Meet Information
Meet is cancelled.
Saturday, December 7th
VMI Rust Buster Classic
Hosted by
Be part of history with the 1st ever High School Invitational at the new Corp Physical Training Facility at VMI. This is the best facility in Virginia and features a hydraulic 200 meter Track with an elevated 350m mezzanine.This meet will feature the largest Daktronics scoreboard in Virginia as well as LED scoreboards for the jumps and throws. EDM (Lasers) will be used for both shots.
Here is a great video of the equipment you will see at VMI:
Entries: Please email for the password to the meet. This meet has a maximum of 2,000 student-athletes, so space is limited.
****UPDATED DEADLINE****: The deadline for entries will be TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2019 at 10:00PM. Entries will only be accepted through A $100 late fee will be included for any entries not made by this time.
Entry Fee: Entry fee will be $15 dollars per athlete per event. $20 dollars per Relay. Entry fees will be charged based upon online entry at deadline, not upon participation. Example: Jane Smith enters the 55 dash, 500 dash and 300 dash. She will pay $45.
Payment: Team Checks must be received prior to the entry deadline.
Checks payable: please make out checks to SNAPTIMING
Mailing Address: Please send all payments to the following address:
P.O. Box 21763
4069 Postal Drive
Roanoke, VA 24018-9998
Admission: There will be a $7 Admission Fee for all spectators.
Sanctioning: This meet currently is sanctioned for participating Virginia High Schools (this includes Virginia Private Schools, but does not include home-schooled students). Schools registering must have at least one accompanying coach travel with your athletes. We will look into sanctioning for out-of-state schools in the future.
Entry Limit: Unlimited individual entries allowed per school until each event is full. Relays may have "A" and "B" only. Entry limits can be found below on the schedule. Please be considerate and use accurate seeding marks to improve overall meet quality. Meet Director reserves the right to make all final decisions on field sizes.
Performance list: Will be posted Tuesday, December 3rd. Results: Meet results will be posted online at
Scoring: The first six places will score. The standard point distribution of 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 in each event will count towards the overall team score
Seeding: All events will be timed finals and run from Slow to Fast. All Field Events will be seeded least to greatest in flights.
Field Event Qualification: The Top Eight Throwers and Long/Triple Jumpers will qualify for the finals.
Athlete Check-In: All field event athletes will be required to check-in at their event site 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start. All running event athletes must check-in at least 30 minutes prior to the start of their competition. Please listen to the announcements and be checked in by second call.
Implements: Implement weigh in at the site of competition. All implements must be checked in an hour before the event starts in order to be used. All implements must meet NFHS rules.
Facility Location: Corps Physical Training Facility. 329 N. Main St., Lexington, VA 24450. The facility houses a hydraulically banked 200-meter track oval. Eight 42 lanes on the infield straightaway and six 42 lanes on the curve. The facility has over 2200 permanent seats and additional balcony seating to accommodate 4000 people. The infield holds two horizontal jump and two pole vault runways. Two throwing circles are outside the oval. The 350 meter mezzanine above the facility that will host team camps and used for spectators for the shot put.
Permanent Takeoff boards: Long Jump 10 Womens Triple Jump 35 Mens Triple Jump 41. Tape will be used for all other boards and determined by meet entries. Runway Length: Long Jump 163 Womens Triple Jump 138 Mens Triple Jump 132 Pole Vault 135
High Jump: The five-alive format will be followed. Please consult the VHSL officials handbook for more information. Starting heights will be determined by meet entries.
Pole-Vault: There will be pole vault inspection 30 minutes prior to the start of the event. Any poles found to be illegal or not of the correct weight will be impounded-no exceptions. No tapping of athletes during warm-up. This will lead to immediate disqualification. Please consult VHSL rule book for further details. The five-alive format will be followed during competition.
Athletic Trainers: A Certified Athletic Trainer will be available for limited services.
Parking: Spectator parking will be available around post. Bus parking will be available at Tractor Supply and Lowes.
Athletes Drop-off and Pick-up: Buses may drop of athletes by turning onto Diamond St, from Main Street, buses will circle the Corps Physical Training Facility clockwise and drop off/pick-up athletes at the brick area. There will be no parking or standing of buses near the CPTF strictly enforced. Teams are encouraged to call their drivers only when the entire team is ready to load and depart.
Spikes: 1/4 pyramids are the only acceptable spikes. Spikes will be checked at the check-in site. Immediate disqualification if spikes are found to be longer than 1/4 inch. Coaches, please help your athletes with correct length.
Tape: Only athletic tape may be used as markers for the jumps. NO chalk or other type of tape allowed.
Concession Stand: There will be a full concession stand for all student-athletes, parents, coaches, spectators.
Coaches Hospitality: There will be a coaches hospitality lunch available. Please check your team packets for information. Please ask meet management for any food related questions.
Awards: Top 3 in individual events-First place relays-Team championship Trophy for boys and girls.
Hotel Information:
Summary for Rust Buster Classic room blocks at Holiday Inn
Express, Best Western Plus Hunt Ridge, Comfort Inn and Best Western Lexington
Holiday Inn Express blocking 65 rooms at $79.99 + tax per
Address: 880 N Lee Hwy, Lexington, VA 24450
Best Western Plus Hunt Ridge 65 rooms at $75.00 + tax per
Address: 25 Willow Springs Rd, Lexington, VA 24450
Comfort Inn Virginia Horse Center 70 rooms at $69.99 + tax
per room
Address: 62 Comfort Way, Lexington, VA 24450
Best Western Lexington Inn 72 rooms at $66.00 + tax per
Address: 850 N Lee Hwy, Lexington, VA 24450
Cut off dates for blocks at each hotel is November 20, 2019.
must ask for Rust Buster Classic when booking to obtain the correct rate.
Further Information: Contact: for any meet related questions.
Meet Schedule- Tentative- will update after entries close
Girls and Boys Long Jump-Triple Jump Immediately Follows-entry limits- girls-100/boys-100
Girls and Boys Pole Vault- entry limits- girls-60/boys-60-
Girls and Boys High Jump-entry limits- girls-60/boys-60
Running Events-Girls Followed by Boys
8:30AM-3200m Run-Slow Sections- entry limits- girls-50/boys-50
9:45AM-55 Meter Hurdles-girls on the track oval, boys inside the oval-entry limits-girls-100/boys-100
10:45AM-55 Meter Dash- girls on the track oval, boys inside the oval-entry limits-girls-125/boys-125
11:45AM-4x800 Relay-entry limits-girls-30/boys-30
12:45PM-4x200 Relay-entry limits-girls-30/boys-30
1:45PM-1600m Run-entry limits-girls-100/boys-100
3:00PM-500 Meter Run-entry limits-girls-100/boys-100
4:00PM-1000 Meter Run-entry limits-girls-100/boys-100
5:00PM-300 Meter Dash-entry limits-girls-100/boys-100
6:00PM-3200-Fast Section-up to top 25 boys and girls
6:30PM-4x400m Relay-entry limits-girls-60/boys-60