STC MEET #2 2023

Richmond, VA


Licensed to St. Christopher's School  HY-TEK's Meet Manager 12/10/2022 06:09 PM
                       St. Christopher's Indoor Meet #1                        
                     St. Christopher's School  - 12/4/2021                     
Boys 55 Meter Dash JUNIOR VARSITY
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Iesa Abdul-Qudoos         10 Mills Godwin              6.91   4 
  2 Isaiah Brown              10 Mills Godwin              7.22   4 
  3 Aijalon Pride              9 Hermitage                 7.23   3 
  4 Noah Smith                 8 St. Chris Middle          7.34   4 
  5 Malachi Brown             12 Mills Godwin              7.46   4 
  6 Johnnie Jarman             9 Cosby                     7.48   3 
  7 Walter Brooks             10 Hermitage                 7.61   3 
  8 Grayson Nazworth          10 Mills Godwin             x7.68   4 
  9 Raymond Boone             10 St. Christophers          7.68   4 
 10 Ryan Scammell              9 St. Christophers          7.71   3 
 11 Henry Rice                10 St. Christophers          7.81   4 
 12 Luke Hudson                8 St. Chris Middle          7.92   2 
 13 Miles Shepperson           9 Hermitage                 7.99   2 
 14 Alexander Picardo          9 Saint John Paul           8.01   3 
 15 Mark Gatling              10 Cosby                     8.05   3 
 16 Chase Hochstein            9 Saint John Paul           8.16   2 
 16 Sutton Magness             9 St. Christophers         x8.16   3 
 18 Benjamin Mayer             8 St. Chris Middle          8.28   2 
 19 Jalen Jefferson           10 Cosby                     8.36   3 
 20 Aaron Brown                9 Saint John Paul           8.40   2 
 21 Brennan DiCosmo            7 St. Chris Middle         x8.50   1 
 22 Slade Kisner              10 St. Christophers         x8.51   2 
 23 Brooks Avant               9 St. Christophers         x8.55   2 
 24 Harrison Wood              9 St. Christophers         x9.08   2 
 25 Will Ackerly               8 St. Christophers         x9.24   4 
 26 Arjun Anand                7 St. Chris Middle        x10.84   1 
Boys 300 Meter Dash JUNIOR VARSITY
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Aijalon Pride              9 Hermitage                40.36   1 
  2 Will Ackerly               8 St. Christophers         40.40   3 
  3 Noah Smith                 8 St. Chris Middle         40.48   3 
  4 Ian Nicholas              10 Cosby                    42.39   2 
  5 Colin Weber                9 Mills Godwin             42.83   2 
  6 Raymond Boone             10 St. Christophers         43.22   3 
  7 Sal Allah                 10 Cosby                    43.53   3 
  8 Mark Gatling              10 Cosby                    44.29   2 
  9 Walter Brooks             10 Hermitage                46.07   2 
 10 Peyton Riggle             10 Cosby                   x46.28   2 
 11 Aaron Brown                9 Saint John Paul          48.22   2 
 12 Miles Shepperson           9 Hermitage                48.35   1 
 13 Chase Hochstein            9 Saint John Paul          49.03   1 
 14 Slade Kisner              10 St. Christophers         51.35   1 
 15 Matthew Harte Hackney      7 St. Chris Middle       1:03.02   1 
 16 Nicolas McDonnell          7 St. Chris Middle       1:09.67   1 
Boys 500 Meter Dash JUNIOR VARSITY
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Henry Nelson               8 St. Chris Middle       1:23.45   2 
  2 Peyton Riggle             10 Cosby                  1:23.98   2 
  3 Henry Russell              9 St. Christophers       1:26.01   2 
  4 Johnnie Jarman             9 Cosby                  1:26.26   1 
  5 Daniel Titus              10 Cosby                  1:36.58   2 
  6 Pierce Livingston          7 St. Chris Middle       1:38.92   1 
  7 Luke Martin                7 St. Chris Middle       1:46.03   1 
Boys 1000 Meter Run JUNIOR VARSITY
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Mitchell Gallagher         8 St. Chris Middle       3:08.24  
  2 John Joseph Janosek       10 Saint John Paul        3:13.81  
  3 Tyler Aronhalt             8 St. Chris Middle       3:20.19  
  4 Declan McDonnell          10 St. Christophers       3:21.69  
  5 Stanton Czajkowski         7 St. Chris Middle       3:31.28  
Boys 1600 Meter Run JUNIOR VARSITY
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Mitchell Gallagher         8 St. Chris Middle       5:18.27  
  2 Blake Ferguson            10 Cosby                  5:27.21  
  3 Jacob Thompson             9 Saint John Paul        5:32.54  
  4 Ethan Garcia               9 Saint John Paul        5:33.76  
  5 Tyler Aronhalt             8 St. Chris Middle       5:36.74  
  6 Bernard Granderson        10 Cosby                  5:38.40  
  7 Jacob Howell              10 Cosby                  5:42.19  
  8 Jackson Weber             12 Mills Godwin           5:56.79  
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay JUNIOR VARSITY
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Hermitage High School  'A'                          1:43.18  
  2 St. Christopher's School  'A'                       1:47.69  
  3 St. Christopher's Middle  'A'                       1:51.07  
  4 Saint John Paul the Great Cath  'A'                 1:58.44  
  5 St. Christopher's School  'B'                      x1:59.59  
  6 St. Christopher's Middle  'B'                      x2:36.50  
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay JUNIOR VARSITY
    School                                               Finals 
  1 St. Christopher's Middle  'A'                       4:30.64  
  2 St. Christopher's Middle  'B'                      x5:08.46  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Henry Rice                10 St. Christophers       5-02.00  
  2 Henry Nelson               8 St. Chris Middle       4-10.00  
  3 Coleman Mayer              8 St. Chris Middle       4-08.00  
  4 Sutton Magness             9 St. Christophers      J4-08.00  
  5 Carter Appelget            8 St. Chris Middle       4-06.00  
  6 Luke Hudson                8 St. Chris Middle      x4-04.00  
  7 Mitchell Gallagher         8 St. Chris Middle      x4-00.00  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Ryan Scammell              9 St. Christophers      16-08.00  
  2 Henry Rice                10 St. Christophers      16-04.00  
  3 Raymond Boone             10 St. Christophers      15-11.00  
  4 Christian Both             8 St. Christophers     x15-09.75  
  5 Ian Nicholas              10 Cosby                 15-03.00  
  6 Sal Allah                 10 Cosby                 13-08.50  
  7 Mason Joyce                7 St. Chris Middle      13-08.25  
  8 Chase Hochstein            9 Saint John Paul       13-04.00  
  9 Brennan DiCosmo            7 St. Chris Middle      12-08.00  
 10 Stanton Czajkowski         7 St. Chris Middle      11-09.00  
 11 Harrison Wood              9 St. Christophers     x10-09.50  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Justin Woods              11 Hermitage             32-09.50  
  2 John Kuykendall           10 St. Christophers      31-00.00  
  3 Shymiek Reid               9 Hermitage             29-00.50  
  4 Eli Rabke                  9 St. Christophers      24-10.50  
  5 Tyler Aronhalt             8 St. Chris Middle      23-02.00  
  6 Benjamin Mayer             8 St. Chris Middle      21-11.50  
  7 Everett Reeves             8 St. Chris Middle      15-04.50  
            Men - JUNIOR VARSITY - Team Rankings - 10 Events Scored
    1) St. Christopher's Middle    87        2) St. Christopher's School   77   
    3) Hermitage High School       42        4) Cosby High School          34   
    5) Saint John Paul the Great   22        5) Mills Godwin High School   22   
                Men - VARSITY - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
    1) St. Christopher's School   167        2) Cosby High School          90   
    3) Saint John Paul the Great   50        4) Mills Godwin High School   42   
    5) Hermitage High School       40        6) Flint Hill School          19   
    7) Benedictine College Prep     8