Windsor 5K Run 2019

Windsor, VA

Athlete Entries

Boy's 5K run 280 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Djauni Georgie Tyler Middle School
Mathias, Dylan Windsor 5k Runners
Schwarz, Alec Smithfield Middle School
Fong, Henry Georgie Tyler Middle School
Thomas, Marcus Westside Elementary School
Overby, Samuel Georgie Tyler Middle School
McLaughlin, Caleb Windsor 5k Runners
Wynn, Blake Westside Elementary School
Turner, Fleetwood Georgie Tyler Middle School
Feldt, Philip Windsor 5k Runners
Brown, Bill Windsor 5k Runners
Pleasants, Shawn Westside Elementary School
Zoladkiewicz, Aiden Smithfield Middle School
Tracy, Gavin Georgie Tyler Middle School
Janas, Ethan Windsor 5k Runners
Micciche, Aiden Georgie Tyler Middle School
Johnson, Brody Westside Elementary School
Moore, Izaiah Georgie Tyler Middle School
Wellons, Travis Windsor 5k Runners
Rivera, Jordan Westside Elementary School
Darden, Cameryn Georgie Tyler Middle School
Spruill, Hezekiah Windsor 5k Runners
Hiltz, Avery Smithfield Middle School
Holloman, Trevon Georgie Tyler Middle School
Williams, Quincy Westside Elementary School
Kucha, Ewan Westside Elementary School
Wiggins, Brandon Georgie Tyler Middle School
Bain, Hunter Windsor 5k Runners
Joyner, Taewon Windsor 5k Runners
Pring, Logan Westside Elementary School
Kucha, Caelen Smithfield Middle School
Wellons, Quincy Georgie Tyler Middle School
Lawrence, Jeremiah Windsor 5k Runners
Thompson, Justin Georgie Tyler Middle School
Zola, Noah Westside Elementary School
Hamlin, Travis Georgie Tyler Middle School
Nigretti, Federico Windsor 5k Runners
Belle, Amare Westside Elementary School
Burton, Taylor Georgie Tyler Middle School
Stokes, Karl Windsor 5k Runners
Couser, Jameson Westside Elementary School
Marston, Landon Smithfield Middle School
Asmussen, Tyler Georgie Tyler Middle School
Davis, Preston Georgie Tyler Middle School
Gibson, Hunter Windsor 5k Runners
Allen, Eli Westside Elementary School
Livingston, Logan Westside Elementary School
Patterson, Luke Georgie Tyler Middle School
Williams, Avery Windsor 5k Runners
Ritz, Nathan Windsor 5k Runners
Roggie, Drew Westside Elementary School
Barkman, Jeffrey Georgie Tyler Middle School
Parsain, Bryson Windsor 5k Runners
Machner, Joshua Georgie Tyler Middle School
Homan, Gabriel Georgie Tyler Middle School
Walsh, Zach Windsor 5k Runners
Byrd, Aiden Westside Elementary School
Walters, Connor Georgie Tyler Middle School
Cofield, Elijah Windsor 5k Runners
Ferguson, James Westside Elementary School
Miller Freeman, Tyree Smithfield Middle School
Harrell, Logan Georgie Tyler Middle School
Seely, Evan Georgie Tyler Middle School
Beckett, Jeffery Windsor 5k Runners
Bondurant, Walton Westside Elementary School
Myers, Michael Westside Elementary School
Posey, Kaiden Georgie Tyler Middle School
Barnum, Marcus Windsor 5k Runners
Bradshaw, Grant Windsor 5k Runners
Ruffin, Jaydon Westside Elementary School
Cross, Sherwood Georgie Tyler Middle School
Smith, Caron Windsor 5k Runners
Blair, Terry Georgie Tyler Middle School
Lewis, Tyreik Windsor 5k Runners
Cooper, Andrew Westside Elementary School
Holt, Ethan Georgie Tyler Middle School
Johnson, William Windsor 5k Runners
Hilton, Shane Westside Elementary School
Ponton, Caden Smithfield Middle School
Seaborne, Isaiah Georgie Tyler Middle School
Cobb, Blake Georgie Tyler Middle School
Nash, Trey Windsor 5k Runners
Bueshi, Isaac Westside Elementary School
Parker, Jaki Westside Elementary School
Gilmore, Zachary Georgie Tyler Middle School
Byrum, Clay Windsor 5k Runners
Seaborne, Ali Windsor 5k Runners
Shipman, Jameson Westside Elementary School
Howell, Tyler Georgie Tyler Middle School
VanHorn, Andy Windsor 5k Runners
Cobb, Logan Georgie Tyler Middle School
Coppersmith, Cole Westside Elementary School
Pierce, Caden Georgie Tyler Middle School
post, john Windsor 5k Runners
Kidder-Walls, Jace Westside Elementary School
Blunt, Lyrie Smithfield Middle School
Baker, Gavin Georgie Tyler Middle School
Finney, Kameron Windsor 5k Runners
Pettaway, Jaidyn Westside Elementary School
Hopkins, Mason Georgie Tyler Middle School
Ducceshi, Austin Windsor 5k Runners
Dunnagan, Dustin Windsor 5k Runners
Thompson, Peter Westside Elementary School
White, James Georgie Tyler Middle School
Winslow, Tyree Windsor 5k Runners
Olson, Noah Georgie Tyler Middle School
Wooten, David Georgie Tyler Middle School
Cypress, Jayden Westside Elementary School
O'Brien, Brandon Georgie Tyler Middle School
Myrick, Desmond Windsor 5k Runners
Marrufo, Matteo Westside Elementary School
Vuong, Christian Smithfield Middle School
Chavis, Blake Georgie Tyler Middle School
Johnson, Demari Windsor 5k Runners
Brewer, Forest Smithfield Middle School
Beale, Ben Georgie Tyler Middle School
Scheier, Brady Westside Elementary School
Branch, Kenneth Georgie Tyler Middle School
Hannah, Chandler Windsor 5k Runners
Shearin, Alex Windsor 5k Runners
Weng, Chris Westside Elementary School
Winters, Luke Georgie Tyler Middle School
Elder, Anthony Windsor 5k Runners
Schier, Peyton Smithfield Middle School
Edwards, Preston Georgie Tyler Middle School
Daugherty, Jaylen Windsor 5k Runners
Fulgham, D-Jay Georgie Tyler Middle School
Green, James Westside Elementary School
Johnson, Nazir Georgie Tyler Middle School
Lively-Scholz, Michael Windsor 5k Runners
Newby, Jamal Westside Elementary School
Barnes, Aiden Georgie Tyler Middle School
Madsen, Robert Windsor 5k Runners
Maurey, Jack Smithfield Middle School
Leonard, Ty'shon Georgie Tyler Middle School
Stanley, Jackson Westside Elementary School
Cruz, Rigo Georgie Tyler Middle School
Machner, Jacob Windsor 5k Runners
Wiggins, Jayden Westside Elementary School
Phillips, Collin Westside Elementary School
Wilson, Liam Smithfield Middle School
Porter, Will Georgie Tyler Middle School
Huffman, Michael Windsor 5k Runners
King, Jamari Georgie Tyler Middle School
Holk, Trenton Westside Elementary School
Harrell, Ryland Georgie Tyler Middle School
Broadbent, Xander Windsor 5k Runners
drake, dakota Windsor 5k Runners
Zangri, Giovanni Westside Elementary School
Wright, Carson Georgie Tyler Middle School
Mozell, Wanya Windsor 5k Runners
Miller, Jacob Smithfield Middle School
Jernigan, Hunter Georgie Tyler Middle School
Waibel, Korben Westside Elementary School
Casper, Austyn Georgie Tyler Middle School
Rogers, Ethan Windsor 5k Runners
Johnson, James Westside Elementary School
Barnes, Liam Georgie Tyler Middle School
Ricks, Xavier Windsor 5k Runners
Scott, Micalah Windsor 5k Runners
Pope, Andy Westside Elementary School
Woppelhorst, Amery Smithfield Middle School
Funai, Robert Georgie Tyler Middle School
Jenison, James Windsor 5k Runners
Hagood, Dalton Georgie Tyler Middle School
Miller, Logan Georgie Tyler Middle School
Baggett, Webster Windsor 5k Runners
Barnes, Cole Westside Elementary School
Culanding, Adriano Georgie Tyler Middle School
Stinson, Dylan Windsor 5k Runners
Farrell, Mason Smithfield Middle School
Jensen, Thor Georgie Tyler Middle School
Young, Logan Westside Elementary School
LaNeave, Nate Westside Elementary School
Contee, Jayden Georgie Tyler Middle School
Pittman, Terrell Windsor 5k Runners
Williams, Chase Windsor 5k Runners
Reynolds, Blaine Westside Elementary School
Bobb, Travion Georgie Tyler Middle School
Mason, Donnell Windsor 5k Runners
Flannary, Patrick Georgie Tyler Middle School
Getz-Jones, Aiden Georgie Tyler Middle School
Porter, Hunter Windsor 5k Runners
Brady, Benjamin Westside Elementary School
Carawan, Maynard Georgie Tyler Middle School
Bach, Rhett Windsor 5k Runners
DeBerry, Donnie Westside Elementary School
Clifton, Tanner Smithfield Middle School
Luu, Dennis Georgie Tyler Middle School
Bland, Kaleb Georgie Tyler Middle School
Kiser, Alec Windsor 5k Runners
Bates, Owen Westside Elementary School
McGrath, Bradley Westside Elementary School
Stevens, Nicolas Georgie Tyler Middle School
Therrien, Cy Windsor 5k Runners
Trimble, Liam Windsor 5k Runners
Rotruck, Cohen Westside Elementary School
Gardner, Ryder Georgie Tyler Middle School
Perry, Conner Windsor 5k Runners
Cofield, Quentin Georgie Tyler Middle School
Odom, Jacob Windsor 5k Runners
Caggiano, Ethan Westside Elementary School
Flythe, Will Georgie Tyler Middle School
Wimbush, KJ Windsor 5k Runners
Ferrell, Korben Westside Elementary School
Jones, Niziah Smithfield Middle School
Collins, Aiden Georgie Tyler Middle School
Council, Seth Georgie Tyler Middle School
Padgett, Cade Windsor 5k Runners
Bresset, Kameron Westside Elementary School
NGuyen, Kevin Westside Elementary School
Brewer, Damien Georgie Tyler Middle School
Brinkley, Shane Windsor 5k Runners
Megginson, Alyssa Windsor 5k Runners
Schlobohm, Gabriel Westside Elementary School
Robinson, Trent Georgie Tyler Middle School
Vale, Marcelo Windsor 5k Runners
Casper, Lucas Georgie Tyler Middle School
Mayer, Paul Windsor 5k Runners
Cooper, Daniel Westside Elementary School
Lowe, Tyler Georgie Tyler Middle School
Beacham, Keller Windsor 5k Runners
Keating, Connor Westside Elementary School
Cunningham, Donivan Smithfield Middle School
Esquivel, Leonel Georgie Tyler Middle School
Scott, Parker Georgie Tyler Middle School
Stiles, Riley Windsor 5k Runners
Condit, Nathaniel Westside Elementary School
Pearson, Shaun Westside Elementary School
Pulley, Leighton Georgie Tyler Middle School
Dube, Will Windsor 5k Runners
Cutchins, Steven Windsor 5k Runners
Slade, Jerauld Westside Elementary School
Smith, Crishon Georgie Tyler Middle School
Vo, Richard Windsor 5k Runners
Coyle, Parker Georgie Tyler Middle School
Corning, Eann Westside Elementary School
Post, Aaron Georgie Tyler Middle School
carter, brodie Windsor 5k Runners
Lamarche, Nathan Westside Elementary School
Burbank, Ricky Smithfield Middle School
Brown, Isaiah Georgie Tyler Middle School
Cook, Nathan Windsor 5k Runners
Riggans, David Westside Elementary School
Deily, Caleb Georgie Tyler Middle School
Edwards, Zachary Windsor 5k Runners
Dematteo, Joey Windsor 5k Runners
Webster, Jacob Westside Elementary School
Mosley, De'Sean Georgie Tyler Middle School
Delacruz, Julian Windsor 5k Runners
Basking, Christopher Smithfield Middle School
Brock, Aiden Georgie Tyler Middle School
Pierce, Carson Georgie Tyler Middle School
Shuler, Matthew Windsor 5k Runners
Goetz, Peyton Georgie Tyler Middle School
Goetz, Carter Westside Elementary School
Hampton, Jeff Georgie Tyler Middle School
flanders, william Windsor 5k Runners
Nabakowski, Julian Westside Elementary School
Sessoms, James Smithfield Middle School
Saunders, Keegan Smithfield Middle School
Taylor, Trent Georgie Tyler Middle School
Shearn, Jaden Westside Elementary School
Johnson, Cody Georgie Tyler Middle School
Logwood, Conner Windsor 5k Runners
West, Jacob Westside Elementary School
Tinney, Griffen Georgie Tyler Middle School
Holloway, Kip Windsor 5k Runners
Oliver, Wyatt Westside Elementary School
Hattemer, Ben Smithfield Middle School
Hopko, Joseph Georgie Tyler Middle School
Greene, Quontes Windsor 5k Runners
Patillo, Dominic Georgie Tyler Middle School
Harkins, Anthony Westside Elementary School
Riggs, Cole Georgie Tyler Middle School
Vo, Randy Windsor 5k Runners
Brown, Charles 24:05.02 Smithfield Middle School
Mumford, Ryan 24:07.21 Smithfield Middle School
Sutton, JaQuan 29:04.57 Smithfield Middle School
Britt, Everett 30:49.54 Smithfield Middle School
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Girls 5K Run 268 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aigner, Annie Georgie Tyler Middle School
Herrera, Dayana Windsor 5k Runners
Elliott, Mary Georgie Tyler Middle School
Robinson, Atejah Georgie Tyler Middle School
Warren, Ladesha Georgie Tyler Middle School
Rivera, Gianna Westside Elementary School
Quimby, Summer Westside Elementary School
Brinkley, Avery Windsor 5k Runners
Robinson, Jazlyn Smithfield Middle School
Butler, Jessica Georgie Tyler Middle School
Ludwick, Faith Georgie Tyler Middle School
Hartman, Jennifer Georgie Tyler Middle School
Edwards, Daya Westside Elementary School
Gollub, Caroline Westside Elementary School
Callis, Autumn Georgie Tyler Middle School
Murphy, Amiah Windsor 5k Runners
Blough, Tess Georgie Tyler Middle School
Warren, Alaina Georgie Tyler Middle School
Walling, Autumn Georgie Tyler Middle School
Wahl, Abby Westside Elementary School
Schneider, Allison Westside Elementary School
Tumminello, Maria Windsor 5k Runners
Wozniak, Sherry Smithfield Middle School
Preslei, Pagan Georgie Tyler Middle School
Alexander-Aid, Mikki Georgie Tyler Middle School
Mumford, Reese Georgie Tyler Middle School
Fuentes, Kiara Westside Elementary School
Hanson, Aubrey Westside Elementary School
Herrala, Charlene
Wooten, Daria Georgie Tyler Middle School
Carr, Edythe Windsor 5k Runners
Wilkie, Skylar Georgie Tyler Middle School
Patton, Abigail Windsor 5k Runners
Zari, Ava Smithfield Middle School
Walters, Corinne Georgie Tyler Middle School
Goodwin, Alexis Georgie Tyler Middle School
Morris, Grace Georgie Tyler Middle School
Finch, Jeylah Georgie Tyler Middle School
Sowden, Kennedy Westside Elementary School
Knight, Sarah Windsor Elementary School
Gonzalez, Andrea Windsor 5k Runners
Johnston, Emily Smithfield Middle School
Holland, Taylor Georgie Tyler Middle School
Meynardie, Maggie Georgie Tyler Middle School
Turner, Madison Georgie Tyler Middle School
Hamlin, Da'Miyah Westside Elementary School
Emrick, Sandra Westside Elementary School
Barnes, Emma Westside Elementary School
Saunders, Takira Georgie Tyler Middle School
Ramsey, Cheyanne Windsor 5k Runners
Hawkins, Ariel Georgie Tyler Middle School
Powers, Kalynn Windsor 5k Runners
Lamm, Kaydance Smithfield Middle School
McMillan, Savannah Georgie Tyler Middle School
Harper, Makhya Georgie Tyler Middle School
Blough, Callie Georgie Tyler Middle School
Knight, Jessica Georgie Tyler Middle School
Triplett, Rachel Westside Elementary School
Johns, Gabrielle Westside Elementary School
Holland, Patricia Windsor Elementary School
Reese, Ta'Mya Windsor 5k Runners
Foster, Ariana Smithfield Middle School
Hamlin, Demoni Georgie Tyler Middle School
Overby, Faith Georgie Tyler Middle School
Burgess, Murphi Georgie Tyler Middle School
Joseph, JoHannah Westside Elementary School
Jenkins, Hannah Georgie Tyler Middle School
Sanderson, Charlene Georgie Tyler Middle School
Williams, Isabella Westside Elementary School
Breazzeal, Haley Westside Elementary School
Carr, Jordan Windsor 5k Runners
DiLaura-Roberts, Anya Georgie Tyler Middle School
gholston, aliyah Windsor 5k Runners
Richard, Cate Georgie Tyler Middle School
Hollis, Sarah Windsor 5k Runners
Huffaker, Shelby Smithfield Middle School
Clark, Rebecca Georgie Tyler Middle School
Watkins, Alexis Georgie Tyler Middle School
Wimbush, Kiarri Georgie Tyler Middle School
Tinney, Felicity Georgie Tyler Middle School
Lufkin, Lily Westside Elementary School
Kelly, Catherine Westside Elementary School
Liverman, Daisy Windsor Elementary School
Hughes, Whitlee Windsor 5k Runners
Matthews, Ashley Georgie Tyler Middle School
Case, Nena Georgie Tyler Middle School
Kooiker, Jennika Georgie Tyler Middle School
Worrell, Kaitlyn Westside Elementary School
Colbert, Adyson Westside Elementary School
McCoy, Sarah Windsor 5k Runners
Massey, Alexya Windsor 5k Runners
Graupmann, Alexa Smithfield Middle School
Pagan, Preslei Georgie Tyler Middle School
Baker, Jennifer Georgie Tyler Middle School
Couch, Hailey Georgie Tyler Middle School
Powell, Eden Georgie Tyler Middle School
McCool, Trinity Westside Elementary School
Martinez, Sarah Westside Elementary School
Luck, Hayley Windsor Elementary School
Ryan, Micaela Windsor 5k Runners
Frank, Aly Georgie Tyler Middle School
Tisdel, Elizabeth Smithfield Middle School
Rawles, Emily Georgie Tyler Middle School
Bowen, Haley Georgie Tyler Middle School
Cowling, Regan Georgie Tyler Middle School
Brown, Avery Westside Elementary School
Enderlin, Addison Westside Elementary School
Ritz, Skylar Windsor 5k Runners
Deans, Carly Windsor 5k Runners
Carter, Kaydence Georgie Tyler Middle School
Foster, Evelyn Georgie Tyler Middle School
Napier, Cassie Georgie Tyler Middle School
Pope, Rees Westside Elementary School
McMillian, Kayla Westside Elementary School
Stroud, Amber Georgie Tyler Middle School
Burrough, Brianna Windsor 5k Runners
Gibson, Danielle Windsor 5k Runners
Sanders, Neffera Smithfield Middle School
Laule, Lilly Georgie Tyler Middle School
Mcdade, Brianna Georgie Tyler Middle School
Hodges, Alexandra Georgie Tyler Middle School
Chappell, Cheyanne Westside Elementary School
Frey, Keagan Westside Elementary School
Greene, Jamaya Windsor 5k Runners
Dale, Beth Windsor 5k Runners
Blythe, Lauren Georgie Tyler Middle School
Benton, Jamya Georgie Tyler Middle School
Davis, Madeleine Georgie Tyler Middle School
Rainey, Paige Westside Elementary School
Pierce, Dynasti Westside Elementary School
Aiken, Cassie Georgie Tyler Middle School
Kiser, Ashtyn Windsor 5k Runners
Powell, Donetta Smithfield Middle School
Burchfield, Taylor Georgie Tyler Middle School
Brinkley, Jenna Georgie Tyler Middle School
Williams, Kimberly Georgie Tyler Middle School
Edwards, Ariyana Westside Elementary School
Gilliam, Reese Westside Elementary School
Bullis, Cecilia Georgie Tyler Middle School
Jones, Cortney Windsor 5k Runners
Deily, Abbey Georgie Tyler Middle School
Joyner, Chevelle Georgie Tyler Middle School
Kea-Towns, Keaera Georgie Tyler Middle School
Sequoyah, Grace Westside Elementary School
Rose, Hannah Westside Elementary School
Pagan, Cameron Windsor 5k Runners
Wheeler, Lelani Smithfield Middle School
Rose, Bobbie Georgie Tyler Middle School
Lytlle, Summer Georgie Tyler Middle School
St. George, Kimberly Georgie Tyler Middle School
Fann, Yasmeen Westside Elementary School
Hailey, Skylar Westside Elementary School
Holloway, Joydin Georgie Tyler Middle School
Weisenburger, Marie Windsor 5k Runners
Bland, Kaylee Georgie Tyler Middle School
Edwards, Adisyn Georgie Tyler Middle School
Lee, Savannah Georgie Tyler Middle School
Berry, Madelyn Westside Elementary School
Smith, Olivia Westside Elementary School
Janas, Lana Windsor Elementary School
Holmes, Olivia Windsor 5k Runners
Bernick, Amy Smithfield Middle School
Rhodes, Kendell Georgie Tyler Middle School
Delacruz, Sophia Georgie Tyler Middle School
Turner, Savannah Georgie Tyler Middle School
Hall, Makayla Westside Elementary School
Hardman, Addison Westside Elementary School
Araneta, Aliahna-Ophelia Westside Elementary School
Eley, Mary Georgie Tyler Middle School
Moses, Alexis Windsor 5k Runners
Grabowiecki, Daniela Georgie Tyler Middle School
Riddick, Amaya Windsor 5k Runners
Browder, Amanda Smithfield Middle School
Etters, Alissa Georgie Tyler Middle School
Cooper, Paige Georgie Tyler Middle School
Armel, Alyssa Georgie Tyler Middle School
Martins, Allison Georgie Tyler Middle School
Thompson, Cheyenne Westside Elementary School
Johnes, Megan Westside Elementary School
Deziel, Kayleigh Windsor Elementary School
Rose, Barrett Windsor 5k Runners
Muir, Alex Smithfield Middle School
O'Brien, Abby Georgie Tyler Middle School
Blythe, LeAnne Georgie Tyler Middle School
Bak, Andrea Georgie Tyler Middle School
Humphrey, Kaci Westside Elementary School
Bennett, Graysen Westside Elementary School
Herrala, Charlene Windsor 5k Runners
West, Charlotte Georgie Tyler Middle School
brisson, kaleigh Windsor 5k Runners
Pevahouse, Isabella Georgie Tyler Middle School
Bowman, Kristen Windsor 5k Runners
Russel, Jocelyn Smithfield Middle School
Griffin, Chloe Georgie Tyler Middle School
Callis, Rebecca Georgie Tyler Middle School
Edwards, Chrissa Georgie Tyler Middle School
Snyder, Paige Georgie Tyler Middle School
Williams, Regan Westside Elementary School
Jones, Lydia Westside Elementary School
Cholewinski, Paizlie Windsor Elementary School
Jackson, Asia Windsor 5k Runners
Patrick, Sheyenne Georgie Tyler Middle School
Jones, Kyla Georgie Tyler Middle School
White, Kasie Georgie Tyler Middle School
Kramer, Olivia Westside Elementary School
Maye, Brianna Georgie Tyler Middle School
Fitchett, Amber Georgie Tyler Middle School
Worrell, Abigail Westside Elementary School
Cena, Caitlyn Westside Elementary School
Bailey, La'Brice Smithfield Middle School
Valadez Sanchez, Jessica Windsor 5k Runners
Ayres, Isabelle Georgie Tyler Middle School
Kroll, Danielle Windsor 5k Runners
Zephir, Maddie Georgie Tyler Middle School
Legum, Lauren Windsor 5k Runners
O'Rawe, Natalie Smithfield Middle School
Putman, Gabriella Georgie Tyler Middle School
Hazel, Ashleigh Georgie Tyler Middle School
Mozell, Azaria Georgie Tyler Middle School
Sawyer, Olivia Georgie Tyler Middle School
Mady, Amma Westside Elementary School
Lugo, Allison Westside Elementary School
Pierce, Hailey Windsor Elementary School
Pagan, Avery Windsor 5k Runners
Oliver, Dionna Georgie Tyler Middle School
Williams, Rylie Smithfield Middle School
Robinson, Destiny Georgie Tyler Middle School
McKellar, Madison Georgie Tyler Middle School
Bracy, Kaylee Georgie Tyler Middle School
Pringle, Susan Georgie Tyler Middle School
Bowden, Elliot Westside Elementary School
DiStefano, Kadence Westside Elementary School
Scott, Micalah Windsor 5k Runners
Virgili, Kaitlyn Windsor 5k Runners
Merritt, Chelsie Georgie Tyler Middle School
Maye, Abigail Georgie Tyler Middle School
Pearce, Cassidy Westside Elementary School
McLean, Makayla Westside Elementary School
Scott, Grayson Georgie Tyler Middle School
Brinkley, Claire Windsor 5k Runners
Burton, Shelby Georgie Tyler Middle School
Strasel, Christa Windsor 5k Runners
Williams, Donna Smithfield Middle School
Davis, Lilie Georgie Tyler Middle School
Legum, Laney Georgie Tyler Middle School
Conrad, Brittney Georgie Tyler Middle School
Brown, Maclaran Westside Elementary School
Fontana, Giada Westside Elementary School
Megginson, Alyssa Windsor 5k Runners
Carr, Tiffany Georgie Tyler Middle School
Bowen, Avery Georgie Tyler Middle School
Pichardo, D'zyr Georgie Tyler Middle School
Post, Ava Westside Elementary School
Otzelberger, Victoria Westside Elementary School
Seaborn, Myasia Georgie Tyler Middle School
Contee, Niahra Windsor 5k Runners
Drewry, Jami Windsor 5k Runners
Funn, Hannah Smithfield Middle School
Burch, Grace Georgie Tyler Middle School
Holland, Gracie Georgie Tyler Middle School
Tumminello, Laura Georgie Tyler Middle School
Dodson, Grace Westside Elementary School
Gallahorn, Katie Westside Elementary School
Elam, Zaniyah Windsor 5k Runners
Byers, Kyla 23:32.46 Smithfield Middle School
Beale, Amiah 27:53.84 Smithfield Middle School
McAlear, Sidney 31:21.39 Smithfield Middle School
Allen, Sadie 33:58.22 Smithfield Middle School
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