1, "Larkin","Liam","Our Lady of Lourdes School", 11:31
2, "Young","Hudson","Our Lady of Lourdes School", 12:15
3, "Washington","Commodore","Our Lady of Lourdes School", 12:16
4, "Wallace","James","St. Bridget's School", 12:16
5, "Rogers","Nico","St. Bridget's School", 12:23
6, "Willoughby","James","St. Bridget's School", 12:44
7, "Lawson","Chase","Our Lady of Lourdes School", 13:14
8, "Caulder","Thomas","Saint Mary's Catholic School", 13:57
9, "Pudner","Aidan","Our Lady of Lourdes School", 13:58
10,"Russo","Michael","St. Bridget's School", 14:50
11,"Puccinelli","Matthew","St. Bridget's School", 15:54
12,"Obusan","Andy","Saint Mary's Catholic School", 16:23
13,"Hartgrove","Liam","Saint Mary's Catholic School", 16:29
14,"Caulder","Andrew","Saint Mary's Catholic School", 16:57
15,"Brosnihan","PJ","Our Lady of Lourdes School", 17:27