Lee High School Meet #1 2024

Jonesville, VA
Hosted by Lee
Timing/Results Network Timing, LLC

Updated Girls 100m Dash Results

Network Timing LLC                                       DirectAthletics MeetPro
                           2024 Lee All-Comers Meet 1                           
                  Lee High School, Jonesville, VA - 3/20/2024                   

Women's 100 Meters
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 PARSONS, Savana      Lee                       13.34  NW    6  (1)  10 
   2 HAMMONDS, Cassidy    Lee                       13.35  NW    6  (2)   8 
   3 EDENS, Makayla       Lee                       13.88  NW    6  (3)   6 
   4 BUTINA, Baylee       Lee                       14.01  NW    6  (4)   5 
   5 MULLINS, Morgan      Ridgeview High Schoo      14.14  NW    1  (1)   4 
   6 OWENS, Emma          Harlan                    14.33  NW    6  (5)   3 
   7 DISHNER, Raelyn      Union High School         14.45  NW    5  (1)   2 
   8 LAWS, Alyssa         Lee                       14.61  NW    3  (1)   1 
   9 OSBORNE, Kendal      Rye Cove                  14.63  NW    2  (1)     
  10 GARRETT, Jaylin      Lee                       14.76  NW    5  (2)     
  11 BRITTON, Julia       Lee                       14.77  NW    4  (1)     
  12 HERRON, Eva          Rye Cove                  14.81  NW    6  (6)     
  13 VANHUSS, Isabella    Wise Central High Sc      14.87  NW    4  (2)     
  14 MCPHERSON, Hannah    Thomas Walker             14.93  NW    4  (3)     
  15 GOODMAN, Raegan      Harlan                    15.00  NW    1  (2)     
  16 WESTMORELAND, Madiso Union High School         15.30  NW    5  (3)     
  17 JOYNER, Abigail      Union High School         15.39  NW    5  (4)     
  18 ROGERS, Jalynn       Rye Cove                  15.42  NW    5  (5)     
  19 VARNEY, Kamryn       Wise Central High Sc      15.50  NW    1  (3)     
  20 BLEVINS, Kaylee      Rye Cove                  15.62  NW    4  (4)     
  21 SLOAN, Abigail       Rye Cove                  15.79  NW    5  (6)     
  22 INGLE, Carlee        John I. Burton            16.07  NW    3  (2)     
  23 FLANARY, Graci       Lee                       16.42  NW    4  (5)     
  24 WILLIAMS, Lakin      Lee                       16.55  NW    3  (3)     
  25 MULLINS, Ashlynn     Wise Central High Sc      16.99  NW    4  (6)     
  26 PARSONS, Kaylie      Lee                       17.07  NW    3  (4)     
  27 BATES, Emaline       Wise Central High Sc      17.25  NW    1  (4)     
  28 DAVIS, Chloe         Rye Cove                  17.38  NW    3  (5)     
  29 NEELY, La'Chinna     John I. Burton            17.58  NW    2  (2)     
  30 PENNINGTON, Megan    Lee                       18.58  NW    3  (6)     
  31 TO, Kathy            Wise Central High Sc      20.34  NW    2  (3)     
     ADAMS, Olivia        Wise Central High Sc        DNS        2          
     MCAMIS, Emma         Wise Central High Sc        DNS        2          

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Pts 
Section 1 of 6
   1 MULLINS, Morgan      Ridgeview High Schoo      14.14  NW    4 
   2 GOODMAN, Raegan      Harlan                    15.00  NW      
   3 VARNEY, Kamryn       Wise Central High Sc      15.50  NW      
   4 BATES, Emaline       Wise Central High Sc      17.25  NW      
Section 2 of 6
   1 OSBORNE, Kendal      Rye Cove                  14.63  NW      
   2 NEELY, La'Chinna     John I. Burton            17.58  NW      
   3 TO, Kathy            Wise Central High Sc      20.34  NW      
     ADAMS, Olivia        Wise Central High Sc        DNS          
     MCAMIS, Emma         Wise Central High Sc        DNS          
Section 3 of 6
   1 LAWS, Alyssa         Lee                       14.61  NW    1 
   2 INGLE, Carlee        John I. Burton            16.07  NW      
   3 WILLIAMS, Lakin      Lee                       16.55  NW      
   4 PARSONS, Kaylie      Lee                       17.07  NW      
   5 DAVIS, Chloe         Rye Cove                  17.38  NW      
   6 PENNINGTON, Megan    Lee                       18.58  NW      
Section 4 of 6
   1 BRITTON, Julia       Lee                       14.77  NW      
   2 VANHUSS, Isabella    Wise Central High Sc      14.87  NW      
   3 MCPHERSON, Hannah    Thomas Walker             14.93  NW      
   4 BLEVINS, Kaylee      Rye Cove                  15.62  NW      
   5 FLANARY, Graci       Lee                       16.42  NW      
   6 MULLINS, Ashlynn     Wise Central High Sc      16.99  NW      
Section 5 of 6
   1 DISHNER, Raelyn      Union High School         14.45  NW    2 
   2 GARRETT, Jaylin      Lee                       14.76  NW      
   3 WESTMORELAND, Madiso Union High School         15.30  NW      
   4 JOYNER, Abigail      Union High School         15.39  NW      
   5 ROGERS, Jalynn       Rye Cove                  15.42  NW      
   6 SLOAN, Abigail       Rye Cove                  15.79  NW      
Section 6 of 6
   1 PARSONS, Savana      Lee                       13.34  NW   10 
   2 HAMMONDS, Cassidy    Lee                       13.35  NW    8 
   3 EDENS, Makayla       Lee                       13.88  NW    6 
   4 BUTINA, Baylee       Lee                       14.01  NW    5 
   5 OWENS, Emma          Harlan                    14.33  NW    3 
   6 HERRON, Eva          Rye Cove                  14.81  NW      

Boys Scores                                                                     
  Pl Team                      Score 
   1 Union High School           151 
   2 Lee                          86 
   3 Ridgeview High Schoo         84 
   4 John I. Burton               76 
   5 Harlan                     57.5 
   6 Rye Cove                   42.5 
   7 Wise Central High Sc         31 
   8 Thomas Walker                11 
Girls Scores                                                                    
  Pl Team                      Score 
   1 Lee                       138.5 
   2 Rye Cove                  109.5 
   3 Union High School            85 
   4 Ridgeview High Schoo         55 
   5 Thomas Walker                46 
   6 John I. Burton               45 
   7 Wise Central High Sc         26 
   8 Harlan                       21