Meet Information
2018 Virginia State Catholic Track and Field Championships
Where: Saint John Paul the Great, 17700 Dominican Drive, Dumfries,VA 22026
When:Saturday, May 12, 2018
$275 per school. This helps cover timing system company, awards, officials, and admin expenses.
Checks payable to:Saint John Paul the Greator Bring your check to the meet, or mail to Saint John Paul the Great at the above address, Attention: Chris Vander Woude
Admissionwill be $2 for the full day.
LimitedConcessions will be available for sale.
Conduct of the Meet
Teams may enter 3 athletes per event and 1 team per relay for each gender. Runners can participate in 3 running events unless one of them is the 3200m run. 3200m runners may compete in only one additional running event.Athletes are not limited to the number of field events they can participate in.
Therewill be no trials in running events. All running events are finals. There willbe on a rolling schedule so not to slow the meet down or speed it up. 1600mrelay will be run with a two turn stagger.
Registration will be done online Entries will be closed at 10:00pm on Wednesday, May 9,2018.Shortlyafter closing entries, the Performance List of entries will be posted onMilestat. Coaches are asked to check entries for accuracy. SCRATCHES WILLBE ACCEPTED UNTIL 5:00pm, Thursday, May 10, 2018.
Pleaseemail your scratches to Coach Darrell Harris at
We hope to post the Meet Program on MILESTAT by Friday afternoon, May 11, 2018.
Anyathlete scratched from a running event after the scratch deadline will bescratchedfrom all running events.
Coaches are asked to use onlyVerifiable Times as they complete their entries.
The meet will score 6 places (10-8-6-4-2-1)
Top 3 finishers in each eventwill receive medals and 4 -6 finisher will receive ribbons.
High Jump Boys opens at 5'2";Girls opens at 4'2". The bar will be raised 2" to 6' and 1"thereafterfor boys. The bar for the girls will be raised 2" till 5' then 1"thereafter.
Flights will be run in Shot,Discus, Long Jump, and Triple Jump. The top seven (7) will advance tofinals.
No event in the meet is to be heldup because a participant is engaged inanotherevent. In field events, if the participant does not answer the call on histurn,he may be given that turn only if he reports before the next round of turnsbegins,otherwise said participant loses that turn.
Team Awards will be announced after last event. These include MostOutstandingPerformer for boys and girls and the State Catholic Champions andRunnerUp. We will vote on this during the 3200 meter run.Each Athlete will be assigned a bibnumber and will be expected to wear it onthefront during their competition.
9:30a.m.: Coaches Meeting
10:00a.m.: Field Events
--Girls Long Jump--Boys Long Jump
--Girls Triple Jump
--Boys Triple Jump
--GirlsHigh Jump
--BoysHigh Jump
--Girls Discus
--GirlsShot Put
--Boys Shot Put
11:00a.m. Running
EventsGirls' Followed by Boys' (rolling schedule)
4x 800M Relay
100/110MHurdles (No Finals)
100Meter Dash (No Finals)
1600Meter Run
4x 100 Meter Relay
400Meter Dash
300Meter Hurdles
800Meter Run
200Meter Dash
3200Meter Run
4x 400 Relay