Chatham XC Meet 2024

Chatham, VA
Timing/Results Run Roanoke

Meet Information

Location: Vanderhyde Property - 785 Mitchell Road, Chatham
Parking: Please have all spectators park at Marion Baptist Church located at 2669 Marion Road, Chatham. A shuttle will provide transportation to the course, less than a mile away. Please arrive early to allow ample time for this transportation.
* Buses can drop off teams at the course and then park at Marion Church

There will be portajohns on sight, but NO changing stations available.
Team tents can be set up at top of field & in front of house.

Timing will be provided by RunRoanoke

Middle School Course is 2 miles
High School Course is a 5K

Description: The 5K is a 3 loop course and the 3K a 2 loop course with 1mi and 2mi markers both located slightly below the red shed. Finish Line is located beside the red shed. The loops are color coded, both on the map and on the course - First Mile is Green, Second Mile is Yellow and Third Mile is Red. The course is NOT flat. It is a traditional, old style cross country course with field and wooded trails, down & uphills with an extra wide pathway to allow ample room for passing. There are 2 short sections run alongside the road - for their safety, please have your athletes stay in the grass and not on the road.

If you have questions, please feel free to text or email
Coach Boon at 434.548.6279