Warhawk Polar Bear Meet 2024

Vienna, VA
Hosted by James Madison
Timing/Results PMV Timing

Meet Information

Entry fee is $100 or you can run a field event to waive the meet fee.  Expectation is to have a knowledgeable coach or official to run the event and have kids/parents to help pull tape/put up bar at the event.   We have High Jump covered already, first come first served on the other field events!   Needs are 

1) Girls Long and Triple Jump -

2)  Boys Long and Triple Jump  - 

3) Girls and Boys Shot Put  covered by Lake Braddock

High Jump and  Pole Vault   covered by Madison 

So basically cover two genders of one field event or two horizontal jumps for the same gender to get the entry fee waived.  

Field events: Opening heights: BHJ: 4'10"; GHJ: 3'10"   Pole Vault G 5'6"  B 7'0"

Flight order will be High seed to low seed. Three attempts no finals in the LJ, TJ, and SP.

Track events: Slow to fast-seeded sections.

Results: Results will be live on Milestat.com.

Concessions: Limited items, but plan to have drinks and some other items available.

Field Events (no run-backs on jump/pv runways)

10:30 a.m. 

Girls Long Jump 

if help is given then Boys long Jump also starts at 10:30am  on other runway if not then it will begin 15 minutes following the conclusion of girls LJ)

Triple jump will begin after Long jump is finished (if we get help, then girls TJ will start 15 after LJ is completed)

Boys HJ   (Girls 15 minutes after boys)

Girls Shot Put  (Boys Shot Put will begin 15 minutes following the conclusion of the Girls)

Boys High Jump (Girls High Jump will begin 15 minutes following the conclusion of Boys)

Girls Pole Vault (Boys PV will begin as soon as Girls reach 6'6" unless we have more than 12 girls entered and then boys will start after girls if that is the case )

Track Events

Rolling Time Schedule, Girls race first in each event followed by Boys. 

11:30 a.m. 3200 Meter Relay (4X800)

55 Meter Hurdles

55  Meter Dash 

800 Meter Meter relay (4X200)

1600 Meter Run

500 Meter Dash

1000 Meter Run

300 Meter Dash

3200 Meter Run

1600 Meter Relay (4X400)