Alexandria City High School - Invite 1-14-2022 Meet 2023

Alexandria, VA

Meet Information


Field House opens at 6:30 a.m.


7:30 a.m.-NEW Boys and Girls Weight Throw (Boys & Girlstogether)

Girls - High Jump (all teams all Jumpers) - starting height4'2" (raise 2")

(After Girls-HJ) Boys -High Jump (all teams all Jumpers) -starting height 5'2" (raise 2")

7:30 a.m.Boys - LongJump (3-Scorers per team)

(After Boys-LJ) Girls - Long Jump (3-Scorers per team)

(After Girls-LJ) Boys - Triple Jump (3-Scorers per team)

(After Boys-TJ) Girls - Triple Jump (3-Scorers per team)

(After Girls-TJ) Open Pit - Long Jump (1 Hour Boys &Girls together)

(After Open -LJ) Open Pit - Triple Jump (1 Hour Boys &Girls together)

8:00 a.m. Girls - Pole Vault (Limit 5 vaulters perschool)-Opening Height 6'6"(raise 6")

(After Girls-PV) Boys - Pole Vault (Limit 5 vaulters perschool)-Opening Height 8'6"(raise 6")

8:30 a.m. Boys - Shot Put (3-Scorers per team separate bymeet)

(After Boys-SP) Girls - Shot Put (3-Scorers per teamseparate by meet)

(After Girls-SP) Open - Shot Put (1 Hour Boys & Girlstogether)

RUNNING EVENTS(Rolling Schedule)

7:20 a.m. Girls 3200m Relay (2 Teams)

Boys 3200m Relay (2 Teams)

Girls - 55 meter Hurdles (3 @ Quad-meet) scorers per school

***Boys - 55 meter Hurdles (3 @ Quad-meet) scorers perschool

***Girls - 55 meter Dash (3 @ Quad-meet) scorers per school

***Boys - 55 meter Dash (3 @ Quad-meet) scorers per school

***Girls 800m Relay (5 teams per school-1st team onlyscores)

Boys 800m Relay (5 teams per school-1st team only scores)

**Girls - 1600 meter Run (First 3 from each team score)

**Boys - 1600 meter Run (First 3 from each team score)

***Girls - 500 meter Dash (3 scorers per school & 5Non-scorers per school)

***Boys - 500 meter Dash (3 scorers per school & 5 Non-scorersper school)

**Girls - 1000 meter Run (3 scorers per school)

**Boys - 1000 meter Run (3 scorers per school)

***Girls - 300 meter Dash (3 scorers per school & 5Non-scorers per school)

***Boys - 300 meter Dash (3 scorers per school & 5Non-scorers per school)

**Girls - 3200 meter Run (First 3 from each team score) (1section only)

**Boys - 3200 meter Run (First 3 from each team score) (1section only)

Girls 1600m Relay (2 teams per school IF we start after12:45pm)

Boys 1600m Relay (2 teams per school IF we start after12:55pm)



**Distance Races: Only 3 athletes can run 2 open distanceraces.

The remainder ofyour distance runners can only run 1 open distance race.


*** -- The 55 meter Dash and 55 meter Hurdles will run JVfirst followed by Varsity (seeded) races. There is a Limit of 12 non-scorersper school in the 55 Dash (15 total). Athletes may use blocks in the 55 meterDash and 55 meter Hurdles.