Meet Information
Results and Start List
The meet will begin at 4:00.
$50.00 entry fee. Please bring payment to the meet
Each team (athletes and coaches) will be screened (temperature checked, etc) when entering the track
Each team will have an assigned area where they must stay unless warming up or competing in an event or using the restroom
Each team will also have an assigned area for warming up
MASKS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES UNLESS WARMING UP OR COMPETING IN AN EVENT. Once your event is over your mask must be put back on. Failure to wear masks will result in disqualification from the meet and being asked to leave the track
Coaches will be required to help at the meet. I will send out work assignments no later than next Monday evening
Only athletes and coaches are permitted on the track. No parents or spectators are allowed on the track
Only athletes that are competing in an event are allowed in the area where that event is taking place. This means, for example, only athletes competing in the long jump will be allowed in the long jump area. If an athlete is not warming up or competing in an event they must stay in their assigned team area
Only coaches will move hurdles
After starting blocks are used in a heat they will be sprayed (disinfected) and will not be touched for two minutes. We will only be running three per heat in the sprint events
Each field event will be set up for social distancing with cones. Information will be sent out about how that will be done no later than Tuesday, the day before the meet
If there are too many athletes in a particular field event we will do them in flights
If an athlete is competing in more than one field event and they are going on at the same time, they must complete one field event before going to the other. No running back and forth from one field event to another
All entries must be done online. You cannot change your entries after the entry deadline
The only thing you can do the day of the meet is scratch someone. You cannot add anyone to an event
If you're not sure whether one of your athletes can be at the meet please go ahead and enter them into their events. You can scratch them at the meet if they can't be there