Meet Information
32nd Zack Broadaway (TA) Track & Field Invitational 2018
Saturday, April 21, 2018, 10:00 am
Coaches Meeting 9:00 am
Directors: Justin Thompson, Denise Shiflet
Entry Fee:
$200.00 per school.Checks payable to Turner Ashby High School DUE DATE MARCH 30.
A performance list will be posted on Milestat for you to preview
$5.00 for all. No charge for pre-school children.
Directions to Turner Ashby:
I-81; Exit 240; West on 257 (Dinkel Ave) into the Town of Bridgewater. Turn North at the stoplight (in Bridgewater) onto Route 42 (Main Street) and proceed North to the third stoplight. TA is on the right. You will need to use the entrance at the stoplight. Buses will be directed to unload athletes and then will be parked
3 athletes per individual event
1 relay per school
Entry Format:
Please express interest in attending by emailing
Entries will be done through Milestat
Entry Deadline:
Entries close Monday April 16, 2018, 11:59PM.
Registration help:
Note that these instructions are on the US Portal and you will have to return to your state site to actually find your team and enter the meet.
**ONLY SCRATCHES. (See VHSL Guidelines for Participation Rules)
FAT Timing:
Please use FAT TIMES ONLY for your entries. The official timing will also be done with the FAT system.
Awards: Medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place
Certification of Implements and Vaulters:
Weighing in of the shot and discus will be done at 9:00. Pole vaulters and their poles will be certified at this time.
Shirts will be sold on site. Inform your athletes so they can buy theirs while supplies last.
The concessions stand will be open throughout the day and will serve a variety of food and drink items.
***We respectfully ask that your athletes use spikes, that allow for 1/8 of the spike to be visible (recessed spikes can use )
Jumping Events:
Three runways are available for the jumping events. We will start the Girls Long Jump at the same time as the Boys Triple Jump. Boys long jump and Girls Triple Jump will follow. Girls Pole Vault will be held first followed by the Boys Pole Vault. Boys High Jump will be contested first and followed by the Girls High Jump.
***Long & Triple Jump pits are at the south end of the facility outside the track. 4 attempts, no finals with open pit format. 90 minutes to take all 4 attempts.
***Pole Vault is located at the north end of the facility outside the end zone.
Throwing Events:
Boys shot will be followed by Girls and Girls Discus will be followed by Boys
4 attempts, no finals.
***Shot and Discus are located at the Northern entrance
First Aid:
Turner Ashbys athletic training staff (complete with a certified athletic trainer) will be available.
32nd Turner Ashby Track & Field Invitational
Schedule of Events
Saturday, April 21, 2018
8:30 Weigh-In of Shot & Discus
Pole Vault Certification
9:00 Coaches Meeting
10:00 Boys High Jump, Girls Long Jump, Boys Triple Jump, Boys Shot, Girls
Discus, Girls Pole Vault
Girls High Jump, Boys Long Jump, Girls Triple Jump, Girls Shot, Boys Discus,
Boys Pole Vault
10:30 Running Events
Girls 3200 Meter Relay (4x800)
Boys 3200 Meter Relay (4x800)
Girls 100 Meter High Hurdles
Boys 110 Meter High Hurdles
Girls 100 Meter Dash
Boys 100 Meter Dash
Turner Ashby "Senior Night" Ceremony
Girls 1600 Meter Run
Boys 1600 Meter Run
Girls 400 Meter Relay (4x100)
Boys 400 Meter Relay (4x100)
Girls 400 Meter Dash
Boys 400 Meter Dash
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
Girls 800 Meter Run
Boys 800 Meter Run
Girls 200 Meter Dash
Boys 200 Meter Dash
Girls 3200 Meter Run
Boys 3200 Meter Run
Girls 1600 Meter Relay (4x400)
Boys 1600 Meter Relay (4x400)
Announcement of Team Scores & Presentation of Girls and Boys Team Trophies