Meet Information
43rd Annual City County Track & Field Championships
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Hosted by Harrisonburg High School
Results Link
Participating Teams: Blue Ridge, Broadway, East Rockingham, Eastern Mennonite, Harrisonburg, Spotswood, and Turner Ashby
Entries: Due by Monday, April 22 at 9 p.m. Entries will be done through Milestat. A performance list will be sent by 9:05pm on Monday April 22 for coaches to proof. All final changes need to be made by Tuesday, April 23 at 9 p.m. This will be the final declaration for the meet. Scratches only will be accepted the day of the meet. Please refer to the VHSL Handbook 84-4-7 (10) for information about the declaration process.
Eligibility: Three (3) individual entries and one (1) relay team per school Varsity student athletes (grades 9-12) More than three may be entered, if all meet the City/County qualifying standard. If a student athlete will be participating in an event for the firs time this season, please enter 0-0 for ND/NH or 0.0 for NT.
Scoring: Individual Events (10-8-6-4-2-1) and Relays (10-8-6-4-2-1)
Awards: Medals will be presented to the top three finishers in all events. Coaches can pick up medals following the conclusion of the 4x400 meter relay. Trophies will be presented to the first-place girls and first-place boys teams. Final meet results will be available to all coaches after the last event is completed and will also be sent to the Daily News-Record and Milestat.
Trainer: Two certified trainers (Timmy Huynh and Siaura Saville ) will be available during the meet and will provide water as well as care for meet related injuries. Please bring your own tape for pre-competition taping.
Timer: Doug Thomasey, Blue Ridge Timing
Admission: $5.00 per person
Concessions: Concessions will be available.
4:15 p.m. Implement Certification Bull Pen
4:30 p.m. Coaches Meeting Bull Pen SCRATCHES ONLY
Please complete and turn in Verification Forms Properly Equipped and Pole Vault
5:00 p.m. Boys Shot Put FOLLOWED by Girls Shot Put 4 throws no finals
Girls Discus FOLLOWED BY Boys Discus 4 throws no finals
Girls High Jump (opening height 4) FOLLOWED BY Boys High Jump (opening height 5)
Girls Pole Vault (opening height 5) FOLLOWED by the Boys Pole Vault (opening height 6)
Girls Long Jump FOLLOWED by the Girls Triple Jump 4 jumps no finals
Boys Long Jump FOLLOWED BY the Boys Triple Jump 4 jumps no finals
5:30 p.m. Running Events Rolling Time Schedule Girls followed by Boys Slow to Fast
2019 Standards (Calculated by taking the average 6th place time from 2016-2018)
Long Jump: 18' 1"
Triple Jump: 36' 2 1/2"
High Jump: 5' 6"
Pole Vault: 9' 0"
Shot: 38' 11"
Discus: 107' 6"
110H: 18.62
100: 11.83
200: 24.46
300H: 47.59
400: 55.04
800: 2:10.21
1600: 4:57.02
3200: 11:13.41
4x100: One Team
4x400: One Team
4x800: One Team
Long Jump: 14' 3 1/4"
Triple Jump: 29' 7 3/4"
High Jump: 4' 6"
Pole Vault: 6' 0"
Shot: 28' 3"
Discus: 76' 11"
100H: 20.26
100: 13.82
200: 28.55
300H: 56.59
400: 1:08.46
800: 2:48.45
1600: 6:19.06
3200: 14:40.52
4x100: One Team
4x400: One Team
4x800: One Team