Meet Information
2019 6B Region Cross Country Tournament FormatDIRECTOR:Brian Parke Forest Park Contact Information: 703-583-3200parkebt@pwcs.eduASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Dakota BeachForest Park Contact Information: 703-589-3475beachds@pwcs.eduASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Ty Kosa Forest ParkContact Information: 703-583-3200KosaTA@pwcs.eduDATES & SITES:DateTimeEventLocationThursday, November 7, 2019
Time Schedule
1:30pm Girls Race
2:00pm Boys Race
2:45pm Awards
ChampionshipGreat Meadows *Rain Date: Friday, November 8, 2019 *The coaches meeting will be held at Great Meadows onThursday, November 7, 2019 at 12:45pm.ENTRIES:The top 3 teams from the Cardinal and Cedar Run Districts, Top team from the Commonwealth district plus the top fifteen individuals total (inclusiveof the teams qualifying) will qualify for the region championship. If commonwealth finishes 1 and 2 in District tournament, they will bring two teams. If not, Cardinal/Cedar run will send a team based on yearly district rotation. Only those team members entered on entry will be eligible for varsity regional tournament competition.ROSTERS: Each competing school must submit to the tournament director a roster with numbers by Friday, November 1, 2019.The entries must be submitted on by 11:59 pm Only 7 members from each qualifying regional team will be able to race with 3 alternates (10 entries total entered on milestat) as well as the Topoverall 15 qualifying runners fromeach the boys and girls district tournament race (grades 9-12) may run in the varsity region race. RULES: Submit all Varsity competitors on the entry system prior to deadline.COURSE PREVIEW:Course Preview Date November 7, 2019 11:00amDETERMINATION OF REGION CHAMPIONSThe tournament winner for the boys and girls race will be declared the Region Champion.AWARDS:Trophies will be awarded for first place (boys & girls). The top 3 finishers in each of the Varsity Championship races (boys & girls) shall earn team medals.GENERAL:RULES: Cross Country section of the National Federation Edition of the Track and Field & Cross Country RuleBook Scoring SCHOOL AND INDIVIDUAL QUALIFYING LIMITS: The Class 4, 5, and 6 Boys and Girls shall belimited to the top three (3) teams from each region and the top 5 individuals (not on a qualifying team) from each regional meet will advance to the VHSL State Cross Country Championships on November 16, 2019 at Great Meadow, The Plains, VA. State Director: Dave Davis, Colgan HS; davisdw53@gmail.comVHSL State Tournament Information Link: