The Freshmen Finale @ Hayfield Secondary School 2017

Alexandria,, VA

Meet Information

$150 per school or $10 per athlete whichever is cheaper.

Make check payable to: HAYFIELD SECONDARY SCHOOL

5 PM field events start.
Throws - 4 throws per athlete. Girls shot, boys discus 1st
High jump - girls 1st 3'8", then boys at 4'6"
Pole vault - combined event - starts at 6' up 6" to 9'
then 3" after that. Pass heights as needed.
Horizontals - 4 jumps per athlete
boys runway - 12' - 32' - 40'
girls runway - 8' - 24' - 32'
middle runway - paint marks - 4' - 20' - 28'
use what works for your athletes

6 PM track event start - rolling time schedule.
All races HAND TIMED. Standard event order in Virginia.
Your athletes will be separated from teammates as often as possible.
Sprints - ribbons to top 3 in each heat.
Distance - ribbons to top 6 in each section.
Relays - ribbons to top 6 in each event.

$150 per school or $10 per athlete whichever is cheaper.
Running the wrong direction down the LJ/TJ runways is disqualification from both events.

No money, no runny. Make sure payment is received BEFORE you get on your bus to come to Hayfield SS. :)

Any questions?