Meet Information
2023 Ridgeview Relays
Ridgeview High School
Monday, May 8, 2023
Start Time: 3:30 PM
Coaches Meeting: 3:15 PM
Entry Deadline: Sunday, May 7th at 9:00 PM
Entries to be done on Milestat
Entry Fee: $120 per school or $60 for just a girls or boys team; Individuals $15 per athlete (less than 5 on a team)
Please pay the day of the meet
Make checks payable: Ridgeview High School
VHSL rules apply
Entry Limit: 3 per event per team
Top 3 individual and top 3 relays will receive medals; individual places 4-8 will receive ribbons (except relay teams)
Top two teams will receive plaques.
There will also be awards for top performers in running and also in field.
F. A. T. timing will be done by Network Timing, LLC
Concessions will be available.
We will have smoked pulled pork sandwiches and drinks for the coaches or general concessions, whichever you prefer.
Restrooms located at both field houses adjacent to the track.
Only 1/4" pyramid spikes allowed on the track surface.