
Friday evening's Mid Area Track Classic held at Liberty University's Tolsma Track Center in Lynchburg saw a US #3 time in the boys' 3200 meter run, a state leading 4x800 performance, and the Blacksburg distance runners continuing to roll through the indoor season.
It should be a very light weekend of meets as no major high school indoor invitationals have been scheduled for Saturday in any of Virginia's top indoor track & field facilities. The closest thing to a major meet this weekend will be Friday with the Mid Area Track Classic in Lynchburg with approximiately 40 schools entered in the one day meet. St. Christopher's School almost weekly hosts a mini invitational each week including around 6 schools and this Saturday's meet will be one of its most competitive among the meet series featuring some of the top schools in the Central Region with Deep Run, Lee-Davis, Manchester, and Midlothian competing. Other teams are filling the void of a lack of indoor meets this meet by taking it outdoors with polar bear meets being held at Douglas Freeman and Osbourn Park on Saturday.
Performance list for the Mid Area Track Classic to be held Friday, January 22nd at the Tolsma Track Center in Lynchburg, Va.