Radford Middle School Invitational 2017

Radford, VA

Meet Information

Radford Middle School Invitational will be held at Radford High School. Please be considerate of the start time as this meet will move expeditiously to finish. The meet director advises all teams to arrive by 3:00 pm

6th 7th and 8th grade students are allowed to participate.

Each school is allowed two entries per event. Only one relay per event per team will be allowed. VHSL rules regarding event limitations will apply. All athletes must belong to their middle school team and must be accompanied by a coach from that school. Entries are due by Monday, April 24th, 2017 at midnight.

Submitting Entries:
Information for registering online can be found at va.milesplit.us/help/faq/meetreg or follow the directions below.

1. Login or Register on Milesplit If you dont have a user name and password for Milesplit, click register on the top right gray MileSplit bar directly under the Universal Sports logo and search box.

2. Claim Your Team - You must be registered as a coach or team administrator to register for a meet. Go to your team page and at the top right, click Claim This Team. Select either coach or team administrator and follow the instructions on that page. Apply and submit. Once you are approved (usually within a few hours), you will receive a confirmation email and can proceed to the next step.

3. Update Your Roster - Now is a good time to get any corrections made and add additional athletes. Go to your team page, login, and you will see a button that says "Team Administration" to the right of your team's name. Click that and then click roster on left hand toolbar. Enter or update your roster, adding new athletes. To move graduated athletes to Alumni, simply add their graduation year and hit save.

4. Enter the Meet - Go to the season calendar and click on the green meet registration button of the meet you want to enter. Read and follow the instructions carefully and fill out the form completely. Once entered, you'll see all of the available events/races listed. To enter an athlete into an event/race click the "Edit Entries" link by the event. On the following page, check the athletes you want in the race (putting in seed times if applicable), and click the save button at the bottom. Do this for each event/race. You will be able to change and update these entries up until the entry deadline.

Radford High School, 50 Dalton Drive, Radford, VA 24141.

Bus Parking:
All buses will be allowed to park in the lot beside the track. Please be advised that school lets out at 2:35, so please no buses before 2:45.

Entry Fees:
An entry fee of $100 per team ($200 for boys and girls teams together)
Individuals: $10 per event or $20 per relay

Five or more student-athletes from a school are considered a team.

This is an entry fee, not a participation fee.

Make checks out to: Radford High School

Mailing Address:
Radford High School
50 Dalton Drive
Radford, VA 24141

There will be an admission fee of $5 for all spectators. Children under 10 are free.

The first six places will receive medals in each event.
The first and second place teams will receive a trophy.

The first six places will score. The standard point distribution of 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 in each event will count towards the overall team score.

All Running Events will be seeded as Finals i.e.- we will not have any trials for any running events.

Running event seeding will run slow to fast.

300 Hurdle height will be 30 for both boys and girls per district rules.

Field Events:

All field events (excluding high jump) will have FINALS.

Field event seeding will be least to greatest.

We will take the top seven (7) to the finals.

Long/Triple Jump:
Each jumper will be given three (3) measured jumps each.

We will take the top seven (7) to the finals.

This will be in an open pit format.

High Jump:
The five-alive format will be followed. Please consult the VHSL officials handbook for more
Information. Starting heights for girls: 40, boys 44. Top six jumpers will receive metals.

All throwers will be given three (3) measured throws each in their flight. We will take the top seven (7) to the finals.

All implements thrown will be in-house. You may warm up with your own implement.

Boys/Girls Shot weight- 4K
Boys/Girls Discus- 1k- both rubber and rim weighted discus available.

Spikes no longer then inch will be allowed. Immediate disqualification will result if longer spikes are used. Coaches, please help us with this!

T-Shirts will be on sale next to the Concession Stand.

Concession Stand:

There will be a concession stand for all student-athletes, parents, spectators.

If you have any questions, please contact Mike Carrow at mcarrow@rcps.org

Tenative Schedule:

3:00 PM Coaches Meeting at the finish line

Field Events:
House implements will be used in all throwing events. No weigh-in
3:30 PM Girls High Jump
3:30 PM Girls Discus
3:30 PM Boys Shot Put
3:30 PM Boys Long Jump-open pit
3:30 PM Girls Long Jump-open pit

Start times may be pushed up/back if events end early/late. Please listen for the announcements!
4:30 PM Girls Shot Put
4:30 PM Boys Discus Throw
4:30 PM Girls Triple Jump-open pit
4:30 PM Boys Triple Jump-open pit
4:30 PM Boys High Jump

Running Events:
4:00 PM Girls 4x800 Relay-depending on heats
4:20 PM Boys 4x800 Relay-depending on heats
5:30 PM Girls 100M Hurdles
5:45 PM Boys 110M Hurdles
6:00 PM Girls 100M Dash
6:15 PM Boys 100M Dash
6:30 PM Girls 1600M Run
6:45 PM Boys 1600M Run
7:00 PM Girls 4x100M Relay
7:15 PM Boys 4x100M Relay
7:30 PM Girls 400M Dash
7:45 PM Boys 400M Dash
8:00 PM Girls 300M Hurdles
8:15 PM Boys 300M Hurdles
8:30 PM Girls 800M Run
8:45 PM Boys 800M Run
9:00 PM Girls 200M Dash
9:15 PM Boys 200M Dash
9:30 PM Girls 4x400 Relay
9:45 PM Boys 4x400 Relay