Meet Information
Results Link: 2018 Results
District Track & Field Championships
General Meet
Date: 5/16/18
Meet Site: Turner
Ashby High School Stadium
Directors: WillCrockett (540-908-6121), Denise Shiflet (540-478-4300), Justin Thompson
Teams: Broadway,Fort Defiance, Harrisonburg, Rockbridge County, Spotswood, Turner Ashby,
Admission: $5.00per spectator. Passes accepted: VHSCA, VHSL, VIAAA, VATA
T-Shirts: T-shirtswill be available for purchase at the meet.
Concessions: Concessionswill be available throughout the meet at the concession stand near the south
Spectators: Raceson the track, high jump and pole vault can be observed from the home or visitorbleachers and along the fence line. No spectators are allowed on the infield.There will be areas roped off for spectator viewing at the long and triple jumpas well as the shot put ring and discus cage. All spectators must stay withinthese boundaries for the safety of both athletes and spectators alike.
Parking: Busseswill be directed upon arrival to unload and proceed to bus parking. Driverswill be told where to park upon arriving at TA. Spectators may park in thelarge student parking lot adjacent to the stadium.
Timing: BlueRidge Timing will be on-site providing FAT timing. There will be a scoreboardat the finish line as well as on the stadium scoreboard. Results will be postedon the windows of the press box in a timely fashion. Results will also beposted to Milestat following the meet.
Team Tents: Weask that teams set up their tents along the hill near the south entrance. Wewould like to keep the bleachers free for spectators. There is ample room onthe hill.
Coaches Meeting: Willtake place in the bull pen at 4:30pm
Bull Pen: Will belocated at the south end of the track near the high jump apron. Please use thesouth gate and do not jump the fence. Athletes caught jumping the fence will beissued one warning, followed by disqualification from the meet. Instructionsand hip numbers will be given by the bull pen clerks.
Scoring:10-8-6-4-2-1 scoring will be used for both relays and individual events.
Starting Heights:Will be determined based upon entries and announced via email after entries arecomplete.
Equipment: Eachteam is responsible for providing its own equipment (batons, shot and disc,pole vault poles). Starting blocks will be provided by Turner Ashby HighSchool.
Warm-Ups: Warm-upsare allowed on the infield immediately before the event only. Any athlete notwarming-up or competing must stay out of the infield. The infield is forcompeting athletes only.
Spikes: Werequest that only pyramid spikes of 1/4 " length or less be used on runways andtrack surface.
Relay Cards: Eachrelay team will be required to submit a relay card to the clerks by secondcall.
Trainer: Acertified athletic trainer will be available on-site near the finish line.Water stations will be available to athletes at various points around thefacility.
Declaration Rule: Areminder that scratching an athlete from an event does not affect any remainingevents that they are already entered in. However, once an athlete is declaredin three individual running events they may not scratch one to enter a relay.
Jewelry & UniformRules: VHSL rules for uniforms and jewelry will be followed.
Jury of Appeals: Memberswill be announced during the coaches meeting. Appeals forms will be in yourpacket.
Protests: Protestsare to be addressed to the meet referee.
Field Events:Long jump, triple jump, shot put, discus will be a trials/finals format. Threeattempts in trials followed by three more in finals for a total of six. The top7 athletes after the trials round will advance to the finals.
Running Events: Timedfinals in all races including 110m hurdles, 110m hurdles and 100m dashes.
Meet Help: We arenot requesting that schools provide any meet help. If you are available whenthe time comes to move/set hurdles, help would be appreciated.
Advancement and TeamScoring: The top 6 athletes from each individual event will advance to theRegion 3C meet. The top 6 from each event is exclusive of HHS, meaning the top6 individuals not including HHS athletes will advance. However, HHS will counttowards the team scores and are eligible for a district championship.
- All times/marks used for entries must be from the 2018 outdoor track season.
Are due by 11:00pm on Monday, May 14th - Entries will be submitted through Milestat
- Following the closing of entries, each coach will receive a copy of their entries on a team performance list. Coaches must confirm their entries by 9:00pm on Monday, May 14th. Confirmation e-mails are to besent to posting of performance list, no changes may be made only scratches.
- Final scratches only will be taken at the coaches meeting. No additional changes at this point.
- Individual Entries:
- Individual Entries are limited to three athletes per school.
- Any school may enter three or more athletes in an individual event providing ALL athletes being entered have met thedistrict standard.
- Any school entering more than three athletes in an individual event must e-mail additional entries to the May 13th entry deadline.
- Entries must be verifiable through Milestat. If an entry can't be verified through Milestat, the coach must submit a verification form that includes athlete name, performance, date of meet, name of meet with a signature from the meet director.
- All times must be submitted in F.A.T. format! We will check that times have been converted to F.A.T. format. If any times are found to be not in compliance the coach will be notified and the time will be converted to meet entry requirements.
- To convert hand held times to F.A.T. times please use the following method. Round the tenths place up if the hundredths place is greater than zero AND then add 0.24 to that roundedtime.
- Relay Teams:
- Each school is allowed one relay per event. Please
ensure that any athlete you may want to use in a specific relay is
entered in that relay on Milestat or entered in another event. We would
like to have all possible athletes entered in the computer ahead of time.
Rolling Time Schedule
4:00pm Weigh in of Shot and
Discus/Pole Vault Certification
4:30pm Coaches Meeting
5:00pm Field EventsGirls Long Jump, Boys Triple Jump, Boys High Jump,Boys Shot Put, Girls Discus, Girls Pole Vault
To Be Followed ByBoys Long Jump, Girls Triple Jump, Girls High Jump,Girls Shot Put,Boys Discus, BoysPole Vault
5:30pm Running Events
3200m Relay (4x800m)
3200m Relay (4x800m)
100m High Hurdles
110m High Hurdles
100m Dash
1600m Run
400m Relay (4x100m)
400m Dash
300m Hurdles
800m Run
200m Dash
3200m Run
1600m Relay (4x400m)
TeamTrophy Presentations