Meet Information
Freedom HS Outdoor Track and Field Meet/ Freedom HS Unified Track and Field Team Meet
FHS (SR) Cedar Run District Meet- HHS, URHS, BHS, JCHS
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Facility open- 12:30p
Coaches' Meeting- 1:45p at Start/Finish Line
Field events start at 2:00p
SP, LJ, TJ, DT: 4 attempts, no finals
Horizontal Jumps: 2-pits, Girls' Pit is closest to the turf field, Boys' Pit is closest to the Concession stand
Vertical Jumps: Girls High Jump followed by Boys High Jump; Pole Vault will not be contested at this meet
Throws: Girls Discus followed by Boys Discus; Boys Shot Put followed by Girls Shot Put
Rolling Schedule-Running events start at 2:00p; Girls followed by Boys
10 athletes/ running event; 8 athletes/ field event; 3 teams/relay
4x800m Relay (May combine based on number of entries)
3200m Run (May combine based on number of entries)
100/110m Hurdles
Unified 100m Dash
100m Dash
1600m Run
Unified 4x100m Relay
4x100m Relay
400m Run
300m Hurdles
800m Run
200m Dash
Senior Night Recognition
4x400m Relay
Coaches help:
- High Jump Official: HHS
- LJ/TJ Official: URHS
- Shot put/Discus Official: BHS
- Exchange Zone Official: JCHS