Dulles District Championship 2024

Sterling, VA
Hosted by Dominion
Timing/Results BS Timing

Meet Information

Wednesday, May 15th

Schools arrive on campus:              1:45-2:00pm

Packet Pickup:                                  2:00pm

Coaches Meeting:                            2:30 pm

Weigh-ins:                                        2-2:45pm (shed)

 Field events and 4x800m Relay:                                     3:00 pm

All other Running events:                              4:30pm


 Darrell Wilson, Athletic Director Dominion HSDarrell.Wilson@lcps.org

  Anne Gasser, Assistant Athletic Director Dominion HS. Anne.Gasser@lcps.org



Trophy:  boys/girls team champions for each district

Medals:  top eight finishers in individual events for each district

Medals:  top four teams in relay events for each district

Entry Guidelines:

Three per event. You may exceed the three-entry limit so long as ALL athletes entered meet the Dulles/Catoctin District standard in that event.

Top eight (8) individuals and top four (4) relays move on to region meet. 

Entry Form: 

All entry marks must be from the 2024 outdoor track season. 

Milestat entries:https://va.milesplit.com/meets/607347-dulles-district-championship-2024/info

Entries are due by 8pm on May 13th 

Remember to include names of potential alternate relay runners who are not participating in an individual event. If they aren't participating in an individual event and are not listed as an alternate, they cannot run.

Milestat entries are FINAL and meet the THREE RUNNING EVENT Rule.  Relay Team Members are NOT final until the relay card is turned into the clerk. 

Supplemental Entries:

If you have more than three entries in an event because they ALL met the qualification ALL entries must meet the supplemental entry standard and will be verified in milestat.  Enter all entries, including the supplemental entries in milestat and BS Timing will verify them for accuracy.


Entry Verification Deadline: Monday, May 13, by 8:00 pm to brian.schmidt@lcps.org

Any scratches from track events after the entry verification deadline will disqualify that athlete from that event. Reminder any athlete scratched from an event ex.100m may not be added to a relay unless already declared for that relay. 


Meet officials must weigh & verify event implements.

Implement Verification/weigh-ins: Shed area 2:00-2:45 pm


As per state limitations athletes can enter up to 3 track events and unlimited field events.  If one of the athlete's running events is the 3200, they can only enter a total of 2 track events.

All track races will be finals

Three jumps and three throws per athlete, with the top nine moving to the finals for three more attempts


8-lane rubber track, runways, high jump area 

Only or - inch pyramid spikes are permitted 

Concrete throwing circles 

All teams should dress at home 

Restrooms in concession building 

Entry gates to the infield and track are located at the ends of the track only.

TEAM SITES:  Teams may set up "team camps" on the visitor bleacher side of the stadium, the last two bleacher sections on the home side to the left (scoreboard end) of the press box, or the grass areas around the scoreboard.  Any large team areas set up elsewhere will be asked to relocate.  Tents may be used at the top of the bleacher area or in the grass area as long as wind is not a concern.  Event staff will advise teams if tents must be taken down due to inclement weather or obstruction issues.

Admission Fee:

Dulles/Catoctin District guidelines: $7.00 for all spectators per day. Search Dominion HS on Hometown Ticketing

Athletes must be dressed in their school uniform to be admitted free.

T-shirts/Concessions:T-shirts and concessions will be available.

Coaches Meeting:

Scratches only. 

A field competitor may scratch without penalty. 

A track competitor scratching from one event may still run other events.

Region Meet:  - Rock Ridge HS; Wednesday, May 22 3:00pm (track opens at 2:00pm) 

Miscellaneous Reminders:

Field Events: Participants must report to the event area by second call.  Absence for the third call will result in a scratch for the event.

Scratches only after the verification deadline.

Track Events: Participants must report to the bullpen by second call.  Absence for the third call will result in a scratch for the event.

Only athletes in the bullpen are permitted on the infield.  All other athletes and spectators must remain outside of the fence around track area. Coaches only are permitted on the infield at any time!

Entry to the infield is through unlocked gates only, located at the ends of the track.  If a gate is locked, you must go to an open gate.  ABSOLUTELY NO JUMPING FENCES TO ENTER THE INFIELD.

Shot put and discus implements will be verified from 2:00 - 2:45 pm.

Three trial attempts for all field events.  The top nine will advance to the finals.  Finalists receive three additional attempts.

Field Events: Flight Format will be used for throws and jumps

High Jump - starting heights: TBA by games committee

Uniform Rule: Meet management will follow the uniform rule as stated in the NFHS Track & Field Rule Book.  It is the responsibility of the athletes and coaches to follow the uniform rule. 

Pole Vault: Per LCPS and District guidelines will not be contested.

Entry Information:

All track times should be entered as FAT.  If time is hand-timed ROUND UP to next .1  and then ADD.24 (11.6 hand-timed = 11.84 FAT)

All field event performance should be entered in feet and inches

Schedule of Events 

2pm Facility Opens/Track Opens for Warmups

2:30pm Coaches Meeting at the Finish Line

Field Events: Rolling Schedule based on the following plan.


High Jump:  Girls Catoctin, Girls Dulles, Boys Catoctin, Boys Dulles

Pit 1:  Boys Long Jump (Catoctin then Dulles); Boys Triple Jump (Catoctin then Dulles)

Pit 2:  Girls Long Jump (Dulles then Catoctin); Girls Triple Jump (Dulles then Catoctin)

Shot: Boys Catoctin, Boys Dulles, Girls Catoctin, Girls Dulles

Discus:  Girls Dulles, Girls Catoctin, Boys Dulles, Boys Catoctin

Running Events:

All running events will be competed in the following order:  Girls Catoctin, Girls Dulles, Boys Catoctin, Boys Dulles.

4x800m Relay will be competed at 3:00pm, before taking a competition break to allow for Field Events to progress. 

Rolling Schedule begins after the Women's 100m Hurdles, until the conclusion of the meet




Field Events Begin


4X800 Relay  followed by competition break on the track


100m/110m Hurdles


100m Dash


1600m Run


4x100m Relay


400m Dash


300m Hurdles


800m Run


200m Dash


3200m Run


4x400m Relay


Meet Concludes; Team Trophies Awarded