Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Coaches Meeting 3:10pm

Field Events will start at 3:30pm

Running Events will start at 5:00pm

All athletes must be between 8th and 12th grade. 

1 relay entry per team, you must enter 4 names but can enter up to 8 for a relay,  If any changes are made to relay legs or order you must submit a piece of paper with the school name, gender, relay, and the correct names in the correct order.  Otherwise, timer will assume the entry is correct.

3 entries per individual event. If a team has more than 3 that have hit the d2 VISAA qualifying standard for that event, they can email the names of those athletes to and they will be allowed to compete.  Only 3 per school will score.

We will start with Boys Discus, Girls Shot, Girls High Jump, Boys Long Jump.

Opening height in the pole vault will be 6' for the girls and 9' for the boys.

Opening height in the HJ will be 3'10" for girls and 4'10" for boys

Most likely, 6 places will score in individual events(10-8-6-4-2-1), 5 will score in relays(10-8-6-4-2). This is based on the number of teams that enter and is assumed at 6 teams, so it could change and the boys and girls could be different.  For instance if there are 5 teams it is 8-6-4-2-1 and 8-6-4-2.