Holland, Chris               West Springf          10:08.85  
 14 Turner, Eric                 West Potomac          10:21.19  
 15 Huck, Ryan                   West Potomac          11:12.99  
 16 Cooksey, Austin              South County          11:27.00  
 17 Myers, Griffin               South County          11:49.08  
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
Patriot Dist: ! 13.87  5/11/2011   John Jenkins, Annandale                     
      States: # 15.24                                                          
   Regionals: * 15.93                                                          
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims  H#
  1 Seals, John                  West Springf         # 14.81Q   # 14.81Q  3 
  2 Johnson, Alec                Lake Braddoc         * 15.34Q   * 15.34Q  1 
  3 Rodriguez, Ryan              South County         * 15.60Q   * 15.60Q  2 
  4 Kargbo, Alimamy              West Potomac         * 15.48q   * 15.48q  1 
  5 Fowlkes, Michael             T.C. William         * 15.87q   * 15.87q  3 
  6 Bridges, Obadiah             Lake Braddoc           16.00q     16.00q  3 
  7 Folli, Lewis                 Annandale              16.16      16.16   2 
  8 Premph, Kelvin               West Potomac           16.27      16.27   2 
  9 Brown, Connor                West Springf           16.40      16.40   1 
 10 Gasca, Francisco             Lake Braddoc           16.53      16.53   2 
 11 O'Meara, Kelly               West Potomac           17.26      17.26   3 
 12 Hohenstein, Tyler            Annandale              18.04      18.04   3 
 13 Lieb, Michael                W.T. Woodson           18.39      18.39   2 
 14 Reagan, Cody                 Annandale              18.60      18.60   1 
 15 Hires, Kevin                 South County           18.86      18.86   3 
 16 Pham, Calvin                 W.T. Woodson           21.36      21.36   1 
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
Patriot Dist: ! 13.87  5/11/2011   John Jenkins, Annandale                     
      States: # 15.24                                                          
   Regionals: * 15.93                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Seals, John                  West Springf             14.43#   10  
  2 Rodriguez, Ryan              South County             15.12#    8  
  3 Johnson, Alec                Lake Braddoc             15.41*    6  
  4 Fowlkes, Michael             T.C. William             15.75*    4  
  5 Kargbo, Alimamy              West Potomac             16.01     2  
  6 Bridges, Obadiah             Lake Braddoc             20.94     1  
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
Patriot Dist: ! 37.86  5/15/1998   Jermaine Coles, TC Williams                 
      States: # 40.54                                                          
   Regionals: * 41.77                                                          
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims  H#
  1 Rodriguez, Ryan              South County         # 39.48Q   # 39.48Q  3 
  2 Seals, John                  West Springf         * 40.78Q   * 40.78Q  4 
  3 Fowlkes, Michael             T.C. William         * 40.81Q   * 40.81Q  2 
  4 Johnson, Alec                Lake Braddoc         * 41.07Q   * 41.07Q  1 
  5 Premph, Kelvin               West Potomac         * 40.96q   * 40.96q  4 
  6 Clarke, Isaih                T.C. William         * 41.45q   * 41.45q  1 
  7 O'Meara, Kelly               West Potomac         * 41.66    * 41.66   2 
  8 Kargbo, Alimamy              West Potomac           43.17      43.17   3 
  9 Osafoh, Dominic              West Potomac           43.44      43.44   4 
 10 Bentley, Mitchell            Lake Braddoc           43.71      43.71   4 
 11 Napoli, Angelo               West Potomac           43.89      43.89   3 
 12 Brown, Connor                West Springf           44.75      44.75   1 
 13 McCobb, Nick                 West Potomac           45.14      45.14   1 
 14 Blair, Mason                 Lake Braddoc           45.37      45.37   2 
 15 Pham, Calvin                 W.T. Woodson           45.40      45.40   2 
 16 Folli, Lewis                 Annandale              46.63      46.63   2 
 17 Lieb, Michael                W.T. Woodson           46.67      46.67   4 
 18 Hohenstein, Tyler            Annandale              47.16      47.16   3 
 19 Farr, Brett                  W.T. Woodson           47.39      47.39   3 
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
Patriot Dist: ! 37.86  5/15/1998   Jermaine Coles, TC Williams                 
      States: # 40.54                                                          
   Regionals: * 41.77                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Seals, John                  West Springf             38.21#   10  
  2 Premph, Kelvin               West Potomac             40.35#    8  
  3 Fowlkes, Michael             T.C. William             40.74*    6  
  4 Johnson, Alec                Lake Braddoc             41.37*    4  
  5 Clarke, Isaih                T.C. William             41.62*    2  
  6 Rodriguez, Ryan              South County             42.79     1  
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
Patriot Dist: ! 41.81  5/17/2012   , Annandale                                 
      States: # 44.03                                                          
   Regionals: * 45.35                                                          
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Annandale  'A'                                        42.52#   10  
     1) Botock, Roger                   2) Hogye, Nathan                  
     3) Kamara, Abu                     4) Ohene, Nathan                  
  2 T.C. Williams High School  'A'                        42.78#    8  
     1) Jackson, Rashawn                2) Carney, Malik                  
     3) Rattanaphone, Phaivanh          4) Henry, Tyrice                  
  3 Lake Braddock  'A'                                    43.28#    6  
     1) Bridges, Obadiah                2) Alexander, Aj                  
     3) Johnson, Alec                   4) Ford, Rusty                    
  4 South County High School  'A'                         44.27*    4  
     1) Tum, Perra                      2) Cobb, Wynton                   
     3) Donkor, Perry                   4) Majors, Ernest                 
  5 W.T. Woodson  'A'                                     46.27     2  
     1) Vasquez, Anthony                2) Lengel, Stephen                
     3) Boehman, Jackson                4) Stawawczyk, Eddie              
 -- West Springfield  'A'                                   DNF  
     1) Han, Andrew                     2) Whitfield, Ollon               
     3) Villegas, Zach                  4) Yankson, Chris                 
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
Patriot Dist: ! 3:21.54  5/25/2000   , West Potomac                            
      States: # 3:27.71                                                        
   Regionals: * 3:34.11                                                        
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 T.C. Williams High School  'A'                      3:18.19!   10  
     1) Lyles, Josephus                 2) Lyles, Noah                    
     3) Booth, Mahlique                 4)                                
  2 Lake Braddock  'A'                                  3:23.01#    8  
     1) Tippet, Jordan                  2) Bergan, Bryan                  
     3) Burnett, Reece                  4) McArdle, Tommy                 
  3 West Potomac  'A'                                   3:23.32#    6  
     1) Goolsby, Lozie                  2) Rushing, Glenn                 
     3) James, Sam                      4) Kargbo, Alimamy                
  4 South County High School  'A'                       3:23.83#    4  
     1) Majors, Ernest                  2) Agyeman, Michael               
     3) Rodriguez, Ryan                 4) Stewart, Trevor                
  5 West Springfield  'A'                               3:25.63#    2  
     1) Teshome, Nahom                  2) Buck, Owen                     
     3) Bustamante, Chaunce             4)                                
  6 W.T. Woodson  'A'                                   3:31.62*    1  
     1) Farmerie, Garrett               2) Kern, Mitchel                  
     3) Smoot, Josh                     4) Knight, Jonathon               
  7 Annandale  'A'                                      3:36.59  
     1) Kamara, Abu                     2) Heng, Michael                  
     3) Kerfoot, Justice                4) Alvarado, Edgar                
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
Patriot Dist: ! 7:55.75  5/12/2010   Annandale, Annandale                      
                         M Ejigu,Y Calcuttawalla,D Blasser,A Bile          
      States: # 8:11.33                                                        
   Regionals: * 8:22.89                                                        
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Lake Braddock  'A'                                  8:00.79#   10  
     1) Bergan, Bryan                   2) Fogg, Ben                      
     3) McArdle, Tommy                  4) Corbett, Alex                  
  2 West Springfield  'A'                               8:03.42#    8  
     1) Bustamante, Chaunce             2) Teshome, Nahom                 
     3) Buck, Owen                      4)                                
  3 T.C. Williams High School  'A'                      8:08.14#    6  
     1) Girma, Anteneh                  2) Folkerts, Eric                 
     3)                                 4) McKinney, Aaron                
  4 West Potomac  'A'                                   8:09.87#    4  
     1) Goolsby, Lozie                  2) Turner, Eric                   
     3) Frame, Matthew                  4) O'Boyle, Cullen                
  5 Annandale  'A'                                      8:23.19     2  
     1) Kerfoot, Justice                2) Gebrehiwot, Aviad              
     3) Alvarado, Risky                 4) Alvarado, Edgar                
  6 W.T. Woodson  'A'                                   8:26.13     1  
     1) Farmerie, Garrett               2) Buchholz, Adam                 
     3) Lee, Cilas                      4) Kern, Mitchel                  
  7 South County High School  'A'                       8:39.98  
     1) Jones, Alec                     2) Gautier, Ben                   
     3) Thompson, Kyle                  4) Marafino, Francesco            
Boys High Jump
Patriot Dist: !  6-09  5/16/1997   Doug Humphrey, West Springfield             
      States: #  6-02                                                          
   Regionals: *  5-10                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Seals, John                  West Springf           6-08.00#   10  
  2 Lyles, Noah                  T.C. William           6-06.00#    8  
  3 Young, Lennon                West Potomac           6-02.00#    6  
  4 Goolsby, Lozie               West Potomac           6-00.00*    4  
  5 Alexander, Aj                Lake Braddoc          J6-00.00*    2  
  6 Alston, Ron                  Annandale              5-10.00*    1  
  7 Vasquez, Anthony             W.T. Woodson           5-08.00  
  7 Thompson, Kyle               South County           5-08.00  
  7 Durfey, Sean                 West Springf           5-08.00  
  7 Booth, Mahlique              T.C. William           5-08.00  
  7 Rodriguez, Ryan              South County           5-08.00  
  7 Clarke, Isaih                T.C. William           5-08.00  
 13 Washington, James            West Springf           5-06.00  
 13 Martino, Gabriel             Annandale              5-06.00  
 13 Jackson, Brian               Lake Braddoc           5-06.00  
 13 Reagan, Cody                 Annandale              5-06.00  
Boys Pole Vault
Patriot Dist: ! 14-06  5/13/2010   Matt Hoogland, Lake Braddock                
      States: # 12-09                                                          
   Regionals: * 12-00                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 String, Andrew               Lake Braddoc          12-09.00#   10  
  2 McKinney, Aaron              T.C. William         J12-09.00#    8  
  3 Fowlkes, Michael             T.C. William         J12-09.00#    6  
  4 Foster, Kyle                 W.T. Woodson          11-06.00     4  
  5 Moss, John                   W.T. Woodson          11-00.00     2  
  6 Hohenstein, Tyler            Annandale            J11-00.00     1  
  7 Mcvicker, Jonny              Lake Braddoc         J11-00.00  
  8 Johnson, Alec                Lake Braddoc          10-06.00  
  9 Gooch, Jordan                Lake Braddoc         J10-06.00  
 10 Ahn, Edwin                   South County          10-00.00  
 -- Febbo, Bryan                 W.T. Woodson                NH  
 -- Snyder, Will                 Lake Braddoc                NH  
 -- Fairbanks, Michael           South County                NH  
 -- Cho, Jason                   South County                NH  
Boys Long Jump
Patriot Dist: !    22-01  5/13/2009   Kristian Rodriguez, West Potomac         
      States: # 21-10.50                                                       
   Regionals: *    20-08                                                       
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims 
  1 Seals, John                  West Springf        22-02.00q! 22-02.00q 
  2 Donkor, Perry                South County        20-10.00q* 20-10.00q 
  3 Booth, Mahlique              T.C. William        20-09.75q* 20-09.75q 
  4 Botock, Roger                Annandale           20-08.50q* 20-08.50q 
  5 Alexander, Aj                Lake Braddoc        20-07.50q  20-07.50q 
  6 Whitfield, Ollon             West Springf        20-04.75q  20-04.75q 
  7 Hires, Kevin                 South County        19-11.75q  19-11.75q 
  8 Hamlett, Devin               Annandale           19-11.75  J19-11.75  
  9 Clarke, Isaih                T.C. William        19-10.25   19-10.25  
 10 Cobb, Wynton                 South County        19-08.50   19-08.50  
 11 Ford, Rusty                  Lake Braddoc        19-08.00   19-08.00  
 11 Majors, Ernest               South County        19-08.00   19-08.00  
 13 Owusu, Ervin                 T.C. William        19-04.75   19-04.75  
 14 Schaefer, Brad               West Potomac        19-03.75   19-03.75  
 15 Vasquez, Anthony             W.T. Woodson        19-03.25   19-03.25  
 16 Foster, Kyle                 W.T. Woodson        18-10.00   18-10.00  
 17 Suidikas, John               W.T. Woodson        18-09.00   18-09.00  
 18 Taylor, Ben                  West Springf        18-06.50   18-06.50  
 19 Curtin, James                Annandale           17-09.50   17-09.50  
 20 Young, Lennon                West Potomac        16-05.75   16-05.75  
Boys Long Jump
Patriot Dist: !    22-01  5/13/2009   Kristian Rodriguez, West Potomac         
      States: # 21-10.50                                                       
   Regionals: *    20-08                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Seals, John                  West Springf          22-02.00!   10  
  2 Donkor, Perry                South County          20-11.50*    8  
  3 Booth, Mahlique              T.C. William          20-09.75*    6  
  4 Botock, Roger                Annandale             20-08.50*    4  
  5 Alexander, Aj                Lake Braddoc          20-07.50     2  
  6 Whitfield, Ollon             West Springf          20-04.75     1  
  7 Hires, Kevin                 South County          19-11.75  
Boys Triple Jump
Patriot Dist: ! 46-01.50  5/15/1998   Al Avants, Annandale                     
      States: #    44-02                                                       
   Regionals: * 41-07.75                                                       
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims 
  1 Hires, Kevin                 South County        45-07.00q# 45-07.00q 
  2 Agyeman, Michael             South County        44-08.75q# 44-08.75q 
  3 Cobb, Wynton                 South County        44-04.00q# 44-04.00q 
  4 Alexander, Aj                Lake Braddoc        43-11.50q* 43-11.50q 
  5 Donkor, Perry                South County        43-06.25q* 43-06.25q 
  6 Booth, Mahlique              T.C. William        43-00.50q* 43-00.50q 
  7 Kargbo, Alimamy              West Potomac        41-10.75q* 41-10.75q 
  8 Fanfon, Mervin               Lake Braddoc        41-07.75 * 41-07.75  
  9 Peich, Kyle                  Annandale           41-07.50   41-07.50  
 10 Laulopez, Jose               T.C. William        40-06.00   40-06.00  
 11 Curtin, James                Annandale           40-02.50   40-02.50  
 12 Young, Lennon                West Potomac        39-08.25   39-08.25  
 13 Jackson, Brian               Lake Braddoc        39-01.50   39-01.50  
 14 Vasquez, Anthony             W.T. Woodson        38-02.75   38-02.75  
 15 Bustamante, Chaunce          West Springf        37-08.25   37-08.25  
 16 Huston, Thomas               T.C. William        36-07.50   36-07.50  
Boys Triple Jump
Patriot Dist: ! 46-01.50  5/15/1998   Al Avants, Annandale                     
      States: #    44-02                                                       
   Regionals: * 41-07.75                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Hires, Kevin                 South County          45-07.00#   10  
  2 Agyeman, Michael             South County          44-08.75#    8  
  3 Cobb, Wynton                 South County          44-04.00#    6  
  4 Alexander, Aj                Lake Braddoc          43-11.50*    4  
  5 Donkor, Perry                South County          43-06.25*    2  
  6 Booth, Mahlique              T.C. William          43-00.50*    1  
  7 Kargbo, Alimamy              West Potomac          41-10.75* 
Boys Shot Put
Patriot Dist: ! 63-05.50  5/16/1997   Rodney Johnson, TC Williams              
      States: # 49-03.50                                                       
   Regionals: *    45-02                                                       
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims 
  1 Thorne, Reginald             T.C. William        54-05.00q# 54-05.00q 
  2 Woods, Cameron               West Springf        51-11.50q# 51-11.50q 
  3 Clarke, Jeremiah             T.C. William        50-09.50q# 50-09.50q 
  4 Dean, Douglas                West Springf        46-10.50q* 46-10.50q 
  5 Haj-Assad, Khalil            Annandale           45-01.00q  45-01.00q 
  6 Fryer, Calvin                West Springf        43-09.50q  43-09.50q 
  7 Burnett, Reece               Lake Braddoc        43-01.00q  43-01.00q 
  8 Wright, Andre                Annandale           42-04.50   42-04.50  
  9 Ahmad, Omar                  Lake Braddoc        40-08.00   40-08.00  
 10 Kaplon, Luke                 W.T. Woodson        40-07.50   40-07.50  
 11 Gray, Michael                T.C. William        40-06.00   40-06.00  
 12 Han, Timothy                 Lake Braddoc        39-05.00   39-05.00  
 13 Perry, Kevin                 T.C. William        39-00.50   39-00.50  
 14 Velazquez, Jake              Annandale           37-07.50   37-07.50  
 15 Perez, Lucas                 West Potomac        37-03.00   37-03.00  
 16 Smoot, Josh                  W.T. Woodson        33-06.00   33-06.00  
 17 Keightley, Tristan           West Potomac        33-00.00   33-00.00  
 18 Kile, Brian                  South County        32-10.00   32-10.00  
 19 Facklam, Jason               South County        30-00.50   30-00.50  
 20 Farmerie, Collin             W.T. Woodson        25-09.50   25-09.50  
 -- Turman, Malcolm              West Potomac            FOUL       FOUL  
Boys Shot Put
Patriot Dist: ! 63-05.50  5/16/1997   Rodney Johnson, TC Williams              
      States: # 49-03.50                                                       
   Regionals: *    45-02                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Thorne, Reginald             T.C. William          54-05.00#   10  
  2 Woods, Cameron               West Springf          51-11.50#    8  
  3 Clarke, Jeremiah             T.C. William          50-09.50#    6  
  4 Dean, Douglas                West Springf          46-10.50*    4  
  5 Haj-Assad, Khalil            Annandale             45-01.00     2  
  6 Fryer, Calvin                West Springf          43-09.50     1  
  7 Burnett, Reece               Lake Braddoc          43-01.00  
Boys Discus Throw
Patriot Dist: ! 188-09  5/20/1999   Nick Welihozkiy, West Springfield          
      States: # 146-00                                                         
   Regionals: * 132-09                                                         
    Name                    Year School               Prelims    Prelims 
  1 Thorne, Reginald             T.C. William        # 146-03q  # 146-03q 
  2 Dean, Douglas                West Springf        * 139-04q  * 139-04q 
  3 Woods, Cameron               West Springf          131-08q    131-08q 
  4 Ahmad, Omar                  Lake Braddoc          122-00q    122-00q 
  5 Han, Timothy                 Lake Braddoc          119-04q    119-04q 
  6 Gray, Michael                T.C. William          117-02q    117-02q 
  7 Gibbs, Tony                  Annandale             115-02q    115-02q 
  8 Fryer, Calvin                West Springf          108-07     108-07  
  9 Pike, Daniel                 West Potomac          106-09     106-09  
 10 Kile, Brian                  South County          102-10     102-10  
 11 Mohammed, Fahmi              Annandale             100-10     100-10  
 12 Kaplon, Luke                 W.T. Woodson           99-07      99-07  
 13 Smoot, Josh                  W.T. Woodson           98-05      98-05  
 14 Keightley, Tristan           West Potomac           87-03      87-03  
 -- Arshad, Sharoon              Annandale               FOUL       FOUL  
 -- Sarkodie, Samuel             T.C. William            FOUL       FOUL  
Boys Discus Throw
Patriot Dist: ! 188-09  5/20/1999   Nick Welihozkiy, West Springfield          
      States: # 146-00                                                         
   Regionals: * 132-09                                                         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Thorne, Reginald             T.C. William            146-03#   10  
  2 Dean, Douglas                West Springf            139-04*    8  
  3 Woods, Cameron               West Springf            131-08     6  
  4 Ahmad, Omar                  Lake Braddoc            122-00     4  
  5 Han, Timothy                 Lake Braddoc            119-04     2  
  6 Gray, Michael                T.C. William            117-02     1  
  7 Gibbs, Tony                  Annandale               115-02  
                    Women - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Lake Braddock              165        1) South County High School  165   
    3) West Springfield            81        4) T.C. Williams High School  52   
    5) W.T. Woodson                27        6) Annandale                  24   
    7) West Potomac                12                                           
                    Men - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) T.C. Williams High School  149        2) Lake Braddock             130   
    3) West Springfield            90        4) South County High School   69   
    5) West Potomac                36        6) Annandale                  34   
    7) W.T. Woodson                17