Meet Information
This meet is scheduled for Mathews, Northumberland, West Point, and Westmoreland. I will NOT accept additions at the meet or after registration closes -- just scratches, NO acceptions. We will be uploading times/marks using Charles City's HyTek system. Coaches, I will personally double check at the line for the names of those athletes who are running each relay. If athletes are not at the starting line when the starter is on the podium, they will be scratched. We are not waiting for anyone (including my own athletes).
Field events start at 4 pm PROMPTLY. Running events start at 5 pm (or a few minutes after field events conclude, whichever is the latter). If you are interested in running a weightman's relay, please send me a message at (804) 450-8111. This event will not be an entry on Milestat -- it is just for fun.
See y'all soon!