Meet Information
Seminole District Mid Week Meet "Redo"
*This is a make-up meet after the weather cancelation on September 26, 2018.
Meet is only open to Seminole District Teams
Sweet Briar 5K Course (Sweet Briar College Campus)
The course remains largely unchanged from last year. I will e-mail a course map this weekend and there will be one in everyone's packets.
The course opens at 4:00pm
5:00pm Girls Varsity Race (Can enter up t0 12 runners via milestat, but can only run a maximum of 10 of those entries in the varsity race)
5:30 pm Boys Varsity Race(Can enter up to 12 runners via milestat, but can only run a maximum of 10 of those entries in the varsity race)
5:50 pm coed JV race Untimed...time your own athletes. This race will be open to middle school runners.
Report to the computer table to pick up bibs and pins when you arrive.
Even though each team can run a max of 10 runners in the varsity races only the top 7 will score.
Printed results may available during or after the JV race -- availability wholly depends on what we have available the day of the race. If the printed result cannot be made available they will be emailed Wednesday evening. Unlimited entries are allowed for the JV race.
*Parking near the course is especially limited for this meet. SBC is hosting a home soccer game We are reserving the back parking lot for pregnant mom's, grandparents, and race volunteers. Spectators will be directed where to park and buses may drop off in the back parking lot but will be directed where to park during the meet.
*This is a make-up meet after the weather cancelation on September 26, 2018.
Meet is only open to Seminole District Teams
Sweet Briar 5K Course (Sweet Briar College Campus)
The course remains largely unchanged from last year. I will e-mail a course map this weekend and there will be one in everyone's packets.
The course opens at 4:00pm
5:00pm Girls Varsity Race (Can enter up t0 12 runners via milestat, but can only run a maximum of 10 of those entries in the varsity race)
5:30 pm Boys Varsity Race(Can enter up to 12 runners via milestat, but can only run a maximum of 10 of those entries in the varsity race)
5:50 pm coed JV race Untimed...time your own athletes. This race will be open to middle school runners.
Report to the computer table to pick up bibs and pins when you arrive.
Even though each team can run a max of 10 runners in the varsity races only the top 7 will score.
Printed results may available during or after the JV race -- availability wholly depends on what we have available the day of the race. If the printed result cannot be made available they will be emailed Wednesday evening. Unlimited entries are allowed for the JV race.
*Parking near the course is especially limited for this meet. SBC is hosting a home soccer game We are reserving the back parking lot for pregnant mom's, grandparents, and race volunteers. Spectators will be directed where to park and buses may drop off in the back parking lot but will be directed where to park during the meet.