Meet Information
VHSL Region 3C Outdoor Track & Field Championships
Location: Turner Ashby High School. 800 N. Main St Bridgewater, VA 22812
Meet Directors
Justin Thompson (Head Boys Track and Field Coach)
Denise Shiflet (Head Girls Track and Field Coach)
Will Crockett (Activities Director)
Date: 5/23/19
Entry Information
Entry deadline: 5/20/19 11:00pm
Individual entries
o Any student placing top 6 in their district meet (among Class 3 schools) or any student having met the regional standard in a meet with 4 or more teams qualifies for the Regional Championship meet.
Relay entries
o Any relay team placing top 3 in their district meet (among Class 3 schools) or having met the regional standard in a meet with 4 or more teams qualifies for the Regional Championship meet. Please make sure that any athlete you may want to use on a relay is entered in the relay on Milestat or is entered in an individual event. It helps to have all possible participants in the computer ahead of time.
Entry verification
o All performances should be verified using MileStat. Any performance that is not verified on MileStat will require a VHSL verification form including the athletes name, performance, name of the meet, date of the meet and a signature from the meet director. This form needs to be e-mailed to Justin Thompson prior to the entry deadline. Entries that are not verified until after the entry deadline will NOT be accepted.
All times submitted must be F.A.T. To convert a hand time round the tenths place up if the hundredths place is greater than 0 and then add 0.24 to that rounded time. Any times found to be in violation of this F.A.T. conversion policy will be converted to F.A.T. by meet management. All heats, flights and sections will be determined using MileStat entries. We will follow all applicable NFHS and VHSL rules and regulations along with the Class 3, Region C region handbook.
Team trophies will be awarded to the top two (2) teams (boys and girls).
Ribbons/medals will be awarded to the top six (6) individuals per event and the participants on the top two (2) relay teams per event (boys and girls).
Coach of the Year will be the coach of the region championship teams.
Participants finishing in the top 6 (individual events) and top 2 teams (relays) can pick up their awards from their coaches following the meet. A packet with individual awards will be prepared for each school.
Turner Ashby releases at 3:05pm. In order to avoid congestion, we ask that no teams arrive prior to 3:20. Busses will be directed where to park upon arrival. Cars will park in the parking lot right next to the track.
Admission for spectators is $6 per person. VHSL approved passes will be accepted.
Spectators can watch the meet from either the home or visitor bleachers. No spectators will be allowed on the infield. Areas will be flagged off to watch the Shot Put and Discus. Please stay behind the flag barriers for the safety of both the student-athletes and other spectators. Long and triple jump will have barriers marked off. We ask that all coaches, spectators and athletes not competing in long or triple jump remain on the track side of the ropes. This area becomes congested and can become hazardous. The pole vault pit is on the infield. For this reason, only coaches and competing athletes will be allowed on the infield. Spectators may watch from the stands.
Team Tents
Team tents are not allowed in the bleachers! The bleachers are for spectators only. Please do not make camp in the bleachers, your team will be asked to move. Team tents are limited to grassy areas only. We would like to keep the bleachers clear for spectators since they have limited access to most areas of the track complex.
Starting Heights
Starting heights will be based on the field of entries.
1/4 or 1/8 pyramid spikes only! No exceptions. Any athlete found in violation of this rule will be disqualified from the meet. That includes any previous performances that occurred before the infraction.
Athletic Trainer
A certified athletic trainer will be available at the finish line.
The bullpen will be located near the high jump apron at the 100/110 starting line on the infield. We ask that participants are in the bullpen by 2nd call so that they can move to the starting line after the 3rd call. Check in for field events will be at the field event. Coaches are allowed on the infield. All participants should exit the track at the gate nearest the finish line. Athletes jumping the fence will be given one warning. After the warning is given, the next infraction will result in disqualification. No electronic devices should be used in the infield areas.
Declaration Rule
Scratching a participant from an event does not affect any remaining events that the student may be entered in. However, once a participant is declared in the maximum number of track events, coaches may not scratch them from an individual event and then enter them into a relay.
Steve Geiman is the meet referee. All protests will be submitted to him.
Jury of Appeals
The jury of appeals will be selected at the coaches meeting with representation from all districts. Should the Jury of Appeals be split 2-2, the Meet Director will make the final decision. All decisions will be final.
Concessions will be available at the south end of the complex.
Relay Cards
Please turn in relay cards to the starter when checking in. Please be sure to include school, gender, event and relay team members.
Scoring for both individual and relay events will be 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1
*All running events will be timed finals. Field events will be 3 attempts in preliminary round. The top 7 will advance to finals for 3 more attempts.
Schedule of Events
4:30pm: Coaches Meeting
5:00pm Field Events Begin:
Boys High Jump, Girls Long Jump, Boys Triple Jump, Boys Shot, Girls Discus, Girls Pole Vault
Followed by:
Girls High Jump, Boys Long Jump, Girls Triple Jump, Girls Shot, Boys Discus, Boys Pole Vault
5:30pm Running Events Begin (Rolling Schedule)
Girls 3200 Meter Relay (4x800)
Boys 3200 Meter Relay (4x800)
*Girls 100 Meter High Hurdles
*Boys 110 Meter High Hurdles
*Girls 100 Meter Dash
*Boys 100 Meter Dash
Girls 1600 Meter Run
Boys 1600 Meter Run
Girls 400 Meter Relay (4x100)
Boys 400 Meter Relay (4x100)
Girls 400 Meter Dash
Boys 400 Meter Dash
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
Girls 800 Meter Run
Boys 800 Meter Run
Girls 200 Meter Dash
Boys 200 Meter Dash
Girls 3200 Meter Run
Boys 3200 Meter Run
Girls 1600 Meter Relay (4x400)
Boys 1600 Meter Relay (4x400)
Location: Turner Ashby High School. 800 N. Main St Bridgewater, VA 22812
Meet Directors
Justin Thompson (Head Boys Track and Field Coach)
Denise Shiflet (Head Girls Track and Field Coach)
Will Crockett (Activities Director)
Date: 5/23/19
Entry Information
Entry deadline: 5/20/19 11:00pm
Individual entries
o Any student placing top 6 in their district meet (among Class 3 schools) or any student having met the regional standard in a meet with 4 or more teams qualifies for the Regional Championship meet.
Relay entries
o Any relay team placing top 3 in their district meet (among Class 3 schools) or having met the regional standard in a meet with 4 or more teams qualifies for the Regional Championship meet. Please make sure that any athlete you may want to use on a relay is entered in the relay on Milestat or is entered in an individual event. It helps to have all possible participants in the computer ahead of time.
Entry verification
o All performances should be verified using MileStat. Any performance that is not verified on MileStat will require a VHSL verification form including the athletes name, performance, name of the meet, date of the meet and a signature from the meet director. This form needs to be e-mailed to Justin Thompson prior to the entry deadline. Entries that are not verified until after the entry deadline will NOT be accepted.
All times submitted must be F.A.T. To convert a hand time round the tenths place up if the hundredths place is greater than 0 and then add 0.24 to that rounded time. Any times found to be in violation of this F.A.T. conversion policy will be converted to F.A.T. by meet management. All heats, flights and sections will be determined using MileStat entries. We will follow all applicable NFHS and VHSL rules and regulations along with the Class 3, Region C region handbook.
Team trophies will be awarded to the top two (2) teams (boys and girls).
Ribbons/medals will be awarded to the top six (6) individuals per event and the participants on the top two (2) relay teams per event (boys and girls).
Coach of the Year will be the coach of the region championship teams.
Participants finishing in the top 6 (individual events) and top 2 teams (relays) can pick up their awards from their coaches following the meet. A packet with individual awards will be prepared for each school.
Turner Ashby releases at 3:05pm. In order to avoid congestion, we ask that no teams arrive prior to 3:20. Busses will be directed where to park upon arrival. Cars will park in the parking lot right next to the track.
Admission for spectators is $6 per person. VHSL approved passes will be accepted.
Spectators can watch the meet from either the home or visitor bleachers. No spectators will be allowed on the infield. Areas will be flagged off to watch the Shot Put and Discus. Please stay behind the flag barriers for the safety of both the student-athletes and other spectators. Long and triple jump will have barriers marked off. We ask that all coaches, spectators and athletes not competing in long or triple jump remain on the track side of the ropes. This area becomes congested and can become hazardous. The pole vault pit is on the infield. For this reason, only coaches and competing athletes will be allowed on the infield. Spectators may watch from the stands.
Team Tents
Team tents are not allowed in the bleachers! The bleachers are for spectators only. Please do not make camp in the bleachers, your team will be asked to move. Team tents are limited to grassy areas only. We would like to keep the bleachers clear for spectators since they have limited access to most areas of the track complex.
Starting Heights
Starting heights will be based on the field of entries.
1/4 or 1/8 pyramid spikes only! No exceptions. Any athlete found in violation of this rule will be disqualified from the meet. That includes any previous performances that occurred before the infraction.
Athletic Trainer
A certified athletic trainer will be available at the finish line.
The bullpen will be located near the high jump apron at the 100/110 starting line on the infield. We ask that participants are in the bullpen by 2nd call so that they can move to the starting line after the 3rd call. Check in for field events will be at the field event. Coaches are allowed on the infield. All participants should exit the track at the gate nearest the finish line. Athletes jumping the fence will be given one warning. After the warning is given, the next infraction will result in disqualification. No electronic devices should be used in the infield areas.
Declaration Rule
Scratching a participant from an event does not affect any remaining events that the student may be entered in. However, once a participant is declared in the maximum number of track events, coaches may not scratch them from an individual event and then enter them into a relay.
Steve Geiman is the meet referee. All protests will be submitted to him.
Jury of Appeals
The jury of appeals will be selected at the coaches meeting with representation from all districts. Should the Jury of Appeals be split 2-2, the Meet Director will make the final decision. All decisions will be final.
Concessions will be available at the south end of the complex.
Relay Cards
Please turn in relay cards to the starter when checking in. Please be sure to include school, gender, event and relay team members.
Scoring for both individual and relay events will be 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1
*All running events will be timed finals. Field events will be 3 attempts in preliminary round. The top 7 will advance to finals for 3 more attempts.
Schedule of Events
4:30pm: Coaches Meeting
5:00pm Field Events Begin:
Boys High Jump, Girls Long Jump, Boys Triple Jump, Boys Shot, Girls Discus, Girls Pole Vault
Followed by:
Girls High Jump, Boys Long Jump, Girls Triple Jump, Girls Shot, Boys Discus, Boys Pole Vault
5:30pm Running Events Begin (Rolling Schedule)
Girls 3200 Meter Relay (4x800)
Boys 3200 Meter Relay (4x800)
*Girls 100 Meter High Hurdles
*Boys 110 Meter High Hurdles
*Girls 100 Meter Dash
*Boys 100 Meter Dash
Girls 1600 Meter Run
Boys 1600 Meter Run
Girls 400 Meter Relay (4x100)
Boys 400 Meter Relay (4x100)
Girls 400 Meter Dash
Boys 400 Meter Dash
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
Girls 800 Meter Run
Boys 800 Meter Run
Girls 200 Meter Dash
Boys 200 Meter Dash
Girls 3200 Meter Run
Boys 3200 Meter Run
Girls 1600 Meter Relay (4x400)
Boys 1600 Meter Relay (4x400)