Cape Henry Collegiate Invitational 2022

Virginia Beach, VA

Meet Information

Dear Coach:

This years Cape Henry Collegiate School Invitational will be held on Monday, October 17, 2022 at Mt Trashmore in Virginia Beach, VA. We will run both the Boys & Girls Varsity Meets, in addition to a JV Meet this year.


Coed JV Meet will begin at approximately 3:30pm.

Girls Varsity will begin at 4:00pm. You can run 10, top 7 count, top 5 score.

Boys Varsity will begin at 4:30pm. You can run 10, top 7 count, top 5 score.

Please have coaches upload their entries to by October 13, 2022.

We look forward to seeing you on the 17th. If you have any additional questions, please call or e-mail.


Jeanne Short

Athletic Director

Cape Henry Collegiate

(757) 963-8267

Howie Hodapp, Kacie Voeller, & Steve Palmer

CHC Cross Country Coaches

Cape Henry Collegiate