5th Annual Tiger Classic (CANCELLED) 2018

Meet Information

Registration help:


Entry Information: 3 entries per field event 3 per running event and one per relay.

Entry Fee: The entry fee will be $180.00 for co-ed and $100.00 per gender, 4 athletes will constitute as a team.

Check-in: All track athletes MUST check-in at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of their event. Field event participants should report to their event starting area at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start.

Rules: Only athletes competing in an event and their coaches are allowed in the infield. Please help us keep the facility clean by cleaning up your teams area when you leave.

Spikes: Maximum spike length will be 1/4 inch pyramids. Judges and clerks will be spot checking shoes at check-in for each event. Athletes will be disqualified for illegal spikes.

Implements: All Implements are to be weighed. Weigh-in will only take place 8:15am to 8:45am

Timing: F.A.T. Timing System

Sanctioning: VHSL Sanctioned

Meet Facilities: 8-lane rubberized track, dual jumping pits, and shot and discus areas, high jump area.

Awards: Team Trophies for 1st, 2nd Team for both Boys & Girls. Medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each individual event.

Concession: Concession stand will be open throughout the meet.

Admission: $5.00 per person. Children 6 years and under admitted free.

Here is a list of the events (rolling schedule)

There will be a coaches meeting at 8:30am.

Running Events: Trials for the girls 100 meter hurdles, boys 110 hurdles, girls 100 meter dash, and boys 100 meter dash. Finals will consist of the top eight fastest times.

9am-Boys Discus followed by Girls Discus

Girls Shot followed by Boys Shot

Girls Pole Vault followed by Boys Pole Vault

Boys/Girls Long Jump (running at same time) Followed by Boys/Girls Triple Jump

Girls High Jump followed by Boys High Jump

9:30am- (rolling schedule) Girls followed by Boys

Girls- 100m HH (P)

Boys-110m HH (P)

100m Dash (P)

4x800m Relay

Girls- 100m HH (F)

Boys-110m HH (F)

100m Dash (F)

1600m Run

4x100m Relay

400m Dash

300m Hurdles

800m Run

200m Dash

3200m Run

4x400m Relay

Please make checks/money orders payable to J.R. Tucker High School.All checks and/or money orders must be on or before the meet date of April 14, 2018.

To reserve your spot, please send an email to amsirica45@gmail.com

For more information:

Coach Annette Sirica



Athletic Director Chris Brown



Payments Mail Checks:

J.R. Tucker High School

Attn: Track & Field

2910 N Parham Rd

Henrico, VA 23294