Meet Information
Registration help:
Leslie Sherman Memorial Invitational
When: Thursday, April 2nd 2015
Location: West Springfield High School
6100 Rolling Road
Springfield, VA 22152
Entry Fee: $150 per team. Single gender teams are $80 each.
-Checks can be made to WSHS Athletics care of Andy Muir
*Because of delinquent payments in recent years, each team must provide their check prior to the meet in order to compete!!
Entry Guidelines and Deadline: Entry will be done via Milestat, and the
Deadline is Monday, March 30th at 9pm.
Rules, Starting Heights, Etc.:
-Each team may enter 4 athletes per event, and 1 relay team
-High Jump Starting Height: 42 for girls, 52 for boys
-Pole Vault Starting Height: 66 for girls, 90 for boys
-Heats will be run fast to slow
-Top flights will compete last in each field event
-1/4 pyramid spikes are allowed
Note to Teams:
In order to make the meet more efficient, each team will be asked to operate one event. Please make sure to bring appropriate personnel to make this happen. Admission is $5 for spectators.
Questions: Christopher Pellegrini
Schedule of Events
9:00am: -Girls Long Jump followed by Boys
-Boys Triple Jump followed by Girls
-Girls Shot Put followed by Boys
-Boys Discus followed by Girls
-Girls Pole Vault followed by Boys
-Boys High Jump followed by Girls
10:00am 3200m (All Sections)
11:00am: -100m/110m High Hurdles (sections on time)
11:45am: Commemoration Ceremony Honoring Leslie Sherman
11:50am: Middle School 1600m run (no registration required, just check in at event)
12:00pm: (Rolling schedule starting with running events) (Girls then Boys)
-4x800m Relay (1 section only)
-100m Dash (sections on time)
-4x100m Relay (2 sections)
-300m Hurdles (sections on time)
-200m (sections on time)
-4x400m Relay
Leslie Sherman Memorial Invitational
When: Thursday, April 2nd 2015
Location: West Springfield High School
6100 Rolling Road
Springfield, VA 22152
Entry Fee: $150 per team. Single gender teams are $80 each.
-Checks can be made to WSHS Athletics care of Andy Muir
*Because of delinquent payments in recent years, each team must provide their check prior to the meet in order to compete!!
Entry Guidelines and Deadline: Entry will be done via Milestat, and the
Deadline is Monday, March 30th at 9pm.
Rules, Starting Heights, Etc.:
-Each team may enter 4 athletes per event, and 1 relay team
-High Jump Starting Height: 42 for girls, 52 for boys
-Pole Vault Starting Height: 66 for girls, 90 for boys
-Heats will be run fast to slow
-Top flights will compete last in each field event
-1/4 pyramid spikes are allowed
Note to Teams:
In order to make the meet more efficient, each team will be asked to operate one event. Please make sure to bring appropriate personnel to make this happen. Admission is $5 for spectators.
Questions: Christopher Pellegrini
Schedule of Events
9:00am: -Girls Long Jump followed by Boys
-Boys Triple Jump followed by Girls
-Girls Shot Put followed by Boys
-Boys Discus followed by Girls
-Girls Pole Vault followed by Boys
-Boys High Jump followed by Girls
10:00am 3200m (All Sections)
11:00am: -100m/110m High Hurdles (sections on time)
11:45am: Commemoration Ceremony Honoring Leslie Sherman
11:50am: Middle School 1600m run (no registration required, just check in at event)
12:00pm: (Rolling schedule starting with running events) (Girls then Boys)
-4x800m Relay (1 section only)
-100m Dash (sections on time)
-4x100m Relay (2 sections)
-300m Hurdles (sections on time)
-200m (sections on time)
-4x400m Relay