
Won by the girls from Bethel in a time of 1:47.8

Won by Reynaldo Radlin of North Stafford in 7.62

Olympic 400 meter gold medalist Lashawn Merritt was the 2004 MVP of the FUMA Invitational with victories in the 500 and 300, but a rare defeat to a teammate in the 55 meter dash. Fork Union Military Academy will be celebrating hosting its 20th annual indoor invitational this weekend. For two decades, the meet has been of the most competitive invitationals in the state of Virginia despite being on a 160 meter short track at the Estes Athletic Center. A countless number of state champions, All-Americans, national champions, and Olympians have competed at the FUMA Invitational and MileStat.com takes a stab at the 20 greatest moments in the meet's history.
An estimated time schedule as well as final instructions and information for coaches and teams for Saturday's 20th annual Fork Union Indoor Track Invitaitonal.
Performance list for the 20th annual Fork Union Invitational to be held Saturday, January 17th at the Estes Athletic Center in Fork Union, VA.