Meet Information
All entries must be done through milesplit. I suggest reaching out to Nolan Jez if you need access to your team and need help. It would be a good idea to enter your rosters on your milesplit team page in advance of the meets. In general, entries close around 8pm the night before the meet. IF by some chance you need to withdraw from the meet after making entries, please do let know, and please do so before 9:45am on the day of the meet.
Please enter a mark for every entry, even it it's just a best guess. This will help make sure the athlete is in the most appropriate flight or heat. Also, please don't enter athletes in events they may not compete in. We are seeding in advance and we don't want athletes later in the day to be in heats with lots of empty lanes. This usually is a result of overly ambitious doubles and triples. Remember, this is a middle school meet.
I will post Heat sheets on this page in the meet info section the day of the meet.
3:25PM Field Events Start
4:00PM Running Events Start
Please enter a mark for every entry, even it it's just a best guess. This will help make sure the athlete is in the most appropriate flight or heat. Also, please don't enter athletes in events they may not compete in. We are seeding in advance and we don't want athletes later in the day to be in heats with lots of empty lanes. This usually is a result of overly ambitious doubles and triples. Remember, this is a middle school meet.
I will post Heat sheets on this page in the meet info section the day of the meet.
3:25PM Field Events Start
4:00PM Running Events Start