Cave Spring High School 2/23/2018 - 3:24 PM
State 3A - 4A Indoor Championships 2018 - 2/23/2018 to 2/24/2018
Indoor State Championships
Roanoke College - Cregger Center
Event 59 Boys Shot Put State 3A
3 throws to qualify to 9 to finals for 3 more throws
National: N 77-02.75 2011 Ryan Crouser (Oregon)
Meet: M 55-05 2/24/2017 Zack Boyer's, Fort Defiance
Name Year School Seed Finals Points Alternate
1 Coldsnow, Zach 11 Tabb 50-03.00 50-07.75 10
48-05.25 49-07.25 FOUL FOUL 50-07.75 FOUL
2 Thomason, Trent 12 Staunton Riv 46-02.50 47-05.50 8
44-06.50 47-05.50 44-06.25 43-02.50 46-03 44-08
3 Gery, Zach 10 Turner Ashby 45-05.25 44-11.25 6
42-00 43-02.75 43-09 44-04.75 44-04.25 44-11.25
4 Slade, Terrence 12 Phoebus 43-07.50 44-06.00 5
40-09 41-04 41-11.50 39-09 44-06 40-09.25
5 Blake, Jabari 11 Heritage (Ly 44-00.00 43-07.50 4
40-01 41-00.25 43-07.50 42-01 FOUL 42-07
6 Stephenson, Benevante 12 Lakeland 42-07.00 42-11.00 3
42-01 41-11.25 42-01.75 41-10.75 42-05 42-11
7 Jackson, Jalen 12 Thomas Jeffe 42-04.50 42-03.50 2
39-06.50 41-05 40-09 41-10 41-02.50 42-03.50
8 Jenkins, Nathan 11 Christiansburg 42-04.00 41-02.50 1
39-02 FOUL 40-03 39-11 37-04 41-02.50
9 Norris, Robert 10 John Marshall 42-03.00 40-08.00
39-11 40-08 38-04.50 40-00 39-07 40-04.50
10 Hahn, Benjiman 10 Broadway 40-03.00 39-09.50
39-09.50 38-08.75 38-11.50
11 Ross, Rodd 12 Magna Vista 41-01.00 38-09.00
38-00.50 FOUL 38-09
Men - State 3A - Team Rankings - 3 Events Scored
1) Western Albemarle 32 2) Lakeland 11
3) Tabb 10 3) Broadway 10
5) Staunton River High School 8 6) New Kent 7
7) Spotswood 6 7) Turner Ashby 6
7) Fort Defiance 6 10) Christiansburg 5
10) Phoebus 5 12) Heritage (Lynchburg) 4
13) Liberty (Bedford) 3 14) Thomas Jefferson (Richmon 2
15) Warren County 1 15) Brentsville District 1