Meet Information
Schools: Fluvanna, Hanover, Louisa
Date: 3-18-23 Time: 11:00 A.M. Field, 12:00 Run
Order of Events: B and G LJ, B and G PV, GHJ followed by BHJ, B Shot followed by G Shot, G Discus followed by B Discus, G and B TJ to follow Long Jumps.
Running Event Order:
4 x 800 G and B together
G 2 x 100 HH
B 2 x 110 HH
G 4 x 100
B 4 x 100
G SMR (200-200-400-800)
B SMR (200-200-400-800)
Co-Ed 4 x 200 (G-G-B-B)
G DMR (1200-400-800-1600)
B DMR (1200-400-800-1600)
G 4 x 400
B 4 x 400
G 4 x 100 (Weight Event Relay)
B 4 x 100 (Weight Event Relay)