NVHAA Regional Track and Field Meet 2018

Quantico, VA

Meet Information

The Inaugural NVHAA Regional Track and Field Meet will be a highly contested event and feature teams from Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC. This Event will feature two divisions. Middle School and a High School Division. In all all running events the order will be Girl Middle school followed by Boys Middle school on to Girls High school then followed by Boys High school. Please make sure to register your Athletes for the proper School Division when registering. Please be advised each Athlete will allowed to compete in Four "4" Total events per person.

Location: Butler Stadium Quantico, VA 22134

"This event is not an official event, nor is it endorsed or sponsored by the United States Marine Corps (USMC); Marine Corps Installation National Capital Region (MCINCR) Marine Corps Base, Quantico (MCBQ); or Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS)."

Time: 1:30 PM Coaches Meeting: Field events will begin at 2:00 PM 1st Running event at 2:00 PM

Meet Director: Deanna Gage (703) 864-6368 ( email:tteamnvhaa@gmail.com)

Password: This Meet is by Invitation only. Please request registration password from Meet Director.

Awards: Medals: First Place Individual/Relay Events Places Winners. Ribbons: Second and Third Place Individual/Relay Events Places Winners.

Facility: 400 meter Six lane asphalt track. Two Throwing Circles. No Jumping pits at this time.

Entry Fee: $100.00 Per School for Teams larger than 20 Athletes. $75 Per School for Teams smaller than 20 Athletes. Makes all checks payable to NORTHERN VIRGINIA HOMESCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Please hand deliver check to Meet Director at Coaches Meeting on Friday April 13, 2018 at 1:30PM or Before.

Registration Deadline: Sunday, Sunday 8th, 11:59 pm

Entry Restrictions: UNLIMITED Athletes per Event per Gender. "A' and "B"" Relay Teams per Event per Gender.

Schedule of Events:

Field Events

2:00 PM

Girls Middle School Shot/Girls High School Shot

Boys Middle School Discus/ Boys High School Discus

3:30 PM

Boys Middle School Shot/Boys High School Shot

Girls Middle School Discus/ Girls High School Discus

Running Events

2:00 PM

4x800M RELAY


1600M rRUN

4x100M RELAY



800M RUN

 200M DASH

3200M RUN